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Outcome measures in randomized controlled trials of inhaled asthma medications: how often they are being put in practice.
Outcome measures in randomized controlled trials of inhaled asthma medications: how often they are being put in practice Authors: Melo AR, Pinto C, Alves FC, Pereira JP, Garcia M, Gouveia P, Pinto RJ, Cavaco TC, Valente TAuthor’scontact: intromed1011turma12@gmail.comAdviser: Professor Tiago Jacinto Introdução à Medicina Turma 12
Introduction Turma 12
There is still no clear definition of asthma control: the criteria used in its evaluation varies from study to study (Reddel H et al. American Thoracic Society Documents 2008) American Thoracic Society – 2006 • List of outcome measures: • Baseline • During the study Turma 12
Both on baseline characteristics and on the assessment of the treatment effect on current clinical control: • Symptom free days • Relievers use • Composite scores (He Q. Ofqual 2009) • Quality of life (LJ Bilingham et al, Health Technology Assessment 1999) • Baseline characteristics: • Pre-BD Fev 1 (Spirometry for health care providers) • Pos-BD Fev 1 (Spirometry for health care providers) • Assessment of the treatment effect on current clinical control: • Exacerbation within last 1-4 weeks Turma 12
Research question Turma 12
MAIN RESEARCH QUESTION - Are randomized controlled trials that assess inhaled asthma therapy drugs using the minimum outcome measures recommended by the American Thoracic Society both on baseline and during the trial? • Is there any relation between pharmaceutical industry sponsorship and outcome measures taken? Turma 12
Aims Turma 12
Determine if RCTs are using the minimum set of outcome measures recommended. • Analyze which measures are used the most. • Understand the evolution of measures taken: • Through time; • Before and after the ATS’s guideline (2006). • Determine if there is a relation between pharmaceutical industry sponsorship and outcome measures taken. Turma 12
MethodsandParticipants Turma 12
Data collection • "Asthma” - clinicaltrials.gov database • Interventional studies phase III • Closed studies with results • 12 years and older participants • 61 articles • "Asthma” - clinicaltrialsregister.eu database • Interventional studies phase III • Completed studies • 12 years and older participants • 81 articles • Total of 142 articles found Turma 12
Eligibility criteria: • Randomized controlled trial phase III; • Asthma; • English language; • Pos 1980 (included); • 12 years and older; • Medication: beta-2-agonists and inhaled corticosteroids. Turma 12
Flowchart n=81 n=61 Turma 12
Inclusions • 17 trials included • 5 from clinicaltrials.gov • 12 from clinicaltrialsregister.eu Turma 12
Variables to exam • Measures taken • Sponsoring by pharmaceutical industry Turma 12
Results Turma 12
-Number of Recommended Outcome Measures used by each article according to time and database it was searched The line represent the Cut-off n =17 American Database European Database Turma 12
-Recommended Outcome Measures’ Frequency in articles included n=11 Turma 12
Pharmaceutical Industry Sponsorship • There is not enough data to analyse the influence of pharmaceutical industry. • Only 2 in 17 articles were not sponsored Turma 12
Statistical Analysis • Variable examined: number of recommended outcome measures used • T-test to compare databases • p= 0,002 (µ=5 , µ=2) • T-test to compare before/after 2007 • p= 0,018 (µ=5 , µ=2) Turma 12
Discussion and Conclusion Turma 12
Discussion and Conclusion • There is no evidence that the number of recommended outcome measures taken by articles has increased after 2007. • It seems that the ATS guideline is not being followed • No conclusions concerning the influence of pharmaceutical industry sponsoring Turma 12
References Turma 12
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