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Quality Assurance Improvement Plan and Software Quality Assurance Implementation Plan February 23, 2004

2. Accomplishments. Quality Assurance Improvement PlanEM: 12 of 16 commitments completedNNSA: 7 of 8 commitments completedSQA Implementation PlanEH: 14 of 26 commitments completed. 3. QA Program Improvements. Established DOE Office of QA ProgramsEstablished EFCOG QA Group ? tasks in developme

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Quality Assurance Improvement Plan and Software Quality Assurance Implementation Plan February 23, 2004

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    1. Quality Assurance Improvement Plan and Software Quality Assurance Implementation Plan February 23, 2004 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Frank Russo Deputy Assistant Secretary For Corporate Performance Assessment

    2. 2 Accomplishments Quality Assurance Improvement Plan EM: 12 of 16 commitments completed NNSA: 7 of 8 commitments completed SQA Implementation Plan EH: 14 of 26 commitments completed

    3. 3 QA Program Improvements Established DOE Office of QA Programs Established EFCOG QA Group – tasks in development Quality Workshop conducted December 2003 QA Directive revisions in progress

    4. 4 QA Directive Status QA Order 414.1B nearing issuance – awaiting Secretarial Office concurrences Suspect/Counterfeit Items Guide 414.1-3 draft ready for February release QA Guide 414.1-2A revision initiated with target release date April 2004

    5. Software Quality Assurance Implementation Plan February 23, 2004 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Chip Lagdon Director Office of Quality Assurance Programs

    6. 6 Overview Recent Accomplishments Toolbox Code Status Design Code Survey Assessment Schedules SQA Knowledge Portal SQA Directives Status Summary and Path Forward

    7. 7 2002-1 IP Accomplishments

    8. 8 2002-1 IP Accomplishments (Cont.)

    9. 9 2002-1 IP Accomplishments (Cont.)

    10. 10 2002-1 IP Accomplishments (Cont.)

    11. 11 Overview of Code Commitments

    12. 12 Issued interim gap analysis reports for ALOHA, MACCS2, EPIcode, MELCOR, CFAST and GENII toolbox codes Reports Available: http://tis.eh.doe.gov/techstds/toolsframe.html No evidence of software-induced errors in the codes that would have led to non-conservatisms at defense nuclear facilities SQA improvements identified for safety analysis software Gap Analysis of Six Toolbox Codes

    13. 13 Toolbox Code Gap Analysis Summary

    14. 14 Conducted a survey of design codes currently in use to determine if any should be included as part of the toolbox Survey period from September to December 2003 14 organizations at 13 DOE sites responded Issued Initial Report in December 2003 Design Code Survey

    15. 15 Multiple-Use Design Software

    16. 16 Software Assessment Schedules

    17. 17 SQA Knowledge Portal Incorporates functions of Central Registry and SQA list server Repository for SQA knowledge Toolbox Code information, Reports and Standards, Training Courses, Procedures Collaboration space for SQA Community SQA SME locator SQA Discussion Forum

    18. 18

    19. 19 SQA Directives Status Software Categorization Grading Work Paper Developed First SME Panel Review Complete Additions to software type/approach table Definitions clarified for software types and their application Concern grading definitions go beyond SQA IP scope

    20. 20 SQA Directives Status Order and Guide Development March – Sept 04 SME Input throughout DOE O 414.1C on REVCOM – Sept 04 Consider extending DOE N 411.1 until DOE O 414.1C is issued DOE O 414.1B contains SQA responsibilities, clarify safety system software w/in scope

    21. 21 2002-1 IP Commitment Summary and Path Forward Developed SQA Knowledge Portal with Central Registry Finalize safety analysis code guidance and gap analysis reports by April 2004 and develop path forward Issue SQA directives by end of 2004 Participate in NNSA and EM SQA site assessments Partner with NNSA and EM to complete site assessments NNSA and EM to update FRA documents Host SQA training May 2004 Partner with NNSA and EM in monitoring of cross-cutting SQA issues

    22. Possible Backup Slides May also be incorporated into speakers notes

    23. 23 SQA Evaluation Process As Joe described earlier, WSRC’s QA Program is what we base our work on - From the Rule and Order requirements basis flowing down to implementation In terms of executing Safety Analysis work in support of SRS facilities, some of our implementation basis documentation has been changed to reflect our non-government contractor, subsidiary status. As an example, WSMS recently issued WSMS 1Q, 4-4, but it is, for all intents and purposes, the same as QAP 20-1, with appropriate substitutions, e.g. WSRC organizations -> WSMS organizations Also note that SOFTWARE ACTIVITIES has been changed to SOFTWARE APPLICATION ACTIVITIES. As Joe described earlier, WSRC’s QA Program is what we base our work on - From the Rule and Order requirements basis flowing down to implementation In terms of executing Safety Analysis work in support of SRS facilities, some of our implementation basis documentation has been changed to reflect our non-government contractor, subsidiary status. As an example, WSMS recently issued WSMS 1Q, 4-4, but it is, for all intents and purposes, the same as QAP 20-1, with appropriate substitutions, e.g. WSRC organizations -> WSMS organizations Also note that SOFTWARE ACTIVITIES has been changed to SOFTWARE APPLICATION ACTIVITIES.

    24. 24 MACCS2 Gap Analysis Two of ten code developer SQA areas satisfactory Recommend improvement in eight other areas Key areas of improvement Update model description and finalize University of New Mexico Verification document Add prototypic problems and error diagnostics to documentation Enhance user feedback and technical information exchange Version 1.13 to be released mid-2004 Fixes multiple plume segment and emergency preparedness models New version and guidance report address Tech-25 issues Fire plume phenomenology, code errors, end user QA problem (dose conversion factors), and documentation quality Conservative estimate to upgrade: 2 FTE-years

    25. 25 ALOHA Gap Analysis Software Classification and User Instructions SQA areas are satisfactory Recommend improvements in eight other SQA areas ALOHA areas of improvement (new version in progress) Correct IDLH Isopleth footprint Write-protect chemical library Release duration/distance Allow multiple receptors in one run Vapor pressure, pool and evaporation models, others Complete NOAA Theoretical Description Memorandum Conservative estimate to upgrade: ~16 FTE-months

    26. 26 EPIcode Gap Analysis Software Classification and User Instructions SQA areas are satisfactory Recommend improvements in eight other SQA areas EPIcode areas of improvement Add dense gas model capability Hourly input of meteorology Surface roughness adjustment Conservative estimate to upgrade: ~16 FTE-months

    27. 27 CFAST Gap Analysis Software Classification and Configuration Control SQA areas are satisfactory Recommend improvements in eight other SQA areas CFAST areas of improvement Provide comprehensive output description Include training requirements Document acceptance test for users Implement formal error notification and corrective action process Graphical User Interface for Version 5.0.1 should be released Conservative estimate to upgrade: 0.5 FTE-year

    28. 28 MELCOR Gap Analysis Software Classification, Implementation, User Instructions, Acceptance Testing and Configuration Control SQA areas are satisfactory Recommend improvements in five other SQA areas MELCOR areas of improvement Include sample problems relevant to Leak Path Factor analysis Improve user control of output Conservative estimate to upgrade: 1 - 2 FTE-years

    29. 29 GENII Gap Analysis Older Version (1.485) SQA satisfactory in nine of ten areas Exception in error impact Newer Version (2.0) SQA satisfactory in two of ten areas Recommend improvements in eight areas GENII 1.485 Applicable to DSAs No longer in development by PNNL GENII 2.0 Still in Testing, Not Finalized => Not applicable to DSAs Conservative estimate to upgrade: ~10 FTE-months

    30. 30 Strategy for Design Software Different from safety analysis software Proprietary, commercially competitive Frequently updated Define value-added course of action Current protocol of development, verification, testing, and control measures is adequate Facilitate reporting and disposition errors and deficiencies Lessons learned among DOE users Software training Develop web-based information systems Arranged by design software category Re-survey as appropriate

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