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Lesson 1: Human trafficking. Human Trafficking is …. Labor trafficking is... 1. Recruiting, hiding, moving, providing or getting someone. 2. Forcing, tricking or threatening them to work for little or no pay. The person cannot leave if he/ she wanted to.
Lesson 1: Human trafficking
Human Trafficking is … Labor trafficking is... 1. Recruiting, hiding, moving, providing or getting someone. 2. Forcing, tricking or threatening them to work for little or no pay. The person cannot leave if he/ she wanted to. 3. Taking advantage of them and using them as slaves to work. Sex trafficking is.... 1. Recruiting, hiding, moving, providing or getting someone over age 18 2. Forcing, tricking or threatening them. 3. Taking advantage of them and using them for sexual services to make money. The trafficked person does not get to keep any or very little of the money. OR 1. Recruiting, hiding, moving, providing or getting someone under age 18 2. Taking advantage of them and using them for sexual services to make money or in exchange for something such as food and housing.
Who is the trafficker? • A stranger • - Often family members, friends or a boyfriend
How big is the problem? • More than 700,000 women, children and men are trafficked across borders every year. • 2 to 4 million peoplemen, women and children are trafficked across borders and within their own country every year. • Source: US State Department Human trafficking happens in every country
How big is the problem? Anyone could be trafficked, but most likely to be trafficked are: • women • - living in poverty and/or in an unstable family situation
Why does human trafficking happen? • Being poor and seeing that people are richer in other places • Unfair treatment of girls and women • Treatingpeople who have come to your country or who live in your country badly and not listening to their problems
Why does human trafficking happen? • People not being able to go to school or get a job where they live. • Natural disasters andwars –this can lead to children being left without parents. Chaos in society can mean that the vulnerable are not protected.
Why does human trafficking happen? • We want cheap products – that is why employers cut costs by not paying workers enough • Globalisation - complex supply chains may mean that companies don’t check the working conditions of their suppliers. This could lead to suppliers cutting costs by employing trafficked labour.
Lesson 2: Sex trafficking
Story One day, a father and hisson are driving in a car. The father and hissongetinvolved in a car accident. The father dies at the scene and the son is rushed to the hospital. At the hospital the surgeonlooks at the boy and says "I can'toperateonthis boy, he is myson"
Equal rights for everyone? If our communities believe that: • women have less worth than men • women have no right to choose what they do with their lives • it is alright for men to dominate them If girls are: • denied access to education • only allowed to do poorly paid, unregulated jobs such as domestic care or cleaning • looked on as commodities
Equal rights for everyone? If women aren’t being treated as equals than they could end up being sold!
What is sex trafficking? Sex trafficking means that people are: • deceived or removed from their homes & • forced to sell sex to men
Sex trafficking • 70% of all women who are trafficked are sexually exploited • Source: US Department of State Trafficked women Sexually exploited Other: forced labour, forced marriage,…
Sex trafficking Where does this sexual exploitation happen? • brothel areas • sometimes in places pretending to be: • saunas • massage parlors • ordinaryhomes
Sex trafficking To whom does it happen? • 98% of those trafficked into sexual exploitation are women and girls • Source: ILO
Sex trafficking To whom does it happen? Trafficked into sexual exploitation
Sex trafficking Why are women so vulnerable? Women have less educational and job opportunities than men. Traffickers know how to exploit this vulnerability of women: • promising good jobs in the hotel industry, modeling,... • offering good study opportunities
Lesson 3 (A): Human trafficking in the products we buy
Human trafficking in the products we buy • Video (optional) (4:36) – example of coltan (see teacher resource 4): http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=3OWj1ZGn4uM&eurl=http://www.protectthehuman.com/videos/congo-s-bloody-coltan
Globalisation • MTV video “All I Need” - Radiohead (3:48) http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=cdrCalO5BDs
Globalisation Globalization is the process where things that used to all be done LOCALLY or nationally, now can be done GLOBALLY Example pair of shoes: • Before: made from local animals, sewn together locally, sold locally. • Now: animals from one part of the country provide the leather, the sewing done in another town, the shoes sold elsewhere, exported abroad.
Globalisation • Any part of the production process could happen anywhere • The product will be produced in the country where the cheapest labor is
Globalisation Problem: It is difficult for the consumer to know if the factories and farms that make their products or grow their food, are not using trafficked persons or other forms of exploitation in producing these products
Human trafficking in the cocoa trade • VideoTony’s Chocolonely (3:27) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X3saJUs8f4
Fair trade Benefits for the farmers • A fair and reasonable price • Extra money farmers must use this to build schools, roads and other things in their community • Early payment so that the farmers can pay their own bills on time • Buyers agree to work with the farmers over a long period of time
Fair trade Obligation for the farmer Certificate: • This shows that they are not exploiting workers or the environment
Fair trade • Show fair trade video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAhmgUUu4HU (1:49)
Lesson 3 (B): Human trafficking in the job market
How to spot the danger of being trafficked? Tricks of traffickers – be suspicious of: • promises of an ‘easy job with good pay’ • anyone who offers to introduce you to a new employer or job broker • a broker or an employer who demands to keep your passport, work permit or ID card • anyone who prevents you from contacting your friends or family upon arrival at your destination We are all naïve sometimes – but remember, if a job sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Think about this before you go • Find out as much as you can about your employer and the workplace before you begin working there. • If any travel expenses or accommodation are being paid for you, confirm in writing if you are expected to pay them back.
Think about this before you go • Find out what the working conditions will be. Confirm in writing. • Tell your family the name, phone number and address of the employer and stay in regular contact with your family after you arrive at your destination. • If needed, make sure you have the right visa.
Education helps stop trafficking • Video 1 - Cartoons for child rights – Education (0:32) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5R4jAxKY-I&feature=channel • Video 2– MTV video ‘All I need’ – Radiohead (3:48) http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=cdrCalO5BDs
Education helps stop trafficking • Girls have less chance to be in school than boys • This means that girls are especially vulnerable to promises of good jobs or study opportunities by traffickers helps to stop human trafficking! • Education (especially girls’ education): • Increases opportunities • Arms people with knowledge
Lesson 4: ACT
Awareness raising in your school 1) Decide your focus Which aspect of human trafficking is relevant for your community and what do we want to perform on? 2) Be short and clear! (maximum 15 minutes) 3)Be creative in announcing the play in your school: Use posters, flyers, video, announcements in the school newspaper,...
Awareness raising in your community 1) Extend your 15-minute play to a 30-minute play 2) Where? Perform at the local cultural centre, theatre or at the place where events are usually being held in the community 3) Announce the event: - Use posters, announcements in the local newspaper and on the local radio,.... - Send invitations to parents, grandparents, police officers, journalists, press, etc.
You Tube Record your play and post it on You Tube! Title: Global webcast play on human trafficking, Name of the country, Name of the community/city. • the fight against human trafficking becomes global!
Example • Video on raising awareness on the worst forms of child labour in West-Africa http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=qZy55XsYtIw (7:59)