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Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer Status and Requirements on AO. Outline:. Phil Hinz. Goals of LBTI. Provide sensitive nulling interferometric observations of nearby solar-like stars.
Large Binocular Telescope Interferometer StatusandRequirements on AO Outline: Phil Hinz
Goals of LBTI • Provide sensitive nulling interferometric observations of nearby solar-like stars. • Provide beam combination compatible with wide-field Fizeau (imaging) interferometry in the thermal infrared.
UBC=Universal Beam Combiner NIL=Nulling Interferometer for the LBT NOMIC=Nulling-Optimized Mid-Infrared Camera The LBT Interferometer (LBTI)
Fringe Sensing with the LBTI • LBTI will overlap the two pupils from the LBT and use brightness variations to track phase changes. • Images of the overlapped pupils are formed to allow measurement of phase variations at each point in the pupil. • Phase and tip-tilt errors will be corrected by an internal corrector. • Modal amplitudes errors can also be sensed. Slow feedback of these errors will be sent through the TCS? Fast feedback would also be useful.
Reimaging Mirror LBTI Parts 07/04 vacuum bellows rough cryostat housing Mirror being polished cryostat housing machined center metering structure metering structure edge-on
LBTI Components 02/05 Fast Pathlength Corrector SiC Mirror Left UBC Cryostat 4 K Mech. Cooler
AO for LBTI • Wavefront sensing for LBTI will be done with facility “W” units. • The AGW enclosure will NOT be used to house the wavefront sensors. Instead the units will be rigidly connected to the LBTI structure. • The bright stars available for nulling observations will allow use of fast (1 kHz) wavefront sensing correcting many modes. • Acquisition of off-axis guide stars will be useful for longer wavelength imaging. Dichroics are designed to deliver 140” diameter FOV to “W” units.
LBTI requirements(chopping) • Chopping capability of 5” at 10 Hz is needed. Chopping should be in elevation direction. • Science camera will provide TTL level signal to synchronize chop. • Need closed loop operation in BOTH beams of chop. Need dual pyramid in “W” units.
LBTI requirements (AO performance) • Strehls of 60-90% in K will be required to achieve a good nulling level. Nulling will take advantage of “extreme AO” capability of system if it is available. • Need to be able to lock on the brightest stars in the sky (Sirius, Arcturus, etc.) • Sky derotation for off-axis guide stars will be done by X-Y translation stages: need ~3-10 mas ( 2-6 um) precision
LBTI requests • Accelerometers integrated into the deformable mirror’s position loop will help alleviate telescope vibration problems. We would like to see this implemented as soon as possible. • We would like to keep the possibility open to have LBTI provide a separate feedback signal to the mirrors at speeds up to 1 kHz.
Conclusion • Main unique requirement of LBTI is the chopping. • Need to get to get together with Arcetri and work out details of dedicated LBTI “W” units.
Synchronized Feedback example Left W senses a focus error of 1 unit Right W senses a focus error of 1 unit Fringe tracker senses a delta focus error of 3 units
Science Results using a prototype nuller on the MMT HD 100546 (Liu et al. 2003, (ApJL 598, 111)) Constructive Null • Disk approximately 25 AU in diameter. • Disk similar in size at 11 microns and 24.5 microns. • Consistent with an inner hole? (Bouwman et al. 2003) ε Mus HD 100546 AB Aur and V892 Tau (Liu et al. ApJL accepted) • AB Aur Disk ~32 AU. • Disk inclined at 45 degrees. • V892 Tau size ~22 AU. Vega (Liu et al. 2004, (ApJL 610, 125)) • Upper limit to zodiacal dust is <2% (3 σ) of the stellar flux on Vega, ~3 times more sensitive than best photometric measurements. • Corresponds to a limit of a zodiacal dust disk <650 times our own.
LBTI Accommodates Anticipated Fizeau Imaging • The requirements for nulling interferometry with the LBT are consistent with the design requirements for wide-field imaging (or Fizeau) interferometry. • This technique allows high resolution (0.01-0.05”) imaging of even faint objects over wide (30-40”) fields of view. • The LBTI design preserves this capability over a broad range of wavelengths in the near and mid infrared (1-20 microns). • Fizeau imagers and phase sensing to take advantage of this are not within the scope of the LBTI program.
Sky Background N M photons/s/m 2/μm/arcsec 2 Telescope Background L' Wavelength (μm) LBTI Imaging Sensitivity