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My Leadership Journey and Reflections by Kelly Herring-Griffin. INTRODUCTION. “Leaders are effective because of who they are on the inside – in the qualities that make them up as people. And to go to the highest level of leadership, people have to develop these traits from the inside out.”
My Leadership Journey and Reflectionsby Kelly Herring-Griffin
INTRODUCTION “Leaders are effective because of who they are on the inside – in the qualities that make them up as people. And to go to the highest level of leadership, people have to develop these traits from the inside out.” - John C. Maxwell • The last year has been an adventure, challenging at times but above all a rewarding journey. I have learned invaluable lessons via Georgia State University, internship experiences, individuals in the Rockdale/Newton County Cohort and upheaval in my private life that have influenced my leadership style and impacted my personal and professional life.
GLISI ‘S EIGHT ROLES “Competence goes beyond words. It’s the leader’s ability to say it, plan it, and do it in such a way that others know that know how-and know that they want to follow you.” -John C. Maxwell • In today’s No Child Left Behind culture, students and educators are expected to adhere to high standards through a series of roles. Georgia’s Leadership Institute for School Improvement (GLISI) focuses on organizing the work of school leaders in a series of eight roles. The identified roles achieve targeted, measurable objectives, including improving leadership performance.
GLISI ROLE 1: DATA ANALYSIS LEADER “The measure of success is to whether you have a tough problem to deal with, but whether it is the same problem you had last year.” - John Foster Dulles, Former Secretary of State • A data analysis leader demonstrates the ability to lead teams to analyze multiple sources of data to identify improvement needs, symptoms and root causes.
Data Analysis Leader(connection to internship experiences ) Strengths weaknesses Out of all the GLISI roles, this is one of my strengths. Being trained in a standard based state, I have had the opportunity to use data to group students and ultimately increase student achievement. However, training teachers to share this vision is what I am currently working towards. Teachers who are unfamiliar with effectively using data can be resistant to understanding the wealth of information it provides. • As an instructional coach, I have trained individuals on how to create and analyze data from a myriad of assessments and evaluations. The information that is gathered drives instruction and I have used my knowledge of this data to demonstrate how to plan for differentiated instruction, evaluate what needs to be retaught and to whom and choose students for safety nets. This knowledge directly influenced how I directed our school’s successful Fall Intercession.
GLISI ROLE 2:CURRICULUM, ASSESSMENT, INSTRUCTION LEADER “Leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence.” - Bernard Montgomery, British Field Marshal • A curriculum, assessment, instruction leader demonstrates the ability to implement a systems approach to instruction in a standards-based environment prioritizing curriculum standards, developing aligned assessments and planning instruction to improve student achievement.
Curriculum, Assessment, Instruction Leader STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES Not unlike teaching educators the value of data, I have to get the buy-in of teachers to accept the worth of standards based instruction. I am in the process of using leadership strategies to help teachers be receptive as well as consistent with these standard based elements. • Due to Georgia’s transition from QCC’s to Georgia Performance Standards (GPS), I have had the role of training teachers on elements of standards based classrooms such as environment, essential questions, lessons aligned with standards, appropriate commentary, performance tasks and use of rubrics.
GLISI ROLE 3:PERFORMANCE LEADER “I have yet to find the man, however exalted his station, who did not do better work and put forth greater effort under a spirit of approval than under a spirit of criticism.” - Charles Schwab, Industrialist • A Performance Leader demonstrates the ability to strategically plan, organize and manage school systems and processes necessary to improve student achievement.
PERFORMANCE LEADER STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES This was a paradigm shift for me because my goal was to impact the school, not one classroom or grade level. I am currently working on consistency with the message I am communicating. • One of school and county’s focus is to improve writing instruction. As an instructional coach, I have modeled strategies in individual classrooms and have met with grade levels in order to train teachers on how to implement strategies that would translate into student achievement.
GLISI ROLE 4:OPERATIONS LEADER “Courage is rightly esteemed the first of human qualities…because it is the quality which guarantees all others.” -Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister • As an Operations Leader demonstrates the ability to effectively and efficiently organize resources, processes and systems to support teaching and learning.
OPERATIONS LEADER STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES This role stresses the relationships between the leader and different stakeholders. Even if I disagree with an individual such as a bus driver, I have to learn to agree to disagree but still be able to resolve a conflict. • Having several duties has allowed me to organize certain processes that impact student achievement. Being on bus duty has shown me that maximizing a safe and orderly environment in the community and on the bus ensures instructional time not being interrupted by outside forces.
GLISI ROLE 5:RELATIONSHIP LEADER “Smart leaders believe only half of what they hear. Discerning leaders know which half to believe.” - John C. Maxwell • A Relationships Leader demonstrates the ability to identify and develop relationships among customer and stakeholder groups and communicate school goals and priorities focused on student learning.
RELATIONSHIP LEADER STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES One of my strengths is to communicate. I am currently working on getting several individuals from a variety of backgrounds to work towards the same objectives. • As the parent liaison of my school and being a member of several committees that communicate with stakeholders, it has been my responsibility to maximize relationships in order to meet our students’ academic and social needs.
GLISI ROLE 6:PROCESS IMPROVEMENT LEADER “What people say, what people do, and what they say they do are entirely different things.” - Margaret Mead, Anthropologist • A Process Improvement Leader demonstrates the ability to identify and map core process and results to create action plans designed to improve student achievement.
PROCESS IMPROVEMENT LEADER STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES One weakness I have is trying to do too much, too quickly. I tend to see an area that I think I can “fix” and steamroll right ahead. I am currently working on focusing on one target area in order to be the most effective. • Being on several committees/teams and having access to each grade level (data and planning) has given me the opportunity to use the knowledge I have to train teachers on what could be more advantageous for our students.
GLISI ROLE 7:CHANGE LEADER “No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.” - Calvin Coolidge, American President • A Change Leader demonstrates the ability to drive and sustain change in a collegial environment focused on continuous improvement in student achievement.
CHANGE LEADER STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES As I mentioned in one of the previous slides, I tend to tackle many pursuits. I need to work on time management to give this the time it requires. I also need to learn to delegate responsibilities instead of shouldering everything. • One of my visions is to create programs that will meet the science standards and simultaneously motivate students to pursue scientific endeavors. To meet this goal, I have assembled several teachers to write grants that would meet this need.
GLISI ROLE 8:LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT LEADER “Anyone can dabble, but once you’ve made that commitment, your blood has that particular thing in it, and it’s very hard for people to stop you.” - Bill Cosby, Comedian • A Learning and Development Leader demonstrates the ability to guide the development of professional learning communities to develop leaders all levels of the organization.
LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT LEADER STRENGTHS WEAKNESSES I am learning how to create teams that work together. Trusting others with a vision is important in being an effective leader and I need to improve on that. Working as a team builds professional learning communities. • As an instructional coach I have been able to communicate with grade levels effectively. In observing teachers, arranging peer observations, giving feedback and modeling lessons I have led professional learning communities.
CONCLUSION “The true leader serve. Serves people. Serves their best interests, and in so doing will not always be popular, may not always impress. But because true leaders are motivated by loving concern rather than a desire for personal glory, they are willing to pay the price.” - Eugene B. Habecker, author • This year has been enlightening. I have learned about the inner workings of schools. However, I think I have learned that to be a leader you must have charisma, character and conviction to put your personal objectives aside for the good of the students.