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Barco ClickShare wireless presentation and collaboration system. Customer testimonials. Van Der Valk hotel, Netherlands.
Barco ClickShare wireless presentation and collaboration system Customer testimonials
Van Der Valk hotel, Netherlands “We’realwaystryingto offer gueststhatlittle bit extra, so we decidedtopurchaseBarco’sClickShare solution, as a way of furtherleveragingourofferingfor business meetings. It provedtobe a smart investment: everyonewho’susedit is impressed. It’s soeasy to set up, for PC as well as Mac users, that no more time is lost on technicalhiccups. As sharingandswappingscreens is verysmooth, people more activelyparticipatein the meetings, which leads tobetter meeting results.” Rick Polman, General Manager 2 Wim Buyens
Shell Global Solutions, Netherlands "Whendesigning new rooms or upgrading old rooms the challenge has always been to match existingtechnologywithphysical room restrictionsand user requirements. BarcoClickShare has made a significant contribution in simplifying meeting room infrastructuresandincreasing customer satisfactionof the offered services. It is aneasy tounderstandsolution thatprovidessomepowerfulcapabilitiesto the users. It notonlyensuresthat meetings can start quickeritalso offers new ways of collaborationand meeting efficiencywith the various side-by-side presentation modes it supports.” Micha van der Stoop, HeC Design Office Solutions Architect 3 Wim Buyens
Leading French energy company, France “ClickShare sets itself apart by its exceptional user-friendliness. It is so simple to connect ClickShare to up to four computers, with just one click, and then visualize the presentations,” said Alain Despiau, IT research manager. “As everyone has a chance to put their data on the screen, people are much more involved in the meetings and stay tuned. In this way, ClickShare truly fosters meeting room collaboration.” Alain Despiau, IT research manager Watch the video testimonial: http://www.barco.com/en/References/2013-01-30---clickshare-edf.aspx 4 Wim Buyens
TUM University Munich, Germany “Before ClickShare, giving presentations was cumbersome; there was only one cable to cater for all presenters, which often resulted in lengthy interruptions during meetings. We were looking for a more user-friendly technology and found it in ClickShare. Speakers can now deliver their presentation in an uncomplicated manner without a technician’s help.” Andreas Jung, Engineering Operation Group http://www.barco.com/en/References/2013-06-07---tum-university-munchen.aspx 5 Wim Buyens
VDE, Germany “We had been looking for a new meeting room presentation system for quite some time, because we were tired of the cabling and all the hassle that comes with it”, says Hans-Günter Göring. ClickShare won everyone over. More than the nice look and feel and the absence of cables, Mr. Göring also praises the system’s user-friendliness: “It is very easy to connect and display content, from whatever laptop. We truly feel like ClickShareraises the productivity of our meetings. We no longer waste time on technical hick-ups.”Hans-Günter Göring, Head of Project Controlling at VDEhttp://www.barco.com/en/References/2013-09-16---VDE-ClickShare.aspx 6 Wim Buyens
Virtual Dimension Center, Germany “The VDC organizes around 30 workshops and seminars per year. Speakers to these events often have exciting content to show, like movies or 3D applications, which is stored on their own devices. In the past, these images or videos had to be embedded into the demo room AV system. Copying took a long time and images were often morphed. With ClickShare, everyone can simply plug in their own laptops and show their content on the big screen. Our workshops are all about discussing and sharing information. ClickShare truly fosters this collaboration, while raising the efficiency of the meetings too.” ChristophRunde, the Center’s Managing Directorhttp://www.barco.com/en/References/2013-09-17---VDC-ClickShare.aspx 7 Wim Buyens
LMS, Belgium “The existing presentation system worked well, yet it was very complex. So when we saw a demo of ClickShare, we immediately decided to install a unit in the boardroom. The absence of cables and the ease with which content can be shared on-screen, helps us save time. On top of that, ClickSharefosters meeting dynamics. It’s so much simpler now to share presentations, diagrams, images, etc. to discuss these. If one meeting participant wishes to clarify an argument or raise an issue, he simply clicks the button and shows the information to illustrate his point.”Jan Leuridan, CEOhttp://www.barco.com/en/References/2013-09-24---LMS.aspx 8 Wim Buyens
http://www.barco.com/en/clickshare http://www.barco.com/de/clickshare http://www.barco.com/fr/clickshare 9 Wim Buyens