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4550 Consumer Processing: Memory & Involvement. Professor Campbell 2/3/05. Plan for the Day. Processing Involvement Elaboration Likelihood Model FCB Grid Involvement/Motivation Grid Memory. Stages Cognitive Affective Behavioral. AIDA model Attention Interest Desire Action.
4550Consumer Processing:Memory & Involvement Professor Campbell 2/3/05
Plan for the Day • Processing Involvement • Elaboration Likelihood Model • FCB Grid • Involvement/Motivation Grid • Memory
Stages Cognitive Affective Behavioral AIDA model Attention Interest Desire Action Hierarchy of effects model Awareness Knowledge Liking Preference Conviction Purchase Innovation adoption Awareness Interest Evaluation Trial Adoption Information Processing Presentation Attention Comprehension Yielding Retention Behavior Models of the Response Process Models
Stages Cognitive Behavioral Affective Low Involvement Awareness Purchase Low Involvement Hierarchy Evaluation
Two Levels of Processing • “High effort” versus “Low effort”
The Elaboration Likelihood Model • Focuses on attitudes and attitude formation • Attitude change is a function of the amount and nature of elaboration • Two routes to persuasion • Central • Peripheral • Elaboration likelihood is affected by characteristics of the target & message • Discrepancy • Relevance
The Bottom Line... Processing involvement affects processing; this means that message and tactic strategies should be based upon and understanding of the intended target’s “natural” level of involvement and the processing demands of the message
The FCB Grid of Advertising Strategies Product “Thinking” “Feeling” Informative (thinker) Affective (feeler) High Involvement Habit Formation (doer) Self-satisfaction (reactor) Low
Involvement/Motivation Tactic Grid (Rossiter & Percy) Consumer Motivation Informational Transformational High risk, “negative” purchase motivation High risk, transformational motive High Involvement Low risk purchase, “negative” purchase motivation Low risk, “positive” motivation Low
Broadening the Concept of Involvement • Involvement is not “one flavor” • Product • Person • Situation • Processing • Involvement is not unidimensional • Motivation • Opportunity • Ability • Involvement is not static
Implications of Two Levels of Processing • Can assess likely level of processing and gear messages to that level • When it is likely that both levels of involvement will occur within your target, can attempt to create ads that work on both levels • Can attempt to change motivation or opportunity to process to increase processing involvement
Good marketing communications... • Provide motivation to process • Provide opportunity to process • Match ability to process
The Memory Process Stimuli Sensory Register Short-term Memory rehearsal retrieval Long-term Memory
Implications for Communications Strategies • Relevance • Repetition • Variation • Cosmetic versus substantive variation • Unnava & Sirdeshmukh, 1994 • Cues
Brand Awareness Ability of potential buyers to recognize or recall that a brand is a member of a certain product category Only one in product class Only Brand Recalled Top of Mind Recall Recognition Uncertain/ Unaware Unaware
Summary • Consumer behavior plays in important role in the development of effective marketing communications • There are multiple stages in consumer behavior and each requires different types of persuasive appeals • The target’s involvement can be a very important factor in response to marketing communications; it is necessary to try to understand and strategically manage consumer involvement • Memory is critical to marcom success