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Think about the objects in your home . Which are particularly well - designed ? Why ?. 7.1 READING and SPEAKING. Do exercises 2a and 2b.
Thinkabouttheobjects in yourhome. Whichareparticularlywell-designed? Why?
7.1 READING and SPEAKING • Do exercises 2a and 2b.
VOCABULARY: Word building, adjectives3- Workwith a partner tocompletethewordfamilies in thetablebelow. Checkyouranswers in thetext.
innovate vs. invent • invent (v.): to design or create something which has never been made or has never existed before: e.g: One of the surest ways to make money in the stock market is to find a company that invents a new drug. e.g: The World Wide Web was invented in 1989. • innovate (v.): to improve a new design, product, idea, etc.: e.g: The market leader's proven ability to innovate is very important to shareholders.
elegant /el.ɪ.gənt/ • tasteful in dress, style, or design/ sophisticated/graceful (adj)
functional /fʌŋk.ʃən.əl/ • Use for different purposes • (adj)
futuristic /fjuː.tʃərɪs.tɪk/ • Related to the future • (adj)
handmade /hændmeɪd/ • (adj)
innovative /ɪn.ə.və.tɪv/ • using or showing new methods, ideas (adj)
mass-produced /mæs.prədjuːst/ • Made in large quatities • (adj)
retro /ret.rəʊ -/ • A fashion, decor, design, or style related to the past. • (adj)
simple /sɪm.pl ̩/ • Basic, minimal • (adj)
streamlined (adj) /striːm.laɪnd/ • (v) to shape something so that it can move as effectively and quickly as possible through a liquid or gas
stylish /staɪ.lɪʃ/ • Fashionable • (adj) (approving)
Up to date (adj) /ʌp.tədeɪt/ • modern
Traditional(adj) /trədɪʃ.ən.əl/ • customary
SPEAKING and WRITING (p. 71) • Look at 7a and 7b. • You can use the adjectives in 6a to describe the qualities in telephones and cars.
Unit 7.2 Design through the ages • VOCABULARY: AbstractNouns /ɪˈfɪʃ.ən.si/ Efficiency (n.) /mɒdˈɜː.nə.ti/ Modernity /ˈɒp.tɪ.mɪ.zəm/ optimism /kənˈsjuː.mə.rɪ.zəm/ consumerism /ˈstriːm.laɪ.nɪŋ/ streamlining /ɪnˌdʌs.tri.ə.laɪˈzeɪ.ʃən/ industrialization
7.2 GRAMMAR • Modals
Modals of Deduction Deductions: guesses based on facts you know Do you know how he solved many of his cases? Who is Sherlock Holmes? What are modal verbs? Must, can’t, might and could. What is deduction?
Modals of Deduction • Deductions: guessesbased on knownfacts. You can usemodalverbs. We can makedeductionsabout • thepresent: • Must be (very sure -99%) • Can’t be (very sure-99%) • Might/could be (it’spossible- 50%)
could be • -It ‘s a sort of flying machine • -Yes, it _______________that. • It could date back to the 1930s • It ____________by Da Vinci • It says here he was born in 1452, • so it __________over 500 years old. might be must be
7.2 Grammar (p. 73) • Do the exercises 6-7
7.3 Grammar (p.75) • Modals: Present Deduction Must, can’t, might, could
MUSTfor present deduction • Use must to say that you are certain something is true: • The door is open so Michael must be home. • Jane was ill but she’s running around so she mustbe a lot better!
CAN’Tfor present deduction • Use can’t to say that you are certain something is not true. • This painting can’t be by Rembrandt. It’s much too modern. • The police say he attacked someone at 7 p.m. but it can’t be true because he was with me at that time.
COULD/MIGHT for present deduction • Use could or might to say something is possible. • The package might be from David. Open it and find out! • We can also use modal verbs with a continous form. • He must be feeling better! • They might be coming later.
7.4 Vocabulary Stylish (adj.): of a high quality in appearance, design, or behaviour: e.g: The products of this brans are very stylish.
7.4 Vocabulary • Timeless(adj.): describes something that does not change as the years go past: • e.g: The city has a timeless quality as if it had existed forever.
7.4 Vocabulary • innovative (adj.): using new methods or ideas • e.g: Apple found a strong place in the market with its innovative designs such as iPod, and iPad, which were almost completely new to customers.
7.4 Vocabulary • Easy to use (adj.): not complicated to use • e.g: Even dummies can operate this machine, it’s so easy to use
7.4 Vocabulary • Durable (adj.): able to last a long time without becoming damaged: • e.g: The machines have to be made of durable materials. • e.g: Everybody hopes there will be a durable peace settlement after the war.
7.4 Vocabulary • Value for money (adj.): deserving the money that somebody pays for a thing because its cost and quality are equivalent • E.g: Miele washing machines offer value for money. They may be expensive, but they last longer than any other machines in the market.