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Graduation Planning and Endorsements-Making the Connection

April 15, 2014. Graduation Planning and Endorsements-Making the Connection. Heather Blount, CTE Specialist Shauna Lane, Counselor Solution Group. Does the mention of HB 5 Graduation Plans and Endorsements make you feel like this?. We hope you leave today feeling like this!.

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Graduation Planning and Endorsements-Making the Connection

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  1. April 15, 2014 Graduation Planning and Endorsements-Making the Connection Heather Blount, CTE Specialist Shauna Lane, Counselor Solution Group

  2. Does the mention of HB 5 Graduation Plans and Endorsements make you feel like this?

  3. We hope you leave today feeling like this! Better understanding of Endorsements! How Options work? What Endorsements you are already set to offer! Resources for understanding/ working with students/parents! PGP Requirements and Samples!

  4. Agenda 1 3 2 Updated Information Resources Endorsements/CTE/Coherent Sequence

  5. Today’s Meet https://todaysmeet.com/hb5esc17 Post your questions!

  6. ALL THINGS HB5! ESC 17 HB5 LIVE BINDER On Region 17 homepage! http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?present=true&id=1130191 TABS • HB5 • Presentations • Resources • Grad Requirements • Endorsements • PGP • CTE • TSI • Certification Info • Parent/Community engagement • Assessment/Accountability

  7. HB 5 Updates and Clarifications… FAQs Posted on TEA Website • Multidisciplinary is Chemistry and/or Physics (Q4 on Endorsement FAQ) • Arts and Humanities Option B-5 SS CREDITS not COURSES as previously stated in the proposed rules • Arts and Humanities there is an option that does not include a 4th year science-can substitute another core course- see proposed rules Placement of US History • W. Geography/W. History…What other schools are doing… PGP • HS PGP-8th graders and parents informed/pick endorsement • PGP confirmed by the end of 9th grade year • If Endorsement changes-notify parents in writing • If Endorsement is dropped at end of 10th-parents notified in writing During each year of a student’s enrollment in high school or at the high school level, a school counselor must provide information about postsecondary education to the student and student’s parent or guardian…must include… • The importance of postsecondary ed. • The advantages of earning an endorsement, performance acknowledgement, and completing distinguished level under the foundation program

  8. HB 5 Updates and Clarifications… Resources • UT HB5 videos http://ipsi.utexas.edu/house-bill-5/ …click HB5 Videos • Pick Your Path Brochure Example Course Sequencing Templates • Tahoka ISD and other examples for mapping out course sequence offerings…in LiveBinder Transition Plans • 10th-12th for 2014-2015 can choose M/R/D or Foundation Program in 2014-2015 and after…A student who entered Grade 9 prior to 2014-2015 may, at any time prior to graduation and upon request, choose to complete the curriculum requirements required for graduation under a different program than that selected by the student during the 2014-2015 school year. TSI and College Prep • Still awaiting some clarification from THECB • Can look at 11th grade this year and see if they meet TSI standards via PLAN, PSAT, SAT, ACT-according to chart, or EOC (?), and/or Coursework (determined by district)… • See Document…under TSI in LiveBinder for what we know now… • District needs an MOU with the Institution of Higher Ed for college prep courses to be offered/taught…SPC will be here on June 6 to discuss this in more detail. Courses required to be offered for students not meeting college readiness…(Sections 10 and 35 in HB5)-Example of MOU from Houston-ESC4-LiveBinder/HB 5 Resource Links/Region 4-bottom right side… • What is TSI for Index 4? EOC • Students can substitute other assessments for meeting EOC requirements. Chart located at… • http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter101/19_0101_4002-1.pdf

  9. HB 5 Updates and Clarifications… CTE Courses for Math, Science, and English Credit • CTE teacher must have appropriate certification, complete Project Share professional development (only for math and science courses), AND meet Highly Qualified Requirements (HQ House). • Math and Science teachers must have appropriate certification, complete Project Share professional development, AND meet Highly Qualified Requirements. • There is no Project Share professional development for English.

  10. 1 New Graduation Plans

  11. Overview of Foundation Program Plans

  12. Foundation – Statutory Requirements

  13. Foundation Statutory Requirements

  14. Foundation Advanced Courses - SBOE Rule English Language Arts

  15. Foundation Advanced Courses – SBOE Rule Third Mathematics Credit

  16. Foundation Advanced Courses – SBOE Rule Second Science Credit

  17. Foundation Advance Courses – SBOE Rule Third Science Credit

  18. Languages Other Than English (LOTE) –SBOE Rule • Any two levels in the same language • Two credits in computer programming languages selected from Computer Science I, II, and III • If a student, in completing the first credit of LOTE, demonstrates that the student is unlikely to be able to complete the second credit, the student may substitute another appropriate course as follows: • Special Topics in Language and Culture • World History Studies or World Geography Studies for a student who is not required to complete both by the local district • Computer programming languages • A different language course

  19. Languages Other Than English (LOTE) –SBOE Rule • A student, who due to a disability, is unable to complete two credits in the same language in LOTE, may substitute: • a combination of two credits from English language arts, mathematics, science, or social studies • two credits in career and technical education or technology applications • The determination regarding a student's ability to complete the LOTE credit requirements will be made by: • the student's ARD committee if the student receives special education services under the TEC, Chapter 29, Subchapter A or • the committee established for the student under Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 United States Code (USC), §794)

  20. Speech Requirement- SBOE Rule How? A specific speech course will not be a requirement under the Foundation High School Program… New Requirement: To receive a high school diploma, a student must demonstrate proficiency, as determined by the district in which the student is enrolled, in: • delivering clear verbal messages • choosing effective nonverbal behaviors • listening for desired results • applying valid critical-thinking and problem-solving processes • identifying, analyzing, developing, and evaluating communication skills needed for professional • and social success in interpersonal situations, • group interactions, and personal and professional presentations

  21. Foundation High School Program TheCommissionerhasadoptedrulestoallowfourthyear seniorswhoareunabletocompletetherequirementsofone ofthecurrentgraduationprogramstograduatefoundation only inspring 2014.* http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/rules/tac/chapter074/ch074bb.html TheCommissionerhasadopteda transitionplantoreplace theMHSP,RHSP,andDAPwiththeFoundationHighSchool Programbeginning withthe 2014-­2015schoolyear. Studentswhoareingrade9,10,or11inthe2013-­‐2014 schoolyearmustbegivenachoicetograduationtheMHSP, RHSP,DAP,orFoundationHighSchoolProgram.

  22. List of courses is located on the transition plan link…1/2 credit is speech…

  23. Foundation – Statutory Requirements Beginninginthe2014-­‐2015 schoolyear,aschooldistrict mustensurethateachstudent,onenteringninthgrade, indicatesinwritinganendorsementthatthestudent intendstoearn. Adistrictmustpermitastudenttochoose,atanytime,to earnanendorsementotherthantheendorsementthe studentpreviouslyindicated.

  24. Foundation – Statutory Requirements Astudentmay graduateunderthefoundationhighschoolprogramwithoutearninganendorsementif,afterthe student’ssophomoreyear: (1) thestudentandthestudent’sparentorpersonstandingin parentalrelationareadvisedbyaschoolcounselorofthe specificbenefitsofgraduatingfromhighschoolwithoneor moreendorsements;and (2) thestudent’sparentorpersonstandinginparentalrelation files withaschoolcounselorwrittenpermission,onaform adoptedbytheagency,allowingthestudenttograduateunder thefoundationhighschoolprogramwithoutearningan endorsement

  25. Distinguished Level of Achievement Astudentmay earnadistinguishedlevelof achievementbysuccessfullycompleting: • atotaloffourcreditsinmathematics,whichmust includeAlgebraII • atotaloffourcreditsinscience • theremainingcurriculumrequirements • thecurriculumrequirementsforatleastone endorsement

  26. Discussion…

  27. BREAK!

  28. Performance Acknowledgements Astudentmay earnaperformanceacknowledgment: • foroutstandingperformance • inadualcreditcourse • inbilingualismandbiliteracy • onanAPtestorIBexam • onthePSAT,theACT-­‐Plan,theSAT,ortheACT • forearninganationallyorinternationallyrecognizedbusiness orindustrycertificationorlicense

  29. Performance Acknowledgements – SBOE Rule Astudentmayearnaperformanceacknowledgmentonthestudent's diplomaandtranscriptforoutstandingperformanceinadualcreditcoursebysuccessfullycompleting: (1)atleast12hoursofcollegeacademiccourses,includingthose takenfordualcreditaspartoftheTexascorecurriculum,and advancedtechnicalcreditcourses,includinglocallyarticulated courses,withagradeoftheequivalentof3.0orhigheronascale of4.0or (2)anassociatedegreewhileinhighschool

  30. Performance Acknowledgements – SBOE Rule

  31. Performance Acknowledgements – SBOE Rule Astudentmayearnaperformanceacknowledgmentonthestudent'sdiplomaandtranscriptfor outstandingperformanceonaCollegeBoardadvancedplacementtestorInternational Baccalaureateexaminationbyearning: (1)ascoreof3oraboveonaCollegeBoardadvancedplacementexamination (2)ascoreof4oraboveonanInternationalBaccalaureateexamination Astudentmayearnaperformanceacknowledgmentonthestudent'sdiplomaandtranscriptfor outstandingperformanceonthePSAT®,theACT-­‐PLAN®,theSAT®,ortheACT®by: (1)earningascoreonthePreliminarySAT/NationalMeritScholarshipQualifyingTest(PSAT/ NMSQT®)thatqualifiesthestudentforrecognitionasacommendedscholarorhigherbythe CollegeBoardandNationalMeritScholarshipCorporation,aspartoftheNationalHispanic RecognitionProgram(NHRP)oftheCollegeBoardoraspartoftheNationalAchievement ScholarshipProgramoftheNationalMeritScholarshipCorporation (2)achievingthecollegereadinessbenchmarkscoreonatleasttwoofthefoursubjecttestson theACT-­‐PLAN®examination (3)earningacombinedcriticalreadingandmathematicsscoreofatleast1250ontheSAT®;or (4)earningacompositescoreontheACT®examinationof28(excludingthewritingsubscore)

  32. Performance Acknowledgements – SBOE Rule Astudentmayearnaperformanceacknowledgmentonthestudent'sdiplomaandtranscriptforearninganationallyorinternationallyrecognizedbusiness orindustrycertificationorlicensewith: (1)performanceonanexaminationorseriesofexaminationssufficientto obtainanationallyorinternationallyrecognizedbusinessorindustry certificationor (2)performanceonanexaminationsufficienttoobtainagovernment-­‐requiredcredentialtopracticeaprofession

  33. Performance Acknowledgements – SBOE Rule Nationallyorinternationallyrecognizedbusinessorindustrycertificationshallbe definedasanindustryvalidatedcredentialthatcomplieswithknowledgeandskills standardspromulgatedbyanationallyorinternationallyrecognizedbusiness,industry, professional,orgovernmententityrepresentingaparticularprofessionoroccupation thatisissuedbyorendorsedby: • anationalorinternationalbusiness,industry,orprofessionalorganization • astateagencyorothergovernmententityor • astate-­‐basedindustryassociation Certificationsorlicensuresforperformanceacknowledgementsshall: • beageappropriateforhighschoolstudents • representastudent'ssubstantialcourseofstudyand/orend-­‐of-­‐programknowledgeandskills•includeanindustryrecognizedexaminationorseriesofexaminations,anindustryvalidated skilltest,ordemonstratedproficiencythroughdocumented,supervisedfieldexperienceand •representsubstantialknowledgeandmultipleskillsneededforsuccessfulentryintoahigh-­‐skill occupation

  34. 2 Endorsements/CTE/Coherent Sequence

  35. Endorsements – Statutory Requirements • A student may earn an endorsement by successfully completing: • curriculum requirements for the endorsement • four credits in mathematics • four credits in science • two additional elective credits • A student can earn more than one endorsement.

  36. Endorsements and POS

  37. Endorsement Advanced Courses – SBOE Rule Fourth Mathematics Credit to Earn an Endorsement *Note: A course on this list may be taken either before or after one of the following courses: Mathematical Models with Applications, Mathematical Applications in Agriculture Food and Natural Resources, Digital Electronics, Robotics Programming and Design

  38. Foundation Advanced Courses – SBOE Rule Fourth Science Credit to Earn an Endorsement

  39. Endorsements – Statutory Requirements Each school district must make available to high school students courses that allow a student to complete the curriculum requirements for at least one endorsement. A school district that offers only one endorsement curriculum must offer the multidisciplinary studies endorsement curriculum. A school district defines advanced courses and determines a coherent sequence of courses for an endorsement area, provided that prerequisites are followed. A course completed as part of the set of four courses needed to satisfy an endorsement requirement may also satisfy a requirement under the foundation high school program, including an elective requirement.

  40. Endorsement Planning Practice Endorsement Planning Guide District only has to offer one viable option for students to earn an endorsement

  41. STEM – SBOE Rule A student may earn a STEM endorsement by completing foundation and general endorsement requirements including Algebra II, chemistry, and physics and: a coherent sequence courses for four or more credits in CTE that consists of at least two courses in the same career cluster including at least one advanced CTE course which includes any course that is the third or higher course in a sequence. The courses may be selected from courses in all CTE career clusters or CTE innovative courses approved by the commissioner of education. The final course in the sequence must be selected from the STEM career cluster. (B) a coherent sequence of four credits in computer science selected from the following:

  42. STEM – SBOE Rule A student may earn a STEM endorsement by completing foundation and general endorsement requirements including Algebra II, chemistry, and physics and: (C) A total of five credits in mathematics by successfully completing Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II and two additional mathematics courses for which Algebra II is a prerequisite (D) A total of five credits in science by successfully completing biology, chemistry, physics, and two additional science courses (E) In addition to Algebra II, chemistry, and physics, a coherent sequence of three additional credits from no more than two of the areas listed in (A), (B), (C), and (D)

  43. Guided Practice! • Example 2: • Principles of Manufacturing • Welding • Electronics • Advanced Electronics Two courses from Manufacturing CC And two courses from STEM CC All courses from STEM Career Cluster • STEM Endorsement Option A • Example 1: • Concepts of Engineering • Engineering Design and Presentation • Engineering Mathematics • Robotics and Automation

  44. On your own… • STEM Endorsement • Option B, C, D, E? • Example Option D: • Biology • Chemistry • Physics • Anatomy and Physiology • Food Science

  45. Business and Industry – SBOE Rule Astudentmayearnabusinessandindustryendorsementbycompletingfoundationandgeneral endorsementrequirementsand: (A)acoherentsequencecoursesforfourormorecreditsinCTEthatconsistsofatleasttwo coursesinthesamecareerclusterincludingatleastoneadvancedCTEcoursewhich includesanycoursethatisthethirdorhighercourseinasequence.Thecoursesmaybe selectedfrom coursesinallCTEcareerclustersorCTEinnovativecoursesapprovedbythe commissionerofeducation.Thefinalcourseinthesequencemustbeselectedfromoneof thefollowingCTEcareerclusters: Agriculture,Food,&NaturalResources• Marketing Architecture&Construction• InformationTechnology Arts,Audio/VideoTechnology,&Communications• Manufacturing BusinessManagement&Administration• Hospitality&Tourism Transportation,Distribution,&Logistics• Finance (B)fourEnglishelectivecreditsbyselectingthreelevelsinoneofthefollowingareas: advancedbroadcastjournalism• publicspeaking advancedjournalism:newspaper• debate advancedjournalism:yearbook

  46. Business and Industry – SBOE Rule A student may earn a business and industry endorsement by completing foundation and general endorsement requirements and: • four technology applications credits by selecting from the following: (D) a coherent sequence of four credits from (A), (B), or (C)

  47. Public Services – SBOE Rule Astudentmayearnapublicservicesendorsementbycompletingfoundationand generalendorsementrequirementsand: (A)acoherentsequencecoursesforfourormorecreditsinCTEthatconsistsofat leasttwocoursesinthesamecareerclusterincludingatleastoneadvancedCTE coursewhichincludesanycoursethatisthethirdorhighercourseinasequence. Thecoursesmaybeselectedfrom coursesinallCTEcareerclustersorCTE innovativecoursesapprovedbythecommissionerofeducation.Thefinalcourse inthesequencemustbeselectedfromoneofthefollowingCTEcareerclusters: Education&Training Government&PublicAdministration HealthScience HumanServices Law,PublicSafety,Corrections,&Security (B)fourcoursesinJuniorReserveOfficerTrainingCorps(JROTC)

  48. Arts and Humanities – SBOE Rule *Option to replace 4th Science with ELA, LOTE, SS, or FA Credit Astudentmayearnanartsandhumanitiesendorsementbycompletingfoundationandgeneral endorsementrequirementsand: (A) Atotaloffivesocialstudiescourses CREDITS fourlevelsofthesamelanguageinalanguageotherthanEnglish twolevelsofthesamelanguageinalanguageotherthanEnglishandtwolevelsofa differentlanguageinalanguageotherthanEnglish fourlevelsofAmericansignlanguage acoherentsequenceoffourcreditsbyselectingcoursesfromoneortwocategoriesor disciplinesinfineartsorinnovativecoursesapprovedbythecommissioner (F)fourEnglishelectivecreditsbyselectingfromthefollowing: •  EnglishIV •  IndependentStudyinEnglish •  LiteraryGenres •  CreativeWriting •  ResearchandTechnicalWriting •  Humanities •  AdvancedPlacementEnglishLiteratureandComposition;or •  InternationalBaccalaureateLanguageStudiesA1HigherLevel;or •  CommunicationApplications

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