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By Morgan Kirby. Stop Cyber bullying. Cyber Stalking.
By Morgan Kirby Stop Cyber bullying
Cyber Stalking • People can see where you are if you leave your location settings on. They may click a link and a map will appear and show your exact location. It will show where the last message via text or instant messaging was sent or where you posted your last photo.
Harassment • Harassment Starts when someone offends you in a way that makes you upset. When someone constantly harasses you and won’t leave you alone. They sometimes push too far and teenagers feel alone, depressed and feel like they cant continue on so they take their own life. Cyber bullying needs to stop.
Flaming • Flaming is an intense argument. They usually start over texting, instant messaging or email. Theses bullies will use emotion characters and capital letters to show their anger. Sometimes flaming will leave the conversation and flow out to real life situation such as physical bullying or other forms of cyber bullying.
Exclusion • When a group or a person are left out on a chat or a event , then the group that where left out are made fun of or harassed by the people who left them out. In many cases
Outing • Outing is another form of Cyber bullying. Outing is when someone sends a message or a picture and then the person it was sent to shows it or sends it to someone else.
Masquerading • Masquerading is an elaborate form of cyberbullying where the bully presents themselves as someone else. They might make fake instant messaging names or they might use someone else’s mobile phone to bully you. This would make it appear as if the threats have been sent by someone else, again keeping the bully’s identity hidden.A 13-year-old boy gave his password to his girlfriend. After they had a fight, the ex-girlfriend used the boy's screen name to enter an adult chat room and gave out the boy's phone number. A woman from the chat room called the boy's home – but was luckily intercepted by the mother.
Pseudonyms • Bullies may call themselves a different name when they are online, to when they are offline. They do this to keep their real identity a secret from you.Bullies can use this to change their name to something that you wouldn’t expect.
Anonymity Anonymity is when someone harasses you but you don’t know who is doing this to you they have hidden their identity. Most often its because they are cowards. It make it difficult and frustrating for administration or your parents to help you stop the bullying.
References • Google.ca • http://www.cyberbullying.info/bookcase.php • Google images • https://www.facebook.com/