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Temperate Rainforest. By: Brandon Beauregard. Climatogram. 60.8 F. 176 F. Unique Characteristics of the Temperate Rainforest. Estimated biomass is between 500-2,000 metric tons per hectare Temperatures go from 80 degrees in the summer, to near freezing in the winter
Temperate Rainforest By: Brandon Beauregard
Climatogram 60.8 F 176 F
Unique Characteristics of the Temperate Rainforest • Estimated biomass is between 500-2,000 metric tons per hectare • Temperatures go from 80 degrees in the summer, to near freezing in the winter • Share species with warmer and drier forest types • Has thick layers of epiphytes
Map of my Biome Temperate Rainforests are mainly contained in Japan and New Zealand, with a few scattered around the temperate zones in Europe, North America, and China.
Description of the Geographic location of the Temperate Rainforest • Located mid-latitude • Between 23.5 degrees and 55 degrees North and South • Eastern half of North America, and mid regions of Europe, and regions near southwest Russia
Types of animals in the Temperate Rainforest • Timber Wolves (A.K.A) The Gray Wolf • Black Bears • Marmots • Elk • Bald Eagles
Adaptations of the Gray Wolf in this environment • Wooly fur to provide insulation and long guard hairs to keep moisture out • Fleshy pads and claws for traction and can spread to provide better support in snow • Sense of hearing is twenty times sharper than a human’s • Sense of smell is a hundred times keener • The wolf’s jaws can deliver a crushing pressure of over five hundred pounds per square inch • Vision is very motion sensitive • Reflective retina that is called a tapetum that enhances their night vision • Has great stamina • Can cover a distance of more than eighteen miles at a quick trot • Has a top speed of about forty miles per hour
Types of Plants in the Temperate Rainforest • Coastal Redwood • Fireweed • Western Skunk Cabbage • Deer Fern • Blechnum Spicant l
Adaptations of the Fireweed • Has to adapt to colder temperatures in the forest • Has to be able to sprout back up extremely fast after a fire
Why the Temperate Rainforest is important to Humans? • Vital source for medicine • A bounty of food includes cocoa, many fruits and nuts, rubber, gums, etc. • Forests are a vital part in transforming Carbon Dioxide into essential Oxygen
Causes of Environmental Damage to the Temperate Rainforest • Deforestation • affecting the area to become hotter and drier • Mining • Destroys Trees with clearings and roads for the mines • Pollutes Rivers and water tables with heavy metal toxins that are nearly impossible to remove • The toxins kill animals and plants • It can affect microorganisms as well
3 Test Questions 1. Which type of animal can be found in the Temperate Rainforest? 1. Gray Wolf 2. Polar Bear 3. Chupacabra 4. Lizard 2. What is one adaptation of the Gray Wolf? 1. Fireweed 2. Sunflower 3. Daisy 4. Four-leaf Clover 3. What is one adaptation of the Gray Wolf? 1. Great stamina 2. Top speed is 20 miles per hour 3. Vision isn’t motion sensitive 4. Unable to see from a distance
Works Cited Slide • www.bcscience10.com & https://www.google.com/search?q=Climatogram+for+Temperate+Rainforest&sa=X&hl=en&site=imghp&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ei=eyeGUo_2PIrNsQS1jYCYAg&ved=0CCwQsAQ&biw=1280&bih=927#hl=en&q=Climatogram+for+Temperate+Rainforest&tbm=isch&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=mo7xhRO1sD3JgM%3A%3BqqME4NJBmXnkeM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bcscience10.com%252Fimages%252F0_quiz_01.1_07.gif%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.bcscience10.com%252Fpgs%252Fquiz_section1.1.htm%3B495%3B338 • http://www.thedirt.org/temperaterainforest-zy • http://www.exploringnature.org/db/detail.php?dbID=44&detID=590 • http://people.tamu.edu/~thefairwitch-77/Geographic.html • http://www.buzzle.com/articles/temperate-rainforest-animals-list.html & http://wildtracks.wordpress.com/world-ecosystems/forest-ecosystems/temperate-forest-ecosystem/ • http://temperaterainforestelynam.weebly.com/plants.html • http://www.mbgnet.net/bioplants/temprf.html • http://www.slideshare.net/rustaygarrett/temperate-forest-biome • http://www.theguardians.com/Microbiology/gm_mbr10.htm • http://www.rainforestinfo.org.au/good_wood/the_imp.htm • http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/gray_wolf.htm • http://prezi.com/gk_-tu69comq/temperate-rainforest/