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Class Schedule Information Session academic year 2012-2013

Class Schedule Information Session academic year 2012-2013. 27 October 2011. Who we are:. Anna Walsh – Associate Registrar Enrolment Services Leslie Chalmers – Manager, Class Scheduling Services Beri Lainjo – Class Schedule Administrator

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Class Schedule Information Session academic year 2012-2013

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  1. Class Schedule Information Session academic year2012-2013

    27 October 2011
  2. Who we are: Anna Walsh –Associate Registrar Enrolment Services Leslie Chalmers –Manager, Class Scheduling Services Beri Lainjo – Class Schedule Administrator Ida Lemme – Government Reporting and Class Schedule Administrator Rhea Saddick– Class Schedule Administrator Ricardo Lazarevic– Class Schedule Administrator Janet Martone – Timetable and Schedule Coordinator Jennifer Minnich – Class Schedule Coordinator
  3. Overview of Session Changes in the Scheduling Process Information in Banner Current Information New Information Scheduling Forms Website Timeline Questions and Answers
  4. Changes in the Scheduling Process For 2012-2013 ONLY - all data is being rolled based on 2011-12 However, Enrolment Services will run the scheduling software (TPHi) to assign rooms for sections with critical revisions or new sections Enrolment Services will assign times and rooms for sections with critical revisionsor new sections Exception: School of Continuing Studies, Medicine and Dentistry New Functionality  ONLINE Instructor Unavailability form on Minerva Instructor video: http://knowledgebase.mcgill.ca/media/videos/minerva/Unavail-Instructor.htm Chair approval video: http://knowledgebase.mcgill.ca/media/videos/minerva/Chair-Unavail-Approval.htm
  5. Information in Banner Rollover New course section creation Existing course sections (critical changes only) Max enrolment (critical changes only) Professor assignments (if known) Room characteristics Linked course sections Cross listed groups sent to the Class Schedule Coordinator @ classschedule@mcgill.ca
  6. What to look for in Banner Patterns: There will be time and room information in the meeting line The pattern will be in the meeting type field in place of “CLAS” Some patterns available include 3X1 or 2X15 or 1X2S Pattern must be checked for necessary changes
  7. Important Notes about Patterns 3 times 1 hr pattern is indicated as 3X1. It includes: MWF, TRF or MTR 2 times 1.5 hr pattern is indicated as 2X15. It includes: MW, TR or WF Indicate NTN in the meeting type field if a course section does not need a time or room Examples include Reading courses, Thesis courses etc Indicate FRC in the meeting type field as well as the day and time if a course section must be offered at a specific time Examples include Seminars with guest speakers, certain studio courses, Adjunct Professors who can only teach at a certain time Blockoffs and Course section ties are not taken care of by patterns. They must be indicated on the course section constraint forms
  8. Rooms Assign the building and the room if a course section must absolutely go into a specific room Examples include lab and studio course sections, Phys. Ed. Activity courses (Soccer, Swimming, Rugby, etc) Indicate “NOROOM” in the building field and “NEEDED” in the room field if a course section does not need a room, Example includes course sections that take place in the Instructor’s office If a course section must be assigned into a departmental room, indicate the appropriate department room characteristic Example: S138 for BIOL-DEPT Room preferences (not attributes) must be indicated in SSATEXT
  9. Room Attributes & Max Enrolment Indicate a max of 3-4 room attributes and identify their priority (they should not all be ranked as priority 1) Do not use both whiteboard and chalkboard room attributes for the same course section Do not use conference table and moveable chairs for the same course section Do not use the slide projector room attribute Do not inflate the max enrolment more than 20% of the previous year’s actual enrolment without providing a valid reason to the Class Scheduling Office
  10. Scheduling forms Course Section Constraint Forms Existing (2011-12) course section constraint forms information will be used If there are critical changes to course section constraint forms from 2011-12 you may submit new ones Provide new course section constraint forms for new course sections created NEW Instructor Unavailability Online Form An onlineInstructor Unavailability form is available on Minerva for all instructors under the Faculty Menu Department Unavailability Forms Department Unavailability form willNOT be sent to each department for review (we will be using data from 2011-12, unless there are critical changes that must be taken into consideration)
  11. Instructor Unavailability Forms Instructor Unavailability form is now on Minerva with an approval path Instructors will submit their unavailability and it will be reviewed and approved by the Chair/Director or Delegate Preference for 8:30 or 4:30 timeslot does not guarantee course sections being scheduled at that time Instructors should have the same unavailability as 2011-12 i.e. only critical changes should be submitted Some problems encountered related to Instructor Blockoffs: Instructor teaches a course section that is offered 3 times a week, the course section must be offered on MWF and the instructor has one of these days blocked off Instructor attends a lab section that must be offered in the afternoon until 5:30 and the Instructor has blocked off part of the afternoon Two Instructors teach the same course section and have opposite blockoffs
  12. Questions and Answers If you have any questions, please feel free to get in touch with us: Register for a workshop Email us at timetableproject.es@mcgill.ca Contact us by phone: Leslie Chalmers @ 5705 Beri Lainjo @ 5916 Ida Lemme @ 6819 Rhea Saddick @ 1480 Ricardo Lazarevic @ 1650 Jennifer Minnich @ 3491 Janet Martone @ 00643
  13. Course Combinations Blocks of courses that need to be conflict free with each other for each program and each year of that program and each term in that program Existing (2011-12) course combinations will be used If there are critical changes to course combinations from 2011-12 you may submit new ones Inform us if there are any new course sections that need to be included in a course combination
  14. How to submit to Enrolment Services New or Critical Changes For The 2012-13 Scheduling Cycle? Print and send forms to: 688 Sherbrooke Street, Room 750 Or Email electronically to: timetableproject.es@mcgill.ca
  15. Website UNDER CONSTRUCTION Website Address: http://www.mcgill.ca/classschedule/ Information includes: Timeline Scheduling Instructions Checklist of items to be completed by the deadline date Dos and Don’ts Forms Workshop dates and registration information FAQs
  16. Timeline November 30th, 2011 – Deadline to provide information for the scheduling process – Banner and Scheduling Forms February 13th, 2012 – Draft of the timetable results distributed to the departments February 24th, 2012 – Deadline for feedback of the first draft of the Timetable March 19th, 2010 – Class Schedule available on Minerva
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