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Curriculum for Excellence. Support for Trialling Health & Wellbeing Experiences and Outcomes May 2008.
Curriculum for Excellence Support for Trialling Health & WellbeingExperiences and OutcomesMay 2008
“Mental, physical and emotional wellbeing of young people are essential preconditions for learning. These qualities cannot be developed for individuals in isolation from the health and wellbeing of the school community as a whole” (The Journey to Excellence HMIe 2006)
The Wider Context • Priority of National Government • Aspect of corporate and service level priorities and plans (LA and NHS) • Integrated Children’s Services • Schools (Health Promotion and Nutrition) Act 2007 • Linked to many national and local initiatives and programmes e.g. Eco schools, Happy Safe and achieving their potential….
Health and Wellbeing for All • Whole school issue • ‘Be well’ to ‘Do well’ • Engagement, achievement….attainment • Health enhancing climate • Partnership • Relevant
Health and Wellbeing • Considered at three levels: • As an aspect of the curriculum in its own right • Core - alongside literacy and numeracy - as an aspect that permeates all aspects of learning and teaching/ school life • As an aspect that is the responsibility of ALL
Health and Wellbeing LEARNING AND HEALTH GO HAND IN HAND “Health is not merely the absence of disease, but a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing “ (WHO declaration 1946) A positive sense of wellbeing is central to healthy living and a necessary requirement for effective learning. . A Curriculum for Excellence sets out a vision that places health and wellbeing at the very heart of the curriculum: …....all children and young people should be valued by being safe, nurtured, achieving, healthy, active, included, respected and responsible. (Rationale)
Health and Well Being: the Responsibility of All A fresh curriculum focus providing: draft experiences and outcomes which apply across the range of areas of the curriculum guidance on accountability for all a universal approach around which the curriculum as a whole should be constructed for each child and young person opportunities for important professional development - valuable and essential links with a wide range of agencies to support the values, purposes and principles of Curriculum for Excellence Learning and Health go hand in hand……..
Learning and Health go hand in hand……. Health and Wellbeing Curriculum Areas • Mental, Emotional, Social and Physical Wellbeing • Planning for Choices and Change • Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport • Food and Health • Substance Use • Sexual Health, Relationships and Parenthood
Mental, Emotional, Social & Physical Wellbeing Mental Health is essentially how we feel and think about ourselves. It has an impact on how we live our lives and how we cope with life transitions and major life events. It is important for our overall wellbeing as it can also impact on our physical health. It is as important to promote and protect the mental wellbeing of people as it is their physical health. (Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health 2004) There is considerable potential for promotion and prevention in the learning environment…( with national support to) maximise potential for engagement in schools within the Curriculum for Excellence framework. Recognition is made of ‘frontline roles’ in a diverse range of learning settings, and of the need for balance – developing staff confidence without making them ‘expert’. (HeadsUpScotland consultation on Children and Young People, 2008) )
To enhance my learning and personal development, I can expect my learning environment to support me to: • build and maintain my confidence, resilience, self-awareness and self-worth • understand and maintain positive mental wellbeing through participation in a wide range of activities • build on my knowledge of the human body in order to maintain and improve physical wellbeing and health • present opportunities for me to be physically active and teach me what I need to know to help me to maintain a healthy lifestyle • understand that my teachers have a responsibility to be open to and listen to my concerns and to refer concerns on to other people where necessary isolation Emotional literacy Friendships – caring, sharing fairness, equality, love Behavioural change inclusion Rights and responsibilities Positive mental health First aid + emergencies representation Personal safety Travel safety Peer support participation
Planning for Choices and Changes • Throughout my learning I am supported in preparing for significant changes in my life by: • developing strategies which help me to meet challenges, manage change and build resilience • reflecting regularly on my strengths and skills, to help me plan my next steps • raising my expectations, developing my potential and celebrating my achievements • using available guidance and resources to help me to make informed choices and develop personal plans Determined to Succeed Happy, Safe and Achieving their Potential More Choices, More Chances I know that people experience a number of circumstances in life, such as transitions or bereavement, which can be challenging or upsetting I understand that there are people I can talk to and that there are a number of choices I can make to access practical and emotional support to help me and others in such circumstances.
Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport At all levels my learning in, through and about Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport: • is enhanced byparticipatingin a wide range of purposeful and enjoyable physical pursuits on a regular basis as part of a quality Physical Education programme and beyond • takes account of my starting point my interests and my abilities, enabling me to acquire a range of physical competences and enhance my physical wellbeing. • allows me to experience a sense of personal achievement and motivation, increased confidenceand positive self esteem as a reward for my best efforts • enriches my life and improve my quality of livingbydeveloping my physical mental and social capacities • develops in me a sense of safety and a knowledge of my body and how to recognise, evaluate and handle risk
Food and Health Nutrition Safe and Hygienic Practices Food and the Consumer • At all levels, my learning in food and health will: • help me to develop an understanding of the relationship between food, health and wellbeing • help me to develop an understanding of what constitutes a healthy balanced diet • develop an awareness of the importance of food within a social and cultural context • develop an awareness of political debate which surrounds food and health • help develop an appreciation that eating food can be a pleasant and social activity • provide information about skills for work and occupations within the food industry • I am helping my family and friends to think about their food choices by sharing what I have learned
helps me to understand my physical health and the contribution made by participation in physical education, physical activity and sport in keeping me healthy and preparing me for life beyond school • provides opportunities for social interaction and the acquisition of personal and interpersonal skills and strategies • opens up opportunities to perform at the highest level I can achieve in sport or, if I choose, pursue careers in health or leisure industries Physical Activity and Sport I am enjoying opportunities to be physically active in my learning, in the classroom, in the school and in the outdoor environment and community. I am able to enrich my learning across the curriculum by taking part in physical experiences which are active and enhance my learning. I am encouraged and supported to travel actively and safely to and from my place of learning.
Substance Use • Covering • over the counter and prescribed medicines • Alcohol • drugs • tobacco • solvents • My learning experiences enable me to: • develop knowledge, skills and understanding in relation to substance use and misuse • explore and debate values, attitudes and behaviours • understand the impact of risk-taking behaviour on life choices • make informed personal choices which will keep me safe and healthy
Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood • My learning experiences enable me to • Develop my knowledge, skills and understanding of relationships, sexual health and parenthood • explore and debate values, attitudes and behaviours • recognise my own identity and develop a sense of self-worth • establish and develop healthy relationships • understand the impact of risk-taking behaviours on life choices • respect uniqueness and acknowledge diversity • understand the importance of family relationships to help nurture health and wellbeing decisions Sexual and domestic abuse commitment puberty friendship respect trust Personal hygiene values morality Sexually transmitted diseases Non-verbal communication Personal space choices Peer pressure The media safety nurture Breast feeding Popular culture
Learning and Health go hand in hand…… What are we trying to achieve? Confident individuals who will have: Effective contributors to society - self-respect and at work who will have: - A sense of wellbeing – physically, mentally, emotionally - an enterprising attitude - a set of values and beliefs - resilience - ambition - self-reliance Responsible citizens who will have: Successful learners who will have - respect for others - enthusiasm and motivation for learning - a commitment to participate responsibly in - openness to new thinking and ideas political, social and cultural life - determination to achieve high standards
The national agenda A Wealthier and Fairer Scotland to enable businesses and people to increase their wealth and more people to share fairly in that wealth. A Healthier Scotland to help people to sustain and improve their health, especially in disadvantaged communities, ensuring better, local and faster access to health care A Smarter Scotland to extend opportunities for Scots to succeed from nurture through to life long learning ensuring higher and more widely shared achievements A Safer and Stronger Scotland to help local communities to flourish, becoming stronger, safer places to live, offering improved opportunities and a better quality of life A Greener Scotland to improve our natural and built environment and the sustainable use and enjoyment of it