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Explore the influence of immigration and rapid urbanization in America from 1870-1920. Learn about old and new immigrant groups, major legislation, opposition, reasons for immigration, Ellis Island, challenges faced in cities, and key figures like Jane Addams and Frederick Law Olmsted.
Goal 5 Becoming an Industrial Society
Goal 5.01 • Evaluate the influence of immigration and the rapid industrialization of urban life
Old Immigrants Before 1890 most immigrants came from western and northern Europe Immigrants from Britain, Germany, Ireland and Scandinavia Culture similar to that of Americans New Immigrants After 1890 they came from southern and eastern Europe Immigrants came from Asia, Russia, Italy and Japan, the West Indies and Mexico Their language and culture (especially religion) were different Rise of Immigration1870-1920
First Major Immigration Legislation in US History • Chinese Exclusion Act – 1882 • Prohibited further immigration by Chinese laborers (excluded some professionals)
Tape v Hurley – Segregated schools – separate but equal • US v Wong Kim Ark – born on US soil to Chinese immigrants and denied re-entry to US, is he a citizen? – YES!
Gentleman’s Agreement • US and Japan • Teddy Roosevelt agreed to get Cali schools to stop discrimination (segregation) • Japan agreed to secretly limit immigration of Japanese workers to US
Opposition to Immigration • Labor unions • Nativist societies • Social Darwinists
Why come to US? ▫Overpopulation in Europe ▫Competition w/ American ag. & industry (unemployment) ▫Prosperity ▫No military conscription ▫Religious persecution (Russian pogroms) •Americans enticed immigrants in Europe •Schools to preserve traditional cultures
Ellis Island, New York • The Golden Door • Decide of Immigrants would be allowed in the United States. • Immigrants must pass a physical examination and meet legal requirements like no felonies
“Birds of Passage” ~25% of immigrants
Melting Pot Cultural Pluralism Hindu Temple and Cultural Center Melting Pot vs. Cultural Pluralism
Urbanization • Most immigrants moved to cities to find work and now cities faced many new challenges. • Urbanization-Growth of cities
Housing-Tenements • Immigrants took over working class families houses • Usually 2 to 3 families lived in a one family residence • Jacob Riis pointed out the many problems with these tenements
Transportation • Mass Transit • Street Cars introduced in San Francisco in 1873 • Electric Subways introduced in Boston in 1897
Sanitation • Horse manure piled up on streets and sewage flowed through open gutters • People dumped their garbage on streets • Very difficult to provide hygienic living in cities
Settlement Houses • Jane Addams • Founder of the Settlement House movement with Hull House in Chicago (1889) • Provided a place for immigrants to be educated
Hull House • At its height, Hull House was visited each week by around two thousand people. Its facilities included a night school for adults; kindergarten classes; clubs for older children; a public kitchen; an art gallery; a coffeehouse; a gymnasium; a girls club; a swimming pool; a book bindery; a music school; a drama group; a library; and labor-related divisions.
Frederick Olmsted • Spearheaded the movement for planned urban parks • Designed Central Park and Prospect Park in New York City