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AP Environmental Science

AP Environmental Science. What have you gotten yourself into?. What is AP Environmental Science?. An interdisciplinary study that integrates information and ideas from natural science : Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science And social sciences : Economics, Politics, Ethics.

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AP Environmental Science

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  1. AP Environmental Science What have you gotten yourself into?

  2. What is AP Environmental Science? • An interdisciplinary study that integrates information and ideas from naturalscience: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science • And social sciences: Economics, Politics, Ethics

  3. The Course • The goal is to provide students with - scientific principles, concepts & methodologies to understand interrelationships of the natural world - to identify & analyze environmental problems - to evaluate relative risks - to examine alternative solutions

  4. The Course • Six Major Unifying Themes - Science is a dynamic process - Energy conversions underlie ecological processes - Earth as an interconnected system - Humans alter natural systems - Cultural context of environmental problems - Survival depends on sustainable systems

  5. The Course • APES demonstrates the Nature of Science - Science is a process - Science is a method of learning more about the world - Science constantly changes the way we understand the world

  6. Prerequisites • MOST important prerequisite: Desire on the part of the student • A Solid background in Biology and Chemistry • At least one year of algebra

  7. Students Taking APES • Appeals to both traditional and alternative learners • Tends to score lower than other science APs due to integration of science disciplines • Lends itself well to inquiry-based, hands-on learning

  8. APES Topic Outline I. Earth Systems and Resources (10-15%) • Earth Science Concepts (geologic time scale, plate tectonics, earthquakes & volcanism, seasons, solar intensity & latitudes) • Atmosphere (composition & structure, weather & climate, atmospheric circulation, atmo-ocean interactions) • Global Water Resources & Use (freshwater/saltwater, ocean circulation, agricultural/industrial/domestic use, surface & groundwater issues, global problems, conservation) • Soil & Soil Dynamics (rock cycle, formation & composition, physical & chemical properties, soil types, erosion and soil problems, soil conservation measures)

  9. APES Topic Outline II. The Living World (10-15%) • Ecosystem Structure (pop. & communities, niches; species interactions; keystone & indicator species, species diversity factors; major biomes) • Energy Flow (photosynthesis & cellular respiration; food webs & trophic levels, ecological pyramids) • Ecosystem Diversity (biodiversity, natural selection, evolution ecosystem services) • Natural Ecosystem Change (climate shifts, species movement, ecological succession) • Natural Biogeochemical Cycles (carbon, nitrogen sulfur, phosphorus, water, conservation of matter

  10. APES Topic Outline III. Population (10-15%) • Population Biology (population ecology, carrying capacity, reproductive strategies, survivorship) • Human Population -Human Population Dynamics (historical population size, distribution, fertility rates, growth rates & doubling times, demographic transition, age-structure diagrams) - Population Size (strategies for sustainability, case studies, national policies) - Impact of Population Growth (hunger, disease, economic effects, resource use, habitat modifications)

  11. APES Topic Outline IV. Land and Water Use (10-15%) • Agriculture - Feeding a Growing Population (human nutritional requirement, types of agriculture, Green Revolution, genetic engineering & crop production, deforestation, irrigation, sustainable agriculture) - Controlling Pests (types of pesticides, costs & benefits of pesticide use, IPM, laws) • Forestry (tree plantations, old growth forests, forest fires, forest management, national forests)

  12. APES Topic Outline IV. Land and Water Use (10-15%) (cont.) • Mining (mineral formation, extraction; global reserves; relevant laws and treaties) • Fishing (fishing techniques; overfishing; aquaculture; relevant laws and treaties) • Global Economics (globalization, World Bank; Tragedy of the Commons; relevant laws and treaties)

  13. APES Topic Outline V. Energy Resources and Consumption (10-15%) • Energy Concepts (energy forms, power, units, conversion, Laws of Thermodynamics) • Energy Consumption - History - Present Global Energy Use - Future Energy Needs • Fossil Fuel Resources and Use (formation of coal, oil, natural gas; extraction purification methods; world reserves and global demand; synfuels; environmental advantages/disadvantages of sources)

  14. APES Topic Outline V. Energy Resources and Consumption (cont.) • Nuclear Energy (nuclear fission process; nuclear fuel; electricity production; nuclear reactor types; environmental advantages/disadvantages; safety issues; radiation & human health; radioactive wastes; nuclear fusion) • Hydroelectric Power (dams; flood control; silting; salmon; other impacts) • Energy Conservation (energy efficiency, CAFÉ standards; hybrid vehicles; mass transit) • Renewable Energy (solar energy; solar electricity; hydrogen fuel cells; biomass; wind energy; small-scale hydroelectric; ocean waves & tidal energy; geothermal; environmental advantages/disadvantages)

  15. APES Topic Outline VI. Pollution (25-30%) • Pollution Types - Air Pollution ( sources – primary & secondary; major air pollutants; measurement units; acid deposition – causes & effects; heat islands & temp. inversions; indoor air pollution; remediation & reduction strategies; Clear Air Act & other relevant laws) - Noise Pollution (sources; effects; control measures) - Water Pollution (types; sources; causes; effects; cultural eutrophication; ground water pollution; maintaining water quality; water purification; sewage treatment; Clean Water Act & other relevant laws - Solid Waste (types; disposal; reduction)

  16. APES Topics Outline VI. Pollution (cont.) • Impacts on the Environment and Health - Hazards to Human Health (environmental risk analysis; acute & chronic effects; dos-response relationships; air pollutants; smoking & other risks) - Hazardous Chemicals in the Environment (types of hazardous waste; treatment/disposal of hazardous waste; cleanup of contaminated sites; biomagnification; relevant laws) • Economic Impact (cost-benefit analysis; externalities; sustainability)

  17. APES Topic Outline VII. Global Change (10 – 15%) • Stratospheric Ozone (formation of stratoshperic ozone; ultraviolet radiation; causes of ozone depletion; effects of ozone depletion; strategies for reducing ozone depletion; relevant laws and treaties) • Global Warming (greenhouse gases and the greenhouse effect; impacts and consequences of global warming; reducing climate change; relevant laws and treaties)

  18. APES Topic Outline VII. Global Change (10-15%) (cont.) • Loss of Biodiversity - Habitat Loss (overuse; pollution; introduced species; endangered & extinct species) - Maintenance through Conservation (strategies for conserving habitat) - Relevant Laws & Treaties (Endangered Species Act)

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