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The Evolution of Government: From Ancient Greece to Modern Nations

Explore the origins of democracy in Greece, major types of governments, and key figures such as Solon and Pericles. Learn about Greek philosophers like Plato and Aristotle, and the legacy of the Greek jury system. Discover the impact of Greek ideas on modern governments and how democracy has spread worldwide.

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The Evolution of Government: From Ancient Greece to Modern Nations

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  1. The Greeks

  2. Story of Democracy It all began in Athens, Greece 600 BC… “Democracy is an idea whose strength comes from the people.” Demos = people, Kratos = power

  3. The Dream of Democracy “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed: We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal.” -Martin Luther King

  4. What Is Government? • “A system of controlling society by regulating behaviors, enforcing the rules and protecting every person from threats within and without…”

  5. Major Types of Governments Democracy Monarchy Aristocracy Oligarchy Dictatorship Communism Socialism Theocracy Fascism Military Puppet State Anarchy Totalitarianism Confederation

  6. Definitions of Government • Democracy a. rule by one person • Aristocracy b. rule by the working class • Monarchy c. rule by hereditary king • Oligarchy d. ruled by the powerful few • Dictatorship e. rule by God’s people • Republic f. rule of law • Communism g. rule by complete control of people • Fascism h. rule by the noble land owners • Totalitarianism i. rule of the people • Theocracy j. authoritarian nationalist rule

  7. Definitions of Government • Democracy (I) a. rule by one person • Aristocracy (H) b. rule by the working class • Monarchy (C) c. rule by hereditary king • Oligarchy (D) d. ruled by the powerful few • Dictatorship (A) e. rule by God’s people • Republic (F) f. rule of law • Communism (B) g. rule by complete control of people • Fascism (J) h. rule by the noble land owners • Totalitarianism (G) i. rule of the people • Theocracy (E) j. authoritarian nationalist rule

  8. Old Style Kings (England/France) Pharaohs (Egypt) Caesar (Rome) Chieftans (Huns/Mongols) Sultans (Ottomans) Emperors (China) Czars (Russia) Kaiser (Germany) New Style Parliament (England) Congress (U.S.A.) Diet (Germany/Japan) Assembly (France) Councils (Iroquois) Representatives (UN) Government Comparison

  9. Government Statistics • 123 of the 195 nations of the World (63%) • In 1970, only 40 nations, 2002 120 nations • Today in 2011 123 nations! • 63% Democratic, 24% Authoritarian, 8% Limited Democracy, 5% Traditional Democracy

  10. Greek Leaders • Solon(Council of 400) • 4 classes of citizenship • Cleisthenes(Council of 500) • Assembly of rich & poor • Pericles(No Council) • Direct democracy (Everyone votes)

  11. Greek Philosophers • Socrates (Philosophy) • Questions & Answers • Plato (Philosopher Kings) • Republic (Book) • Aristotle (Aristocracy) • Politics (Book)

  12. GreekThe Jury System • Jury Selection (all included) • The Trial (Innocent until…) • Jury Decision (sometimes shocking!) • Jury Punishment (Death penalty?)

  13. Legacy of the Greeks “Discovered the idea of rule by the people, natural laws to govern society and the three branches of government.”

  14. Review Questions • 1. Name the birthplace of Democracy? • 2. What do demos and kratos mean? • 3. What is a direct democracy? Whose idea was it? • 4. Who is the father of Greek Democracy? • 5. Who wrote The Republic? • 6. Who did Plato believe were the best rulers? • 7. Why did the Greeks believe in individualism? • 8. What is a system of controlling society? • 9. What % of the World is a democracy today? • 10. Who conquered the Greeks & kept Democracy alive?

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