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Disability Forensic Assessment Treatment Service

Australia. Huge Land mass

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Disability Forensic Assessment Treatment Service

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    1. Disability Forensic Assessment & Treatment Service Thanks Broad overview of Disability Act 2006 Thanks Broad overview of Disability Act 2006

    2. Australia Huge Land mass – almost as great as that of the continental USA, 32 times greater than that of the United Kingdom. Population – 21.5 Million. 8 States and Territories. Westminster System of Government – 3 levels - Commonwealth, State, Local. Victoria Second Smallest state (in mass). 227 600 km2 – (about the same area as England, Wales and Scotland), Population 5.3 million. About 36 per cent of Victoria is covered by forest.

    3. VICTORIA’S BUSHFIRES - Feb 09 210 Deaths Over 2000 homes destroyed 822 emergency presentations to Hospitals

    4. Department of Human Services. Disability Forensic Assessment & Treatment Service (DFATS) is a specialist service within Disability Services Division of DHS, Largest Victorian Government Department, Responsible for Health, Mental Health, Senior Victorians, Community Services, Housing and Disability, Funds organisations such as hospitals, aged care facilities, ambulance services, and community service agencies, Operates a range of residential & case management services for people with ID.

    5. DHS Registered Disability clients TOTAL = 41889 – which includes physical disability DHS Registered Disability FEMALE clients = 17023 Offenders in Victoria TOTAL = 4183 – includes Sentenced, Community Based Dispositions, Parole, Extended Supervision Orders Offenders in Victoria FEMALE = 257 Offenders with an ID TOTAL = 227 Offenders with an ID FEMALE = 13– none incarcerated at 03/02/09 DHS Registered Disability clients TOTAL = 41889 – which includes physical disability DHS Registered Disability FEMALE clients = 17023 Offenders in Victoria TOTAL = 4183 – includes Sentenced, Community Based Dispositions, Parole, Extended Supervision Orders Offenders in Victoria FEMALE = 257 Offenders with an ID TOTAL = 227 Offenders with an ID FEMALE = 13– none incarcerated at 03/02/09

    6. Disability Forensic Assessment & Treatment Service (DFATS) Established in 1987 in response to challenges facing the service system, Target group; people with an intellectual disability, involved in the criminal justice system have demonstrated dangerous, anti-social behaviour.

    7. DFATS Service Philosophy Offenders with an intellectually disability have the same right to treatment as their non-disabled counterparts, They have the ability to learn, understand & obtain internal control over their offending behaviours, Treatment is to assist the client to obtain the least restrictive lifestyle whilst reducing risk to the community, Consistent application of treatment across environments provides the best opportunity for ‘real’ change, Treatment & decision making by a multidisciplinary team ensures that a ‘whole of life approach’ is taken, Reducing the risk of reoffending is enhanced by increasing community & agency knowledge & awareness of this group.

    8. Explain Dual Disability ClinicianExplain Dual Disability Clinician

    9. A highly structured, supervised residential program, Currently four stages each involving different levels of security, supervision, treatment and community access (max.5 clients in each stage), A legislatively mandated entrance process to program, A legislatively mandated treatment planning process reviewed by the OSP & VCAT. Programs delivered by Program Support Team (clinical and case management) together with Residential Support Team.

    10. IRTP Eligibility Clients need be eligible for services under Disability Act (2006) – most are borderline to moderate ID. (Client’s need to demonstrate a capacity to comprehend Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) treatment concepts) 18 years or older They must be convicted of a serious offence as defined by the Sentencing Act 1991 which includes: Murder/ attempted murder / Manslaughter serious assault arson Serious sexual offences against adults or minors

    11. IRTP Eligibility Must be subject to one of the following orders; A Residential Treatment Order (Sentencing Act 1991) A Parole Order (Corrections Act 1991) A Custodial Supervision Order (Crimes Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried Act 1997) Prison transfer An Extended Supervision Order (Serious Sex Offenders Monitoring Act 2005)

    13. IRTP Program Numbers 16 Clients (Max 20 clients) Major Offence Types – Rape / sexual offences against children – n=14, abduction – n=1, Serious Assault – n=1. Criminal History – Manslaughter, Arson, Abduction, Aggravated Burglary with Offensive Weapon, Intentionally Cause Serious Injury, Recklessly Cause Serious Injury. Age Range – 21 - 53 Note some crossover of offence typesNote some crossover of offence types

    14. Community & Prison Programs Delivered by the Program Support Team (clinical and case management) for those residing in the community, in group homes, prison or youth justice services. It includes; direct specialist services including counselling and group work community-based groups and individual therapy sessions at DFATS premises and in the community prison based services at Port Phillip and Loddon Prisons specialised support services to young forensic disability clients in the Youth Custodial System Community Dual Disability Clinic providing services to people with an intellectual disability and mental illness. Many of the clients reside in the same units 24/7 within the residential program and conflict does arise Given issues with attachment also relationships often difficult to maintain Many of the clients reside in the same units 24/7 within the residential program and conflict does arise Given issues with attachment also relationships often difficult to maintain

    15. Community & Prison Programs Client Profile 32 Clients (Individual & Group) 39 Clients (DDC) (aspergers, paranoiac, suicide & self harm, depression, ADHD) 112 Registered Clients in Prison system. Male 110, Female 2, Remand 34, Sentenced 78,

    16. Corrections Victoria Disability Framework Establishment of a ‘pathway’ for ID offenders as they move through their imprisonment Consists of the Joint Treatment Program (JTP) in PPP & step down independent living units in Loddon Prison. JTP based upon a therapeutic community. Staff from CV, DFATS & PPP (GSL) provide a range of programs.

    17. Joint Treatment Program 33 Prisoners in unit Cognitive functioning- Borderline to moderate ID, Co morbidity - ID + mental health, ID + substance abuse, Age range - 21 to 60 years, Offence types – Drug related, Sexual offences, Violent offences, Property offences, Length of sentence – 12 months to 20 years.

    18. Joint Treatment Program Intervention Focus

    19. DFATS STAFFING 6 Psychologist 1 Social Worker 1 Dual Disability Clinician (DDSO 3a) 4 Psycho Educational Trainers 4 Case Management Team 3 VPS (Prison / YJ liaison) 60 DDSO (1-4) Residential Workers

    20. DFATS Staffing

    21. Difficulties & Dilemmas Consistent application of a treatment approach in the wider system. Public perception of intellectual disability. Limited life opportunities for the clients. Modification of current treatment approaches. Treatment versus security / risk. Working within a dramatically changing social service system. Resource allocation. Research comparisons & outcomes.

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