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Call-to-action notifications provide deep insight to the customers to interact with the messages and notifications.ttttt
GrabUser Attention Types OfMobile Push Notifications
It would be best if you got yourmobile push notifications right. Those have to be very relevant, highly personalized, andtimely.
Geo-location based notifications Manymobileusersprefergeographical location-basedpushnotifications(34%), says Localytics, based on one of its studies. This is because users who are already outside might like to use your offerordiscountontheirway.
Informative notifications Deliver valuable, timely information to yourusersthroughthesetypesofmobile push notifications. Depending on your mobile app’s niche and your bond with individual users, you can send relevant information.
Call-to-action notifications Youruserswouldappreciatesomemotivationfrom yourend.Youcanencourageausertotakeaction. Depending on your app’s niche, the Call-To-Action (CTA)mayvary.WhenyourCTAisclear,itstendency to drive action increases and its likelihood of being swipedaway is reduced.
Alertnotifications Alert notifications are those notifications that alert users of when something that directly relatestotheuseroccurs.Users wouldappreciatesuchalertsas people love to know how peoplerespondtosocialmedia activitiesinstantly.
Transactional notifications Push notifications about the status of orders placed at e- commercestoresaddvalueto users. Users appreciate receiving such notifications andengagewiththeseasthey areeagertoknowtheirorders’ whereabouts.
Personalized notifications Personalization works wonders in mobile marketing. It willhelpifyouputsomeeffortintogettingtoknowyour user.Thiswilltellthemthatyoucareabouttheirbenefit. Studiesshowthatpersonalizingnotificationsrightlycan increaseopenratesby800%.
Back in stock notifications Ecommercestoreswouldbenefitfromnotifying userswhenaproductthey’vebeenfollowingis available once more in stock and when an upcoming product they’ve been seeking becomesavailable.
Notifications askingfor feedback orratings Oftenusersdon’tmindgivingtheirfeedbackorratingsforabrandorbusiness.However, theyneedsomepromptingfromyourendtopartwithitunlessthey’vehadanawful experience withyou.
Catch-up notifications Acatch-upnotificationisthenotificationssent to encourage users to re-engage with your brand or app. For instance, the message can be an appreciation of the user for performing certaintasksusingtheapp. Withthesenotifications,youcanremindusers tostayengagedafterthey’vemovedaway.
Recurrent push notifications are those notifications sentonadaily,weekly,monthly,oryearlybasis.Daily notificationsaresenteverydayatapresettime. Recurrentpush notifications
Notifications announcing changes Whenthereisanimportantchangebeingmadeto your products or services, app, or features, brands choose to send them via push notifications. These kinds of notifications attract the users as they are gladthattheyarenotified.
Funny notifications Funny notifications never fail to grab the user’s attention.Thisisbecausetheselightenthespirit and make the reader smile. Any brand could benefitfromsendingfunnymessagesonceina while.
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