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Course Outline. WEEK 1. Introduction to Course WEEK 2. Quality Concepts WEEK 3. Total Quality Management, Philosophy and Principles WEEK 4. Quality Gurus: Their Philosophies, principles and methods WEEK 5. Focusing on Customers WEEK 6. Techniques in Total Quality Management. Course Outline.
Course Outline • WEEK 1. Introduction to Course • WEEK 2. Quality Concepts • WEEK 3. Total Quality Management, Philosophy and Principles • WEEK 4. Quality Gurus: Their Philosophies, principles and methods • WEEK 5. Focusing on Customers • WEEK 6. Techniques in Total Quality Management
Course Outline • WEEK 7. Managing Human Resources In a Total Quality Environment • WEEK 8. MIDTERM • WEEK 9. Building and Sustaining Total Quality • WEEK 10. Total Quality in Hospitality Sector • WEEK 11. Benchmarking • WEEK 12. ISO • WEEK 13,14 ORAL PRESENTATIONS • WEEK 15 FINAL
TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT • The leading trend in competition within the market was by having effective cost management strategies up to the 1970’s. However, after the 70’s, this has left its place to the fast growing trend of Total Quality Management.
TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT • TOTAL - stands for the inclusion of all areas of the business and all staff.............Principle of staff briefing • QUALITY - stands for the consistent gearing of all activities to the quality requirements of internal and external customers/guests...........Principle of guest-led action • MANAGEMENT - stands for the responsibility of the top management as regards systematic quality development and assurance........Principle of management responsibility.
.Integrates all functions and processes within an organization to improve the quality of goods and services..People-focused management system.Focuses on increasing customer satisfaction and reducing costs..Stresses learning from and adaptation to change.Based on the scientific method
Advantages of TQM • TQM offers firms several advantages such as having less bureacratic work environment, more flexibility, opportunity of working in groups, freedom of speech and thoughts, creating an environment within complaints, being customer oriented, implication of continuous development and education,realizing the importance of the staff and an environment where responsibilities are greater. Staff within the firm are seen as inside customers and motivation through this.
Like any other industry, TQM is very important for the tourism industry and the outcomes are highly visible. Tourism ind. based on service and the employes within this industry must be highly skilled and educated. If these 2 requirements are fullfilled, customer satisfaction and profits will be at high levels.
TQM can be seen as a sort of a philosophy. It aims for greater level of service commintment and satisfying customers within a democratic and visible management strategy.
QUALITY Quality is meeting or exceeding customer expectations.
Modern Importance of Quality “The first job we have is to turn out quality merchandise that consumers will buy and keep on buying. If we produce it efficiently and economically, we will earn a profit, in which you will share.” - William Cooper Procter
Quality Assurance are methods to ensure costumer quality.
History of Quality Assurance • Skilled craftsmanship during Middle Ages • Interchangeable parts (H. Le Blanc, T. Jefferson & E. Whitney) • Early 20th Century: scientific management (Taylor), Henry Ford, Bell System (Western Electric) (Hawthorne Effect, statistical methods (Walter Shewhart, Deming,Harold Dodge, etc.))
Quality control during World War II: MIL-STD.
History of Quality Assurance • Post-war Japan: evolution of quality management • Kaizen: Continuous improvement • Deming Prize
History of Quality Assurance • Quality awareness in U.S. manufacturing industry during 1980s: from “Little Q” to “Big Q” - Total Quality Management • Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award (1987)
History of Quality Assurance • European Foundation for Quality Management: • European Quality Award • ISO 9000 standard • Turkish Quality: • Turkish Center for Quality (KalDer) (www.kalder.org)
History of Quality Assurance • Emergence of quality management in service industries, government, health care, and education • Evolution of Six Sigma • Current and future challenges: • “A race without a finish line.” –David Kearns, Xerox.
Contemporary Influences on Quality • Partnering • Learning systems • Adaptability and speed of change • Environmental sustainability • Globalization • Knowledge focus • Customization and differentiation • Shifting demographics
Definitions of Quality • Transcendent definition: excellence • Product-based definition: product attributes/capabilities • User-based definition: fitness for intended use • Value-based definition: quality vs. price • Manufacturing-based definition: conformance to specifications
Customer-Driven Quality • “Meeting or exceeding customer expectations” • Customers can be... • Consumers • External customers • Internal customers