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Fairy Tales. Quick Write (Journal Entry). Select one of the following statements that you either strongly agree or strongly disagree with and write why you feel the way you do. 1. It’s easy to tell who’s good and who’s bad. 2. Good always wins out over bad in the end.
Quick Write (Journal Entry) • Select one of the following statements that you either strongly agree or strongly disagree with and write why you feel the way you do. • 1. It’s easy to tell who’s good and who’s bad. • 2. Good always wins out over bad in the end. • 3. People can be cruel or jealous. • 4. People sometimes value wealth above love. • 5. People learn from their mistakes.
FAIRY TALE: a type of folktale that: • 1.Includes a story where good wins over evil • 2.Includes elements of the supernatural (like spirits, fairies, or magic) • 3.Takes place in a make-believe world • 4.Often teaches a message about how we should lead our lives • 5.Includes “character types”-recognizable, unchanging figures who do not grow, change, or learn from experiences (like evil stepmothers/fathers, handsome princes, etc.) The Grimm Brothers (German brothers) • were some of the first people to write down fairy tales • they published their last collection in 1857 • their tales were filled with cruelty and murder U.S. versions of fairy tales are toned down and not as cruel “Cinderella” stories are among the most common fairy tales from around the world
Venn Diagram Example Together • We are going to read “Chriserella” (green book, pg. 602) and “Dinorella” (green book, pg. 612) and create a Venn Diagram on the board together with at least 8 entries on our diagram • When we finish, you will select 2 of the following stories (see next slide) to read and create your own Venn Diagram in your booklet
Venn Diagram • Select 2 of the following “Cinderella” stories and create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the 2 stories. • Green book pg. 593 “Aschenputtel” • Green book pg. 608 “The Algonquin Cinderella” • Green book pg. 615 “Yeh-Shen” Your Venn Diagram must have at least 8 entries, with at least 2 entries in each of the areas of the diagram