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Add/Subtract with Scientific Notation

Essential Question : When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean?. Add/Subtract with Scientific Notation.

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Add/Subtract with Scientific Notation

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  1. Essential Question: When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean? • Add/Subtract with Scientific Notation

  2. Essential Question: When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean? Quick Review

  3. Essential Question: When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean? Steps for Multiplying Scientific Notation Step 1 – Multiply the NON-10’s first. Step 2 - Multiply the 10’s by adding the exponents. BIG IF – If the NON-10’s answer isn’t between 1 and 10, then change it to scientific notation and RE-ADD the exponents again.

  4. Essential Question: When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean? Steps for Dividing Scientific Notation Step 1 – Divide the NON-10’s first. Top/Bottom Step 2 - Subtract the 10’s exponents. Top - Bottom BIG IF – If the NON-10’s answer isn’t between 1 and 10, then change it to scientific notation and ADD the exponents again.

  5. Essential Question: When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean? REVIEW Problems A) (1 x 104) (9 x 103) B) (4 x 104) (11 x 102)

  6. Essential Question: When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean? REVIEW Problems • C) (12 x 1011) • (3 x 104) • D) (1 x 10-2) • (5 x 107)

  7. Essential Question: When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean? Steps for Adding/SubtractingScientific Notation Step 1 – Convert from Scientific Notation to standard form. Step 2 – Do the problem like normal.

  8. Essential Question: When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean? Examples • (2 x 106) + 14,000,000 = • (1.5 x 104) – 9,000 = • C) 230,000 + (1.3 x 103) =

  9. Essential Question: When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean? Commercial Break • Quote of the Day: • “The reason I don’t have any clean laundry is because someone told me I should live each day as if it was my last. I mean, come on… Who wants to wash clothes on the last day of their life?”

  10. Essential Question: When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean? Steps for Adding/SubtractingScientific Notation Step 1 – Convert from Scientific Notation to standard form. Step 2 – Do the problem like normal.

  11. Essential Question: When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean? iPAD EXIT TICKET (6 x 102) + 1,000 = 93,000 - (2.5 x 104) =

  12. Essential Question: When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean? THINK / PAIR / SHARE Watch my purposeful mistake… What did I do wrong? • Step 1 – Spend 20 seconds thinking silently about the Essential Question. • Step 2 – Spend 30 seconds pairing up with your learning partner. • Step 3 – Volunteer to share your answer with the class… Volunteers will receive a Goodybuck.

  13. Essential Question: When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean? GIST:Then write 3-4 sentences to answer the GIST Summary E.Q.

  14. Essential Question: When I multiplied 300 million times 700 million, the Google calculator said the answer was 2.1e17. What does that mean? Assignment –Shoot For The Stars 30 seconds • I got this! I know how to do this AND I could even teach it to somebody else. • I think I know this, but I need more practice. • I am clueless! I have no idea what to do.

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