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Introduction. 海管導論. Coastal Management. By Jaw-Fang Lee. Coastal Management Introduction. 期刊 : Journal of Coastal Management Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management 國內與海洋事務所相關單位 (Marine Affairs) 教科書 :
Introduction 海管導論 Coastal Management By Jaw-Fang Lee
Coastal ManagementIntroduction • 期刊: • Journal of Coastal Management • Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management • 國內與海洋事務所相關單位(Marine Affairs) • 教科書: Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management – Concepts and PracticesBy BilianaCicin – Sain and Robert W. Knecht • Contents 書目內容 • Introduction 導論
期刊: Journal of Coastal Management Definitions:(cited from Journal of Coastal Management) Coastal Management is dedicated to exploring the technical, legal, political, social, and policy issues relating to the use of coastal resources and environmentson a global scale.
Current areas of focus: Current areas of focus include coastal tourism, biodiversity in the coastal environment, seaport and waterfront management and planning, coastal hazards management and sea level rise, ocean policy and coastal state planning, coastal law and administration, water quality in the coastal environment, and International coastal management.
Experts Experts in the environmental sciences, engineering, law, and resource planning.
Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management Definitions:(cited from Journal of Ocean and Coastal Management; previously Ocean and Shoreline Management) Dedicated to the study of all aspects of ocean and coastal management at international, national, regional, and local levels. Requires the insightsof a number of disciplines ranging from the natural and physical sciences to the social sciences, policy analysis, economics, and law. Involving analytical approaches, development of theory, and improvement of management practice. Comparative studies (e.g. subnational, crossnational, to other policy areas), and studies assessing current management approaches.
Examples of topics include the following: Interactions among various ocean and coastal uses; Resolution of multiple-use conflicts; alternative management regimes and institutional arrangements for integrated management of ocean and coastal areas; governance of resources and uses in Exclusive Economic Zones; Developments related to the Lawof the Sea Convention and to the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), and consideration of legal regimes for the conservation and development of ocean resources beyond the limits of national jurisdiction;
Environmental impacts resulting from development of ocean and coastal areas; specific shoreline management issuessuch as coast protection policies, accelerated sea level rise, public access, waterfront redevelopment, public education and participation, port management, and marine protected areas; resource evaluation for such activities as aquaculture, commercial fisheries, offshore mining, shipping and navigation; energy facilities; coast-dependent industries; marine parks; recreational development and conservation; Physical constraints and natural hazardsaffecting resource use and development; economic, political, and social constraints; technological solutions to problems of resource demand and supply.
國內與海洋事務所相關單位(Marine Affairs) • 國立中山大學 海洋事務研究所 (海洋科學院) 海洋政策研究中心 • 國立成大大學 海洋科技與事務研究所(工學院) (海洋工程、法律、管理、政策) • 國立海洋大學 海洋事務與資源研究所 (海洋科學與資源學院) • 國立台灣大學 海洋研究所之海洋事務學程 http://www.ima.nsysu.edu.tw/ima/ http://www.marinepolicy.org/ http://www.ncku.edu.tw/~iotma/ http://imarm.ntou.edu.tw http://www.oc.ntu.edu.tw
教科書: Integrated Coastal and Ocean Management – Concepts and Practices By BilianaCicin – Sain and Robert W. Knecht Integrated Coastal and OceanManagement –Concepts and Practices ( 海岸 ) ( 海洋 ) ( 管理 )( 觀念 ) ( 實行 ) 作者: BilianaCicin – Sain and Robert W. Knecht
Contents 書目內容 Part I Chapter 1Need Chapter 2 Definitions Part II Evolution Chapter 3Global evolution Chapter 4 Growth in Capacity Part III A Practical Guide Chapter 5Setting the Stage Chapter 6various Considerations ( Institutional, Legal, Financial) Chapter 7 Informing the ICM Process: Building the Science and Information Base) Chapter 8 Formulation and approval of an ICM Program Chapter 9 Implementation, Operation, and Evaluation of ICM Programs
Introduction導論 • Intent of this book • Major goals • What is ICM ? • Goal of the Book • Scope and Content of the Book • Major Sources of Information • 1996 ICM Survey of Nations • The Need to Tailor ICM to Fit a Nation’s Unique Circumstance • A Note on Terminology • Structure of the Book • Tips on Reading the Book
Intent of this book本書之目的 • Present an account of the concept of integrated coastal and ocean management (ICM) • Illustrate how it can be accomplished by describing ways in which particular nations have implemented various aspects of it. Account: 敘述 (give an account of …)
Major goals五大主要目標 • A synthesis and analysis of international prescription for ICM 為ICM綜合分析國際法規 • A presentation of the major concepts and methodologies of ICM 提出ICM主要概念和方法 • A practical guide to the establishment, implementation, and operation of ICM programs ICM建立、落實和操作計畫方案的實用指南 • An analysis of different patterns of ICM followed in different countries 因不同城市而產生不同ICM模式分析 • Our own prescriptionsfor approaches that seem to be successful, base on our experience, a cross-national survey we conducted, and the scholarly literature in the field 對於似乎成功的法規方法是以作者們的經驗、跨國調查和各領域的學術文獻
What is ICM ?何謂ICM? • The term implies a conscious management process that acknowledges the interrelationships among most coastal and ocean uses and the environments they potentially affect. • In a geographical sense ICM embraces upland watersheds, the shoreline and its unique landforms (beaches, dunes, wetlands), nearshore coastal and estuarine waters, and the ocean beyond to the extent it is affected by or affects the coastal area.
What is ICM ?何謂ICM? • A process ICM is a process by which rational decisions are made concerning the conservation and sustainable use of coastal and ocean resources and space. The process is designed to overcome the fragmentation inherent in single-sector management approaches, in splits in jurisdiction among different levels of government, and in the land-water interface.
What is ICM ?何謂ICM? • ICM is grounded in the concept that the management of coastal and ocean resources and space should be as fully integrated as are the interconnected ecosystems making up the coastal and ocean realms. • Author’s view point • ICM does not replace traditional single-sector resources management. For example, ICM is not intended to replace coastal water quality management and fisheries management programs but to ensure that all their activities function harmoniously to achieve agreed water quality and fisheries goals.
What is ICM ? Author’s view point • Obviously, if a degraded coastal habitat affects the attainment of fisheries management goals, management of that habitat should be within the ambit of an integrated coastal management process. • A book on ICM is especially needed at this timebecause of the recent recognition of the importance—indeed, the necessity—of employing more integrated approaches to management of the earth’s resources. Better integrated resource management is a fundamental prerequisite of sustainable development.
What is ICM ? Author’s view point • Mandates for the use of more integrated management approaches were prominent in the recommendations in Agenda 21, an action program emanating from the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in June 1992 (also known as the Earth Summit or the Rio Conference). • Measures for protecting marine biodiversity are called for in the 1992 Convention on Biological Diversity. To succeed, these measures require integrated approaches such as those embodied in the ICM concept. Emanate:產生 agenda:議題
What is ICM ? Author’s view point • Moreover, ICM has been singled out by the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as a key tool for dealing with the threat of accelerating sea-level rise in low-lying coastal areas. • The Global Program of Action on Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities, emanating from the 1995 Washington Conference on Land-Based Activities Affecting the Marine Environment, also points out the importance of better integrated coastal management measures to control land-based sources of marine pollution.
What is ICM ? Author’s view point • Unrelenting pressures on the world’s coastal areas due to ever increasing populations threaten the viability of coastal ecosystems and expose increasing numbers of people to the very real hazards of living at the water’s edge. Often unknowingly, coastal populations are at risk from potentially catastrophic effects of hurricanes and typhoons and the almost certain consequences of a slow but serious rise in sea level. Relent:減緩 viable:能養活的 facet:方面 meteorological:氣象
What is ICM ? Author’s view point • Thus, measures to mitigate the natural hazards of the coastal zone must be comprehensive in scope and they must deal with all facets of the problem — meteorological aspects, effects of storms on the shore land and its development, evacuation and post-disaster planning, insurance programs, beach protection measures, and the like.
Goals of the book The primary goal of this book • The primary goal of this book is to provide coastal and ocean managers with essential information about integrated coastal management so that they can put functional and effective programs in place. (提供必要的資料以建立具有功能性和有效的規劃) • The book will be relevant to coastal nations at various states of economic development, from less developed to more developed. What is offered here will be equally useful to nations with strong central governments and those with relatively undeveloped local governments as well as those with strong government capacity at three levels—national, provincial or state, and local or community. (和各種經濟發展階段的海岸國家有關) • The book will be useful in all types of coastal and marine settings, from those in the tropics to those in more temperate climates. (對各種海岸和海洋環境背景都有用)
Temperate:溫和的 setting:環境;背景 Goals of the book A secondary goal of the book • A secondary goal of the book is to provide a clear description of the benefits of ICM to help policy makers in coastal nations decide whether and how to develop ICM programs. (提供ICM好處的清楚說明,讓決策者決定是否以及如何發展ICM) • Policy makers need to know what is likely to be involved in implementing an ICM program: Will government reorganization be needed? Will new legislation or decrees be necessary? What levels of government will need to be involved? How much is the effort likely to cost? (決策者需要知道實施ICM牽連到那些政府組織重組?需要新的立法和法令?和那層級的政府單位有關?經費需要多少?) • Thus, the book contains information policy makers will need as they consider the initiation, implementation, and operation of an integrated coastal management program. (本書包含開始實施、履行、經營ICM決策者需要的資料)
Goals of the book be most critical to a successful effort • We focus on those parts of the ICM process we believe to be most critical to a successful effort—that is, to the creation of a management process with the best chance of achieving the intended goals. 著重在我們認為ICM達到成功的过程中,(最有機會達成打算的目標) 最關健的部份。 • Our experience has shown that the institutional dimension often does not receive the attention it merits. 我們的經驗顯示,制度上的層面的優勢 並沒辦法得到注意。 • Mechanisms that coordinate and harmonize the various sectoral programs are absolutely fundamental to rational coastal management. 對各部份方案能夠協調和有和諧的機制,才是合理海岸管理的根本。 Institutional:制度的 program:方案 計畫
Goals of the bookbe most critical to a successful effort • Similarly, no ICM program can accomplish its goals without satisfactory arrangements relating provincial and/or local governments and the central government and relating private and public actions. 若沒有相關省和地方政府、中央政府以及相關私人和大眾滿意的規劃(安排)ICM將無法達成目標。 • As a rule, all levels of government, the private sector, local communities, coastal and marine stakeholders, and nongovernmental organizations all play significant roles in determining the use of coastal lands and waters. 通常,這些單位在決定海岸陸地和水域用途上都佔重要角色。 • To the extent that this is the case, each of these perspectives must be constructively involved in ICM. 在ICM這些考慮上必須是建設性的。 Perspective:觀點遠景
Goals of the bookbe most critical to a successful effort • It is our hope that the approaches outlined here will be relevant and useful regardless of the stage of coastal management present. 不管現在海岸管理是何階段,希望提到作法的概要內容能夠有關和有用。 • Most nations have coastal management efforts of some sort already in place. Often, these efforts focus on a major problem in an important coastal area, such as coastal erosion or the need to protect a particularly threatened stretch of coral reef. 大部份國家多少都有海岸管理,大都注重在重要的海岸地區之主要問題,如海岸侵蝕、受威脅的珊瑚礁。 • Such efforts, though probably not comprehensive in scope, can be a reasonable starting point for a broader ICM program. 這樣的努力雖然範疇上不夠詳盡,但是對較廣範的ICM而言,可為合理的開端。 outline:要點 概要 relevant:有關的 in place:適當的
Goals of the bookbe most critical to a successful effort • We hope this book will provide the information necessary to construct a broader national effort on an existing base. 站在現有基礎上,建立更廣的全國性努力 • Finally, it is our intent that the book be practical. It was written for individuals and organizations responsible for the initiation, implementation, and operation of integrated coastal and ocean management programs in the coastal nations of the world. 書能夠實用 • At the same time, we hope that academics, scholars, and others interested in the field of marine policy will find the book of interest. 對本書有興趣 (be interested in)
Scope and Content of the Book This book is not the first effort to set forth a framework or a set of guidelines for undertaking ICM. In various forms, information related to coastal management concepts and practices in a number of different national settings has been available for a number of years; see, for example, Sorensen and McCreary 1990; Kenchington 1990; Chua and Scura 1992; and Clark 1992 and 1996. Setting:環境
Prior to UNCED in 1992, much of the literature on ICM was largely descriptive, reviewing approaches undertaken in various countries to manage shorelines and coastal areas for various purposes—to minimize pollution, control coastal erosion, promote coastal tourism, and the like. The earliest generic guidelinesfor coastal area management were disseminated by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 1987. These guidelines, like those that were to follow in the 1992 Earth Summit, contained a greater prescriptive component. They suggested various policies that coastal management programs should implement and processes that the programs should include. Disseminate:散播 prescriptive:規定的
Coming out of UNCEDwere strong recommendations for coastal nations to develop and implement more integrated programs for managing their coastal and ocean resources, as discussed in detail in chapter 3. Not surprisingly, this mandate led to the preparation and dissemination of several additional sets of guidelines for integrated coastal management. UNCED guidelines The first such post-UNCED guidelineswere prepared by the World Bank in 1993 in collaboration with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Environment Programmers (UNEP). Another set of guidelines, first prepared by the Priority Action Program of UNEP’s Mediterranean Action Plan in the early 1990s, was subsequently published by UNEP in 1995.
From the World Coast Conference in November 1993, sponsored by the Netherlands and attended by ninety nations, came a set of ICM principles and recommendations that were also prescriptive in nature. A number of other efforts are currently under way to fashion ICM training coursesthat in effect represent extended discussions of ICM guidelines, sometimes with simulations or training exercises built in. These include the Train-SeaCoast courses being developed by the United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and Law of the Sea, courses being offered by the International Ocean Institute, courses by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission, and others. Fashion:改革, in effect:實際上, principle:原則, fashion:把...塑造成 commission:委員會
Scope and Contentof the Book A synthesis and analysis of international prescription for ICM 為ICM綜合分析國際法規 A presentation of the major concepts and methodologies of ICM 提出ICM主要概念和方法 A practical guide to the establishment, implementation, and operation of ICM programs ICM建立、落實和操作計畫方案的實用指南 An analysis of different patterns of ICM followed in different countries 因不同城市而產生不同ICM模式分析 Our own prescriptionsfor approaches that seem to be successful, base on our experience, a cross-national survey we conducted, and the scholarly literature in the field 對於似乎成功的法規方法是以作者們的經驗、跨國調查和各領域的學術文獻 Our orientation as the relationship of science and management
This book builds on this earlier and ongoing work and endeavors to extend it where possible and appropriate. This book builds on this earlier and ongoing work and endeavors to extend it where possible and appropriate. In particular, the book presents the following: Synthesis and analysis of the international prescriptions for ICM evolving from processes associated with UNCED and the Law of the Sea Convention. Our intent is to provide an up-to-date account of thinking at the international level regarding what constitutes ICM and what are its core elements and principles. Endeavor:力圖 constitute:組成
Major concepts, processes, and methodologies involved in ICM. We address central questions such as, What are the goals and functions of ICM? What triggers the need for ICM? What is being managed in ICM? Who should carry out ICM? What management methods and tools are available to coastal decision makers?
A practical guide to the establishment, implementation, and operation of ICM programs • A practical guide for the coastal decision maker reviewing options available at each major stage of the ICM process, including problem identification and analysis and formulation, implementation, operation, and evaluation of ICM programs. • We review the major options available at each of these stages, difficulties decision makers may encounter, and ways of overcoming such difficulties. Major options:可選擇的東西
Analysis of various patterns of ICM followed in different countries. • We describe variations in ICM practices in different nations of the world— developed and developing—and in all geographical regions. • Because systematic comparative information about the ICM programs of different countries is notably unavailable, we conducted a cross-national survey of ICM practices in a sample of countries and prepared narrative accounts of various nations’ efforts to plan for and implement ICM. • The survey and case studies are described more fully later in this introduction. Variation:差異 Narrative:敘事的 notably:明顯地
Presentation of our prescriptions on approaches that seem best successful. • Drawing on the ICM literature, the cross-national survey and case studies, and our own experiences in working on ICM in various nations, we offer our own prescriptions of what approaches seem to work best under what circumstances. Draw on:利用 circumstances:情況
Our orientation as the relationship of science and management • Given our orientation as social scientists(especially in policy analysis and public administration), we pay special attention to the institutional aspects of ICM. • For example, regarding the intersectoral integration inevitably needed in ICM, how can the many government agencies and other groups usually operating in coastal areas be made to work together in a coherent and harmonized fashion? institutional:制度的 coherent:一致的 黏合在一起的
We address in some detail the question of intergovernmental integration, also often a thorny issue in the ICM process: what is to be the relationship between national and subnational (provincial and local) authorities, how are they to relate, and through what mechanisms? • A related question is how to determine appropriate conflict resolution strategies to address the many conflicts that typically occur among diverse ocean and coastal uses. • Because scientific understanding is crucial for good ICM decision making, we also focus on the relationship of science and management, providing examples that illustrate how scientific information can be incorporated into the management process and discussing the obstacles often encountered in this effort. Thorny:棘手的,
Similarly, we stress the need to monitor parameters indicative of the performance of the ICM program or one of its parts. • In our view, corrections, modifications, and improvements are difficult, if not impossible, without a carefully designed and well-functioning monitoring component—one that not only reveals how well a program is performing but also promotes the kinds of learning that can improve the performance. Monitor:監控
Major Sources of Information Our discussion relies on information from a combination of sources. First,we conducted an extensive review of the literature, drawn both from academic circles and from reports of national governments, international organizations, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), on the concepts and practice of ICM; this literature forms much of the basis for our discussion of concepts and methods in the first part of the book.
Second, to describe the ICM experiences of a range of nations, both developing and developed, we drew on academic and in-country government and NGO sources and on our cross-national survey of ICM experts. We used these comparative data in two major ways: to illustrate the experiences of a range of nations with various aspects of ICM and to develop detailed case studies of such experiences.
Finally,of course, we drew heavily on our personal backgrounds and experiencein the design and implementation of ICM programsin various countries; on our experience in lecturing and working in various countries, especially Latin America, Europe, Asia, and the South Pacific; and on our experience as NGO participantsin the international negotiations preceding and following the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and, for author Robert W. Knecht, in the international negotiations concerning the Law of the Sea Convention.
author Robert W. Knecht Knechtbrought another particularly relevant set of experiences to bear in the writing of this book—as initial director of the U.S. coastal zone management program charged with implementing the world’s first large-scale coastal management effort (1972—1981), he faced many of the decisions and choices that coastal decision makers around the world must address.
1996 ICM Survey of Nations Reasonof Survey • Although case studies on individual nations’ experiences with ICM may be found in the literature, it is often difficult to compare ICM processes in different countries because the studies tend to use different variables and ask different questions. • Thus, we believed it would be useful to survey a selected number of nations to ascertain patterns in ICM practice.
Appendix 2 (Cross-National Survey) • The survey, conducted from February to June 1996 and reproduced in appendix 2, was sent via fax to one to five ICM experts in each of twenty-nine countries. • In each country, we contacted key expert informants, individuals in the academic world or in relevant government agencies with close knowledge of the evolution and functioning of the country’s ICM program (see appendix 2 for a list of respondents). Informant:消息(或情報)提供者
Countries for our Sample Responses to the survey thus reflect expert opinion rather than official government positions. We chose the following countries for our sample, as shown in table 1.1: developed countries: Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Australia, and New Zealand; middle developing countries: Mexico, Barbados, Brazil, Chile, Turkey, Thailand, Malaysia., Fiji, and South Africa; developing countries and countries in transition: Ecuador, Bulgaria, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Indonesia, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Republic of India, the Republic of the Philippines, Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka. the Federated States of Micronesia, and the United Republic of Tanzania.