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This essay outlines the comparison of themes in Kate Atkinson's "Human Croquet" and Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream." It includes quotes, explanations, and a works cited page.
Comp 4 • Essay information—set up
Homework • Create an outline for your essay. • Bring your purple books to next class! • Your completed essay is due J day, 3/19 via Edline and Turnitin.com. • Turnitin.com: • Orwell: 3169275 • Shakespeare:3169276 • Password= teague
General Format (Review) • Introduction • Usually general background on book, author, or topics covered • MUST include authors’ names and titles somewhere • Thesis Statement • Last sentence of your introduction • Quotes for Support • Used throughout body paragraphs to PROVE thesis • Conclusion • Ties up paper and pushes reader back out into the world
Body paragraphs • Claim • Context, Quote, Explanation • Context, Quote, Explanation • Concluding sentence
Using Quotes (Review) • Quotes must support thesis • Whenever you use a quote: • Context: what’s happening in the story? • Quote: the direct words from the story • Explanation: how the quote supports your thesis • Explain the quote for twice as long as the quote is… • AVOID starting sentences with a quote
Sample Body Paragraph • Arnold Friend’s appearance resembles the devil’s. For instance, “He grinned to reassure her and lines appeared at the corners of his mouth” (Oates 6). Arnold tells Connie he is eighteen, but his facial features made him look around thirty, and after studying his face Connie infers that Arnold’s face is mask- like. If Arnold is the devil, he would be old; however, in order to lure Connie in, Arnold Friend changes his appearance so that he will seem appealing to Connie. Also, when Arnold takes off his sunglasses, he gently sets them on his head, “as if he were indeed wearing a wig” (Oates 6). Arnold would need to wear a wig if he was the devil to hide the protrusion of his horns. Lastly, Connie notices that “one of his boots was at a strange angle, as if his foot wasn't in it. It pointed out to the left, bent at the ankle” (Oates 8). The devil’s feet would not fit into boots because the devil has hooves; this would be the only way that it would be possible for Arnold Friend to walk that way. Arnold Friend appears to be the devil due to his boots, mask-like face, and wig.
Citing Quotes • Works Cited page • Both are considered books—look online for how to cite • Human Croquet • (Atkinson 52) • A Midsummer Night’s Dream • (III.i.15-16) • See LAP Handout #1
General Literary Analysis Rules • Use present tense for what’s happening in the work of literature • Demetrius lovesHermia (not lovedHermia) • Isobel travels in time (not traveled) • EXCEPTIONS: • Information on life of a dead author (Shakespeare lived in the 1500’s) • Information from the literature that happens before the main clause of your sentence (Although Demetrius loved Hermia at the beginning of the play, once the potion is applied, he loves Helena.) • Use Academic/Formal writing • Third person only (no I/you/we) • No contractions • No slang
Comparison/Contrast Essays • Thesis statement: must be specific • Do NOT say: Incarnate and St. Joe’s are similar in some ways but different in others. • DO say: Although Incarnate and St. Joe’s are both all girls’ schools in St. Louis, they are distinct in their approaches to education, their schedules, and the make up of their student body.
Organizing your Essay • Block Method • One paragraph on Midsummer • One paragraph on Human Croquet • Focus the paragraphs around points of comparison • EXAMPLE: • IWA Paragraph • Approach to Education, Schedule, Student Body • St. Joe’s Paragraph • Approach to Education, Schedule, Student Body
Organizing your Essay • Alternating Method • Paragraphs about the Points of Comparison • Each paragraph addresses the point as it is displayed in BOTH of the works • EXAMPLE: • Approach to Education • IWA and St. Joe’s • Schedules • IWA and St. Joe’s • Student Body • IWA and St. Joe’s
Specific Requirements for this Essay • 4 paragraphs minimum • Intro (with thesis) • 2 body (minimum) • Conclusion • 4 quotes minimum • With context, explanation, and parenthetical note • Works Cited page • Submitted to ed-line and turnitin.com
Outline your Essay • Pick your points of comparison • Brainstorm and think about support • Decide which organizational method to use • Outline your essay, including the quotes for support • Write your thesis statement • A draft of your outline must be brought to next class.
Outlining • Needs: • Thesis • Claims for each body paragraph • Facts to go in each body paragraph • Literary Analysis Outline Template.doc
Kate Atkinson Emails • ..\..\human croquet\human croquet 10\Becks response.doc