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Description: purplish red clover head, hairy stem, 3 leaved segments, pale ring on leaves Poisonous parts: all Found: all over US, in fields. Signs of poisoning: Excessive salivation Bloating Diarrhea Blindness Abortion Laminitis. Red Clover.
Description: purplish red clover head, hairy stem, 3 leaved segments, pale ring on leaves Poisonous parts: all Found: all over US, in fields Signs of poisoning: Excessive salivation Bloating Diarrhea Blindness Abortion Laminitis Red Clover
Description: can grow up to 5’ tall, large toothed leaves, white to light violet trumpet shaped flowers, 2” spiny seed pods Poisonous Parts: flowers, leaves, seeds Found: All over US, common in fields Horses will only eat if other food is not available Scientific Name: Datura spp. Other Names: Devils Trumpet, Angels Trumpet Jimsonweed http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html
Flowers smell sweet, but otherwise plant has bad odor Many black seeds inside spiny seed pod Jimsonweed http://www.fcps.edu/StratfordLandingES/Ecology/mpages/jimsonweed.htm
Jimsonweed Signs of Poisoning: • Excitement, then sudden depression • Colic • Diarrhea • Low temp • Extreme thirst • Dilated pupils • Convulsions • Coma • Paralysis • Respiratory paralysis results in death http://www.fcps.edu/StratfordLandingES/Ecology/mpages/jimsonweed.htm http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=DAST&photoID=dast_003_ahp.jpg
Scientific Name: Conium maculatum Description: grows up to 10’ tall, green stem with purple spots, lacy triangiular leaves, musky odor, small white flowers clustered with a flat top Poisonous Parts: all Found: all over US, field edges and roadsides Horses can find texture palatable Poison Hemlock http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/conium.html
http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=COMA2&photoID=coma2_2v.jpghttp://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=COMA2&photoID=coma2_2v.jpg Poison Hemlock Signs of Poisoning: • Bloating • Cold extremities • Dilated pupils • Weak heart beat • Trembling • Paralysis • Coma • Respiratory paralysis results in death http://www.vet.purdue.edu/depts/addl/toxic/plant28.htm
Scientific Name: Centaurea solstitialis Description: grows up to 2’ tall, bright yellow flowers with a spiny base, leaves covered in cottony hair Poisonous parts: all Found: NOT in MI, found in southern & western US, in fields, pastures, & roadsides Poisoning usually occurs in fall when horses may acquire a taste for the plant and seek it out Yellow Star Thistle http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html
Yellow Star Thistle Signs of Poisoning: • “Chewing Disease” • Involuntary chewing • Lip twitching • Swelling around the mouth • Facial muscle paralysis • Unable to chew or close mouth • Death eventually occurs from starvation and dehydration http://plants.usda.gov/java/profile?symbol=CESO3 http://kaweahoaks.com/html/yellow_starthistle.html
Scientific Name: Digitalis purpurea Description: purple, pink, red or white tubular flowers with dark spots, flowers open downward, leaves are alternate, hairy and slightly toothed Poisonous Parts: flowers, leaves, seeds Found: all over US, often in flower gardens http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html Foxglove
Foxglove Signs of poisoning: • Colic • Bloody feces • Poor appetite • Pain • Frequent urination • Irregular heartbeat • Possible convulsions prior to death http://www.freefoto.com/preview.jsp?id=12-57-51&k=Foxglove+-+Digitalis One bite is fatal
Description: upper leaves turn red, pink or white in late fall, Poisonous parts: leaves, stems and sap Found: all over US as a holiday ornamental plant, native to Mexico Scientific Name: Euphorbia pulcherrima Poinsettia http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html
Poinsetta • Poinsettas have low toxicity Signs of poisoning: • Skin • Redness and swelling • Blistering • Gastrointestinal • Stomach pain • Diarrhea http://www.schaefergreenhouses.com/poinsettia.html http://www.schaefergreenhouses.com/poinsettia.html
Poisonous Parts: acorns, young leaves Found: all over US Signs of poisoning: Bloody diarrhea Abdominal pain Kidney & liver damage Frequent urination Thirst Anorexia Signs of toxicity occur when large amount are ingested Symptoms may last 3-10 days Death occurs with 85% of horses showing signs Oak Tree http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html
Description: Woody evergreen bush, grows up to 30’ tall Leaves leathery & pointed leaves grow opposite each other in groups of 3 arranged in whorls Flowers grow in clusters at the ends of branches white, pink, purplish, red http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html Oleander
Oleander http://vet.purdue.edu/depts/addl/toxic/color52.htm • Takes only 1 ounce of leaves to kill a horse
Signs of Poisoning: Diarrhea Trembling Cold extremities Paralysis Coma Cardiac arrest followed by death Scientific Name: Nerium oleander Poisonous Parts: all (do NOT burn—smoke is also toxic) Found: NOT in MI, found in southern US & on the west coast Oleander http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oleander
Description: Great Laurel is an evergreen tree that grows up to 35’ tall, it has 4-10” oblong alternating leaves, mixed pink and white or various single colored flowers are arranged in clusters White-flowered rhododendron is a 3-6’ shrub with smaller leaves and flowers than the Great Laurel Other Names: Great Laurel, White-flowered Rhododendron Poisonous parts: all Rhododendron http://www.monmouth.com/~asalerno/tony/house/rhodadendrons.html
http://www.pbase.com/copperhill/gardens Rhododendron Found: in wet wooded areas in eastern US, only white-flowered rhododendron is seen in mountainous areas of US http://www.pbase.com/copperhill/image/60478206
Rhododendron Signs of poisoning: • Kidney or liver damage • Repeated swallowing • Salivation • Depression • Bloating • Colic signs • Weakness • Coma • Death http://www.pbase.com/copperhill/gardens
Signs of Poisoning: Weakness, Difficulty breathing Abdominal pain Diarrhea Convulsions Coma Death from cardiovascular collapse Rhubarb http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html Poisonous Parts: leaves
Description: grows up to 3’ tall, segmented hollow stem has many whorls of thin grass-like leaves, Poisonous parts: Found: worldwide Toxicity higher in green plants Scientific Name: Equisetum arvense Horsetail http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html http://www.traderscreek.com/Survival_Guide/Edible_Plants/horsetail.asp
Signs of Poisoning: Trembling Muscular rigidity Diarrhea Rapid pulse Cold extremities Coma and death if feed source is not removed Horsetail **Horses must consume plant over a 2 week period—sometimes plant is in hay http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html
Description: dark stem, segments of leaves in triangular shape, leaves are firm & leathery Poisonous Parts: all Found: worldwide in most forested areas Horses rarely eat this plant unless no other food is available Scientific Name: Pteridium aquilinium Bracken Fern http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html
Signs of poisoning: Loss of coordination Depression Blindness Stand in braced position with legs apart Death may occur if horse not removed from source of plant Horses must eat plant for a month to see toxicity signs Bracken Fern http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/StratfordLandingES/Ecology/mpages/bracken_fern.htm
Description: grows up to 6-9’ tall, red purplish woody stalk, 5-10” alternating leaves, shiny purple to black berries mature July-Sept Poisonous Parts: all Found: in eastern 2/3 of US Scientific Name: Phytolacca americana Pokeweed
Pokeweed Signs of Poisoning: • Salivation • Colic • Muscular weakness • Diarrhea (often bloody) • Respiratory failure, anemia & gastritis are severe symptoms • Moderate quantities of the plant must be consumed to show signs http://waynesword.palomar.edu/ecoph24.htm
Scientific Name: Solanum spp. Description: maximum of 3’ tall, pointed oval leaves that are purplish on underside, white to light purple star shaped flowers, bloom year round, small shiny black berries Poisonous Parts: leaves, immature fruit Found: all over US, common along fence rows Black Nightshade
Black Nightshade Signs of poisoning: • Signs of neurological & gastrointestinal disorders • Tiredness • Muscle twitching • Bloating • Congestion in the lungs, heart & spleen http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html
Scientific Name: Prunus spp. Other Names: Wild Cherries, Black Cherry, Bitter Cherry, Choke Cherry, Pin Cherry Description: tree grows up to 30’ tall, bark is reddish brown, simple alternating oblong leaves, bloom white or pink cones of flowers April to July, red to black cherries ripen July to Sept. Choke Cherry http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html
Choke Cherry • Poisonous Parts: seeds & leaves • Found: all over US http://web.mit.edu/cfox/www/flowers/2003-05-31/2141_Med.jpg.2.html
Choke Cherry Signs of poisoning: • Bright red mucus membranes • Slobbering • Increased respiration • Weak pulse • Convulsions • Rapid Death http://www.borealforest.org/shrubs/shrub31.htm
Poisonous parts: wilted or dried leaves, bark Found: eastern half of US Signs of poisoning: Severe anemia Weakness Depression Pale mucus membranes Dark brown urine Abortion Death due to RBC unable to transport oxygen to tissues Red Maple http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/StratfordLandingES/Ecology/mpages/red_maple.htm
Description: grows to 3’ tall, thick green stem and leaves, oblong leaves, teardrop shaped seed pods filled with silky white hairs, small light pink flowers in clusters Poisonous Parts: all Found: all over US, in fields Milk Weed
Milkweed • Labored Breathing may • occur before death • Signs of poisoning: • Bloating • Staggering • Rapid pulse • Gastroenteritis • Depression • Weakness • High Temp • Seizures
Description: evergreenshrub, short spiny needles, reddish brown bark, bright red berries in fall Poisonous Parts: leaves, seeds, twigs Found: all over US, often used as ornamental shrub Scientific Name: Taxus cuspidata Other Names: Ground Hemlock Ornamental Yew http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html
Signs of poisoning: Nervousness Confusion Diarrhea Heart will slow and circulation fails Death is the usual outcome One bite is deadly Horse might collapse right next to plant after eating it Ornamental Yew http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taxus_baccata http://ontariotrees.com/main/species.php?id=2093
Description: compound leaves arranged opposite of each other, tennis ball size green fruits, dark grayish black bark Poisonous parts: bark Found: eastern & Midwestern US Horses are affected when shavings from the tree are used as bedding Allergic reaction to standing or laying in bedding Swelling of the legs Laminitis Black Walnut Tree
Poisonous Parts: leaves Found: NOT in MI, found in dry areas of US Ragworts OR Groundsel http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/plants/horselist.html
Common Name: Common Vetch, Hairy Vetch, Narrow leaved Vetch, Purple Vetch and Broad Beans Poisonous Parts: seeds Vetch