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Of This Parish. Using manorial and parochial records to trace Ag Lab ancestors. The Manorial System. Manorial Records. Manorial Court Rolls Court Leet Court Baron Tenants and Rents Accounts Maps and Surveys. Court Leet, Conisbrough, Yorkshire, 1605.
Of This Parish Using manorial and parochial records to trace Ag Lab ancestors
Manorial Records • Manorial Court Rolls • Court Leet • Court Baron • Tenants and Rents • Accounts • Maps and Surveys
Court Leet, Conisbrough, Yorkshire, 1605 • Cuthbert Reyney 6d because he kept illicit sheep. • Person Leadbetter 12d because he did not constrain six pigs. • Widow Lewes 4d because she carried away a faggot of wood from the hedges. • Roger Belgh 2s 6d because he held illegal games in his house at night. • Thomas Whitehead de le Elme 12d because he held illegal games, namely globands. • Matthew Sampson 6s 8d because he made an affray and drew blood from John Barley. • John Hurst 3s 4d because he gave a box on the ear to Godfrey Roebuck, constable, in the execution of his office to keep the lord king's peace.
Manorial Records, Brinkworth, Wiltshire • 1573. John Hedgs & Isabell his wife late the wife of Walter Reade deceased doe hold by indenture dated the firste daye of June in the 15th yeare of the raigne of the late Queene Elizabeth ... one parcell of vacant or voyd grounde in Brinckworth afforesayde containing by estimation halfe an acre ... duringe theire naturall lyves & the life of either of them longest lyvinge ... covenante on the lessees parte to erecte a dwellinge housse ... before the feaste of St Michaell next. • 1616. Thomas Henley, Margery his wife, William his son dat 20th day of May Anno James 14. 99 yeares. All that cottage or tenement in Brinkworth late in the occupacon of John Hedges. • 1625. Thomas Henly aged 40 yeres holdeth a cottage or tenement for the tearme of 99 yeres if hee Margery his wief aged 42: or William his sonne aged 8 yeres shall soe longe live: Rent 2s.
Parochial records: Vestry Minutes • Church repairs • Poor relief • Charities • Schools
Lampeter Vestry Minutes, 19 July 1779 • At a Vestry held at the Parish Church of Lampeter and Adjourn'd to the House of William Davies this 19th Day of July 1779. • We the Parishioners then Present have agreed to levy Taxes for the Making and repairing of the Road that leads by Cwmjago at 3½d per Pound. • allow'd to the Widow of John Evan an Augmentation of 6d. per week commencing the 4th of July, 1779. • allow'd Two flannel Shirts forEvan the Ideot • Likewise allowd. to the Widow of James Rees Philip one Flannel Smock and one Pair of Shoes. • Likewise allow'd to Thomas David William two Shillings in order to go to the sea side for the sake of his bad state of Health. • Present: W. Williams, Clr, Oakley Leigh, James Morgan, David Davies, Chelton Leigh
Parochial records: Churchwardens • Church rate • Church upkeep • Church ceremony • Charities • Vermin
Churchwardens' Accounts, Wirksworth, Derbyshire, 1658-1727 • 1662. Recd of Hellen Higgett for ye Buriall of her daughter Boame Robbinson in ye Church … 3s 4d. • 1662. Pd Wm Dudson for himselfe & his sonne for poyntinge ye leads & church for 8 days. • 1664. Given to Will Huchinsons wife when she lay in childbed & was in great want … 1s. • 1667. Paid John Higgott for 38 hedghoggs … 6s 4d. • 1715. Paid wid. Yeomans for sweeping the Church Sundry times … 4s. • 1715. Paid John Wilde for carrying the great beams into the Church … 1s 6d. • 1725.Martha Timperley for cleansing the Leads & church yard from stones & Rubbish … 2s • 1725.Robert Blount for shoveling Snow from the Church Leads … 1s. • 1721. For Crying abt Town for people to keep up their swine to Wm Taylor… 6d. • 1721. Mr Yates for giveing People abt the Church Yard Notice to Remove their middens & stop their sinks … 2s 6d.
1694 Henry Udall paid 1dchurch rate 1695 Hen Udall paid 1½d church rate 1696 Ditto 1697 Henry Udall paid 2d church rate 1699 Henry Udall paid ½d church rate 1709 Ditto 1710 Paid for a Coate for Henry Udall 19s 1714 Henry Udall paid ¼d church rate 1715 Henry Udall a Coat £1 5s 1715 Paid Henry Udall for going to Buxton to Mr Haynes 2s 1721 Henry Udall a pair of shoes 3s 4d The rise & fall of Henry Udall - 1
The rise & fall of Henry Udall - 2 • 1721 Henry Udalle Cloath for a Coat & Capp with the makeing £1 11s 6d. • 1722 Henry Udall a new pair of shoes & a pair soleing 4s 2d. • 1722 Mr Stones Bill, & makeing Henry Udall's coat £1 11s. • 1722 Pd Henry Udall 5s • 1723 Pd for makeing Henry Udall's Coate 4s. • 1723 Pd for Henry Udall's Shues 3s 6d. • 1724 Henry Udall's Coat £1 4s 1½d • 1724 Pd for Henry Udalls shoows 3s 6d • 1724 Pd makeing H.Udalls Coat 4s • 1725 Henry Udal's Coat makeing 4s • 1725 Henry Udale a pair of shoes 3s 6d
Parochial records: Poor relief • Poor rate • Overseers’ accounts • Bastardy • Parish apprenticeships
Overseers of the Poor, Little Wittenham, Berkshire • 1719. Paid Elizabeth Webb for taking care of the woman found in the wood. 1s. • 1719. Paid Goody Strange to see whether Elizabeth Webb was with child. 2s 6d. • 1724. A bill to Mrs Moore Chrysurgeon nursing Goody Hills breast. £3 4s 6d • 1727. Paid the widow Norket. 11 weeks for the use of her bed. 11s. • 1732. Paid Ambrose Boler for making a boat for Eldridge's boy. 1s 6d • 1745. Paid for wine for Willis. 1s. • 1777. Pd Betty Wallis for nursing Dame Turrell for the smallpox. £1. • 1782. Pd Swain extra in Winter. 6s. • 1783. Pd Sarah Webb to have her child innoculated. 4s. • 1787. Shoes and breeches for Swain's children. 2s 6d Meanwhile in Thornbury ... • 1710. Pd. for a wooden legg for Wm. Gibbons, Oldbury. 2s.
Records of Bastardy • 1770. Cam, Gloucs. Bond of James Longdon of Wotton-under-Edge for payment of maintenance of a bastard child by Mary Cuff of Cam. • 1776. Kingston St Mary, Somerset. Order to constables to apprehend Malachi Male of South Petherton, father of bastard child of Mary Bishop of Kingston. • 1788. Marshfield, Gloucs. Detailed letter from Edward Scott in Marlborough (Wilts), telling of how he was arrested in London as the putative father of a bastard child, by the overseers of Overton (Wilts) and detailing the various failed attempts to be released on bond. • 1812. Olveston, Gloucs.Apprenticeship of William Bishop, bastard son of May, aged 11, to John Withers, cordwainer. • 1835. Salisbury, Wilts. St Thomas parish. Examination of Elizabeth Coombs, widow. 4 bastard children born 1828, 1830, 1832 & 1834. 3 born in St. Edmund parish, 4th at 4 Fishers Buildings, Palmers Village, parish of St Margaret, Westminster, London. Father Elijah Parsons, City, labourer.
Parochial records: Settlement • Settlement examinations • Settlement certificates • Removal orders
Settlement Examinations, Devon • 1779. North Molton. Jacob Langton, weaver, now resident in N Molton - born in Uffculme - age 20, he married on leaving home - later rented a house in Uffculme - has since purchased a house in N Molton on a lease for 3 lives (one life remaining) - is married to Grace and they have 3 children, James (13), Philip (5) and Elizabeth (9 months). • 1779. Winkleigh. Richard Taylor senior, woolcomber - served as apprentice with John Dunnam, sergemaker, of Holcombe Rogus for 9 years - at 19 years old, enlisted in the Marines - discharged in Plymouth in 1748 - married while in the Marines & has 6 sons, the youngest of whom is c.10 years old. • 1782. Winkleigh. John Saddler, a Private Man in the Oxfordshire Militia, now quartered in Exeter - his father was a Private in the Welch Fusiliers and on discharge was removed to Berks, where John was born [father was a shoemaker in Farringdon] - served various people in Farringdon [married Susanna Gould at Exeter St Thomas on 6 April].