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Root Words. Pan: “all”. Panacea ( n ): a cure-all for diseases or troubles Pan + akos (“cure”) Pandemic ( adj ): prevalent over a whole country or the world Pan + demos (“people”) Pandemonium ( n ): wild and noisy confusion; uproar Pan + daimon (“demon”). Omnis: “all”.
Pan: “all” • Panacea (n): a cure-all for diseases or troubles • Pan + akos (“cure”) • Pandemic (adj): prevalent over a whole country or the world • Pan + demos (“people”) • Pandemonium (n): wild and noisy confusion; uproar • Pan + daimon (“demon”)
Omnis: “all” • Omnipotent (adj): having unlimited power; all-powerful • Omni + potens (“to be able”) • Omnipresent (adj): present everywhere • Omni + present • Omniscient (adj): knowing everything • Omni + scire (“to know”)
Holos: “whole” • holistic (adj): Emphasizing the importance of the whole and the interdependence of its parts. • Holos + ic (adjective marker) • holocaust (n.): A great destruction, especially by fire • Holos + kaustos (“burned”) • catholic (adj): universal, including most things • Kata (“according to”) + holos
Totus: “whole” • Totalitarian (adj): referring to a form of government in which one person or party holds absolute control • Totus + (authoritarian) • Totalitarianism (n.) a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state • From totalitarian • Total (adj): comprising the whole amount • totus
Claudo, claudere, clausi, clausum“to close” • Cloister: • (n) a monastery or similar place of religious seclusion • (v.) to seclude in a monastery • Preclude (v): to prevent; to make impossible • Pre (“before”) + claudere • Recluse (n.): a person who avoids contact with people • Re (intensifier, like ‘very’) + clausi