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What’s on Your Plate?

What’s on Your Plate?. Nutrition 439 Casey Mast, Sara Bennion , Rachel Hanson, Loni Mandigo. What are the Six Food Groups?. Vegetables Fruit Grains Proteins Dairy Oils. Vegetables: Which is the correct serving?. Which represents a correct serving size of vegetables?

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What’s on Your Plate?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What’s on Your Plate? Nutrition 439 Casey Mast, Sara Bennion, Rachel Hanson, Loni Mandigo

  2. What are the Six Food Groups? • Vegetables • Fruit • Grains • Proteins • Dairy • Oils

  3. Vegetables: Which is the correct serving? • Which represents a correct serving size of vegetables? • A.) one pound of peas • B.) Three cups of raw carrots • C.) One shopping cart of onions • D.) ½ cup cooked broccoli

  4. Vegetables • Aim for 2-3 cups of vegetables per day • Raw or cooked veggies count! • Carrot Sticks • Baked potatoes • Broccoli with cheese! • Vegetable Soup • Tomato Spaghetti Sauce Most Americans generally get less than two servings of veggies a day

  5. Fruits: Which is the correct serving? • Which represents a correct serving size of fruit? • A.) One bucket of cherries • B.) A bunch of bananas • C.) One grape • D.) ½ cup blueberries

  6. Fruits • 1.5 - 2 cups are recommended daily • That is at least 3 servings a day • Examples of 1 serving: • One small apple is 1 /2 cup • 2 tablespoons of dried fruit is 1 serving • 1 small orange is 1 serving • ½ medium banana is a serving

  7. Grains:Which is the correct serving? • Which represents the correct serving size for grains? • A.) One loaf of bread • B.) A bowl of white rice • C.) One stack of pancakes • D.) ½ cup oatmeal

  8. Grains • Aim for 5-6 servings of grains per day • Try to make at least half your grains whole grains • Oatmeal and granola • Whole wheat bread and pasta • Quinoa, barley, millet • Wheat bagels with seeds • Limit refined grains • White bread and flour • White rice • Plain bagels

  9. Protein:Which is the correct serving? • Which represents the correct serving size for protein? • A.) Five pieces of bacon • B.) 1 can of black beans • C.) Seven hot dogs • D.) ¼ cup of tofu

  10. Protein • Protein sources can be meat, fish, nuts, seeds, beans or peas • The protein group is measured in what’s called “ounce equivalents” – aim for 5 a day • Ounce equivalents vary depending on the protein source • 1 oz lean meat, fish or poultry • ½ oz nuts or seeds • 1 Tablespoon of nut butter • ¼ cup of beans or peas

  11. Dairy:Which is the correct serving? • Which represents the correct serving size for dairy? • A.) One gallon of milk • B.) One gallon of ice cream • C.) A mountain of whipped cream • D.) 1 cup of yogurt

  12. Dairy • Try to get 3 cups of dairy products per day • Aim for low fat or skim milks, cheeses and yogurt • Dairy products give you Calcium to help build strong bones and teeth • Adding fresh or dried fruit and granola to your yogurt will help you meet your fruit and grains recommendations too! • Or, with your parent’s help, try making a smoothie! • In a blender combine • ½ banana • A handful of blueberries • 1 cup of milk • Some ice cubes • Delicious!

  13. Oils:Which is the correct serving? • Which represents the correct serving size for oils? • A.) 1 stick of margarine • B.) A bucket of lard • C.) 1 cup of salad dressing • D.) One tablespoon of butter

  14. Oils • Oils and fats should be used sparingly because they have very little nutritional value • Limit your added oils to about 1 Tablespoon of • Salad dressing • Mayonnaise • Margarine • Other fats or oils • That’s about the size of your thumb!

  15. Sugar! • Sugar and candy are what is called “free foods” • Try to limit your intake to 3 servings per day and spread them out throughout the day • What counts as a serving? • One piece of hard candy • One vanilla wafer • 1 frozen ice cream popsicle

  16. My Human Plate • Take handouts of food and make yourselves into a realistic plate

  17. Music video • Youtube video

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