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This workshop in Tartu, June 2005, focused on the coordination, milestones, communication, and reporting responsibilities of the IDARI project financed by FP5.
IDARI Workshop, Tartu, June 2005 NUI Galway Work Package 4 Administration Lorna Ryan The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5
WP4 : Coordination Responsibilities • Coordination of milestones • Communication and documentation • IDARI website • Reporting • Workshops • Working Paper series • Intermediation
WP4: Coordination of milestones and deliverables • Keeping deliverables under review • Outputs WP4 include: Reports to the EC • Periodic/Annual Reports • e-TIP (electronic-Technological Implementation Plan)
WP4: Periodic/Annual Report • 2 Annual Reports produced to date • 2004 Report accepted by the European Commission • Report covers details of activities over the reporting period (12 months) including details of project outputs and deliverables per Work Package. Statements as to the status of the Project schedule (ahead of, on and/or behind schedule) and the extent to which project objectives are secured are contained in this report. The Periodic Report identifies Future Actions and contains a section for EC action.
WP4: Periodic Report # 3 • Deliverables: All (bar one) secured as per the Project Schedule listed in the Supplementary Agreement No 1 to the IDARI Technical Annex. (The delayed deliverable was produced in Quarter 2 2005). The project is on schedule. • Action requested from the Commission: Due to unanticipated delays in the recruitment of IDARI research students by 6 months at the start of the Project, a request for an extension by a further 6 months at the end of the project was made. This has recently (May 10th) been agreed by the Commission. (Project end 30 June 2006)
WP4: Project Deliverables • Deliverables - the project has secured its deliverables according to plan. • The extension of the project from an end date of 31 December 2005 to the new end date of 30th June 2006 has resulted in the movement of deliverables.
Deliverables 2005 • D7.1-7.3 Group-specific reports on datasets. M30 June 2005 • D8.1 – D8.3 Group-specific report on the methodology of implementation of CEE surveys and case studies M36 December (M30)
Schedule 2005 • D9.1- D9.3 Group-specific reports on empirical work. M36 December (M30) 2006 • D10.1- D10.3 Group-specific reports on integrated results (options and policy recommendations). M39 March (M34) • D11.1D11.3 Group-specific reports on the progress of PhD theses. M42 June (M36)
Schedule 2006 • D12.1D12.3 Report on working papers, papers submitted to academic conferences and refereed journals. M42 June (M36) • D13.1D13.3 Group-specific reports on contributions to knowledge and dissemination products. M42 June (M36) • D14.1-14.3 Group specific reports on contribution to the formation of a research network M43 June (M36)
Reporting - WP4 Extension --> Additional Periodic Report due Periodic Report 2005 due M38 (Feb ’06) - same procedure as 2004 report Additional report January - June 2006 Final Report 2006 due M44 (August 2006) - same procedure as Periodic Reports E-Tip due August 2006
E-Tip • The E-Tip (Technological implementation Plan) is found on the CORDIS website www.cordis.lu The TIP is information that contactors are obliged to submit at the end of the project. Project Co-ordinators can submit the document on behalf of all partners or ‘they can simply start the -eTip and ask the individual partners to complete the information about their own results and exploitation plans.(Generally, seems to be completed by the Project co-ordinator, with one section completed by the project partners.)
E-Tip • The EC’s guidelines and data-sheets for the TIP aim to support the dissemination process and exploitation of research results (the guidelines detail the information required in each section)
E-TIP contents Section 1: Overview • Executive summary • Overview of results • Quantified data on the project • Assessment of the European interests • Expected project impact (e.g. on QoL) Section 2: Results Section 2: Dissemination plans per partner
IDARI Project Dissemination & Exploitation Plan Dissemination: divulging of knowledge (other than publication) from knowledge protection formalities with a view to promoting scientific and technical progress Deliverable: What is produced during the execution of the contract Exploitation: Use of available results…for creating and marketing a product or process or for creating and providing a service (Results - any know-how, methodology, network experience - 3 categories: externally internally usable and non-usable results) (from the TIP, version 3.3)
Dissemination Strategy • Report: Management tool aimed at informing the partners and the EC of the progress of the work and of the deliverables (TIP, version 3.3) • Proposed dissemination strategy circulated 15 May 2005 for consideration by each of the WP leaders. It aims to consider the tools and mechanisms/channels to be used, the target audience and identifies information required by IDARI researchers across Work Packages. • Note:key tool is the IDARI website - www.idari.ie
Exploitation Strategy • Deliverables =outputs, primarily in paper format. Exploitation = use of --> BY WHOM? Objectives of the project: - support policy making in CEEC through the development of alternative frameworks of analysis appropriate to the transitional context - strengthen research capacity among CEEC personnel in the investigation of rural development and - build a collaborative research capacity between EU and CEEC partners [in this field]
Policy Implications • Policy relevance • Communication, dissemination • Publications, working papers, conferences, workshops or policy fora Promoting use - Consideration of the policy relevance will go some way to ensuring that the results of the project are used. Also- communication of research results for use by the general public - c.f. Reds project (Rural Enterprise Development and Sustainability), UCC (www.ucd.ie/foodecon/FoodBusiness/Reds) The IDARI project is financed under the FP5 Quality of Life and Management of Living Resources, Key Action 5