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iPads have been successfully rolled out to selected Year 13 and 14 students, with positive results in lessons. New apps, like Showbie and Google Classroom, have transformed learning. A close link with parents, students, and teachers has been maintained. A new website, parenttec.net, provides comprehensive information on ICT use at home. TeacherTec.net offers online lessons and blogs for staff. The school plans to roll out iPads to Year 9 and Year 13 classes. The school was shortlisted for the ICT Capita Award last year. Staff training and preparation of resources have been ongoing. WiFi has been implemented throughout the school, and iPads have been supplied to disadvantaged students. A Co-Ordinator for E-Learning has been appointed to drive e-learning initiatives.
STEM i-Pads have been successfully rolled out to selected Year 13 and 14 students. These have been very well used and integrated into lessons • The Year 9 group have now successfully implemented one full year of i-Pad use. A variety of apps have been utilised to make learning enjoyable, accessible and effective. • New apps in particular have helped to transform learning including: Showbie, Google Classroom and Kahoot to name but a few • Staff have also benefited from the use of apps like iDoceo to monitor pupils marks and plan lessons. Staff have recently been issued with SIMS pupil management system on the iPad. This allows them a greater degree of flexibility with things like attendance, achievement and behaviour
The school has maintained a close link with parents; students and teachers, regarding the use of the iPads. Comprehensive surveys have been carried out. Any concerns or queries are dealt with and actions taken to address any issues. • www.parenttec.net: In response to parental requests regarding e-learning and online security, a new website was established by John Wishart and Peter O’Callaghan on behalf of the E Learning group. This has a great deal of comprehensive information on the use of ICT in the home and how Lagan College parents can best protect their children. It also fulfills another role of educating parents on the apps their children are using to learn in Lagan College. Online sections show parents the apps in action and their potential. The College really believe in partnership with parents and this is an example of it working hand in hand. • www.teachertec.net In response to the increased pressure on staff to learn the new technology and put it into action, a new website was launched in January 2016 called TeacherTec. Peter O’Callaghan and John Wishart launched this with great success. The website and its online lessons and blog are widely used and one of the best sites for e-learning in Northern Ireland. It has even been mentioned in twitter feeds recently by some of the biggest e-learning companies on the market internationally. Staff have been widely used as contributors – sharing good practice in E Learning to all
2016/17 involves the planned rollout of i-Pads to a new year set of 9 classes. We also endeavour to have Year 13 supplied with i-Pads too. This will give us a wide range of iPad access over 3 entire year groups. (9,10 and 13) • The school was shortlisted for the prestigious ICT capita award last year. Its use of e-learning technology was commended by the judges. The e-learning strategy group intends to reapply this year for the award. • E-safety day- This will include a year 8 class and Saturday morning and evening events. • There has been a great deal of after school staff training on ICT and e-Learning. Courses have been held on web design, using Sims, iDoceo, Google Drive, Showbie, Google classroom. • Staff have been busy preparing a range of resources. The school now has over 10 dedicated subject/ departmental websites. iBooks have also been produced or are in development
WIFI has now been rolled out to the entire school, Any ‘blackspots’ have been addressed. Supply of iPads to children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Appointment of a Co-Ordinator for E- Learning in the Classroom to drive forward e-learning initiatives within the classroom and help teachers to make the most of their e-learning potential. Apple TV’s are now installed in all but two areas of the school allowing teachers to use the new technology in all classroom areas Table top i-Pad holders. This allows teachers to demonstrate pupil work or use notes from one spot in the classroom Fronter has been set up by the Learning Support section and is beginning to be utilised in several innovative ways