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Measurements of Heavy Quarkonium Production and Polarization at CMS

Measurements of Heavy Quarkonium Production and Polarization at CMS. Linlin ZHANG (张琳琳) and Sijin QIAN (钱思进) Peking University 中国物理学会 高能物理分会 2014 学术年会 武汉,湖北, 4 月 21 日. Outline. Introduction Υ (nS) differential cross section at CMS

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Measurements of Heavy Quarkonium Production and Polarization at CMS

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  1. Measurements of Heavy Quarkonium Production and Polarization at CMS Linlin ZHANG (张琳琳)and Sijin QIAN(钱思进) Peking University 中国物理学会 高能物理分会 2014学术年会 武汉,湖北,4月21日

  2. Outline Introduction Υ(nS) differential cross section at CMS Quarkonium (Υ(nS) and prompt Ψ(nS) ) polarization at CMS Summary

  3. Introduction (1/2) L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU) 3 CMS Collaboration, “Prompt and non-prompt J/ψ production in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV”, Eur. Phys. J.C71 (2011) 1575. CMS Collaboration, “Measurement of the Y(1S), Y(2S), and Y(3S) cross sections in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV", Phys. Lett.B727 (2013) 101. CMS Collaboration, “Measurement of the Y(1S), Y(2S), and Y(3S) Polarizations in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV”, Phys. Rev. Lett.110 (2012) 081802. CMS Collaboration, “Measurement of the prompt J/ψ and (2S) polarizations in pp Collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV”, Phys. Lett.B727 (2013) 381. Linlin ZHANG on behalf of the CMS Collaboration, “Quarkonium production and polarization in CMS”, Proceedings of Charm 2013 conference in Manchester, UK, 9/2013.

  4. Introduction (2/2) L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU) Production X-section Polarization Quarkonium production has the potential to clarify (non-perturbative) hadron formation and other QCD features However, after decades of theoretical and experimental researches, quarkonium production remains a mystery Best theory candidate is NRQCD: effective field theory, treats quarkonia as non-relativistic systems (heavy quark masses)

  5. The CMS detector 5

  6. Υ(nS) differential cross section L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU) CMS provides excellent dimuon mass resolution (σM/M ~0.6%) and large pT reach Use decay channel Υ(nS)→μ+μ-, covering kinematic phase space: 10 < pT < 100 GeV, |y|< 0.6 Acceptance from CMS measured Υ(nS) polarization Muon efficiencies are evaluated from data-driven (Tag-&-Probe) method

  7. Υ(nS) differential cross section L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU) The Υ(nS) differential cross section time dimuon branching ratio integrated ove |y| < 0.6 in a given pT bin of width △pT The acceptance is the fraction of Υ decays satisfying all dimuon requirements in which each muon also meets the single-muon kinematic selection

  8. Υ(nS) differential cross section • Cross sections measured up to very large pT (pT >> M) → stringent QCD test • There is a transition from nearly exponential cross section decrease with the increasing pT to power-law behavior for all three Υ(nS) states • This suggests a change in the nature of the production process L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU)

  9. Comparison to ATLAS and previous CMS measurements • Good agreement with ATLAS results and previous CMS results using 2010 data L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU)

  10. Quarkonium polarization: variables and frames λθ = +1 λφ = λθφ = 0 Jz= ± 1 λθ = +1 : “transverse” polarization Jz= 0 λθ = 1 : “longitudinal” polarization λθ = –1 λφ = λθφ = 0 L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU)

  11. Quarkonium polarization: variables and frames L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU) Helicity axis (HX): direction of quarkonium momentum in Lab frame Collins-Soper axis (CS): direction of relative velocity of colliding particles (p1- p2) Perpendicular helicity axis (PX): perpendicular to CS (p1+ p2)

  12. Need to measure the full angular distribution L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU)

  13. Quarkonium polarization measurements L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU)

  14. Quarkonium polarization measurements L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU)

  15. The analysis framework 2-D projection

  16. Systematic uncertainties L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU)

  17. Υ(nS) polarization in the HX frame, |y| < 0.6 L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU)

  18. Υ(nS): Comparison to NLO NRQCD L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU) Color octet matrix elements are fit to CMS hadro-production data only Theoretical calculations account for feed-down contributions to Υ(1S) and Υ(2S) states Calculations for Υ(3S) may change once including feed-down from χb(3P)

  19. Prompt Ψ(nS) polarization in the HX frame L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU) No signs of strong polarizations The Ψ(2S) is not affected by feed-down from heavier quarkonia →easier comparison to theory Error bars show total uncertainties at 68.3% CL

  20. Ψ(nS): Comparison to NLO NRQCD L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU) CMS results disagree with existing NLO NRQCD calculations Calculations use a global fit of color octet matrix elements to photo- as well as hadroproduction data Theoretical predictions are for the polarization of the directly produced J/Ψ 's, not accounting for the feed-down from decays of P-wave states

  21. Possible solution? The transverse components can be largely canceled between the 3S1[8]and 3PJ[8]channels, leaving the remaining terms to be dominated by the unpolarized J/ψ K.-T. Chao et al, PRL108 (2012) 242004 21

  22. Summary L. Zhang and S. Qian (PKU) Υ(1S), Υ(2S) and Υ(3S) differential cross sections for 10 < pT < 100 GeV were measured by CMS using data collected in 2011 A transition from exponential (low pT) to power-law (high pT) in the differential cross sections has been observed Three anisotropy parameters and the frame invariant parameter are measured in three polarization frames (HX, CS and PX) for the Υ(1S), Υ(2S), Υ(3S) and prompt J/Ψ and Ψ(2S) No evidence of strong polarizations, transverse or longitudinal Polarization measurements for most cases disagree with existing theoretical calculations Further experimental and theoretical efforts are necessary to fully understand quarkonium production; the measurement of the polarizations of the P-wave states (χc and χb) is very important

  23. Backup

  24. Quarkonium Production

  25. Dimuon mass fits at different pT bins

  26. Υ Cross sections and ratios Y(2S) Y(3S)

  27. Quarkonium Polarization

  28. Definition of the PPD

  29. Efficiencies Single-muon efficiencies carefully measured with data-driven Tag&Probe method Carefully studied to avoid artificial spurious polarizations Efficiencies are accounted for on an event-by-event basis

  30. Υ(nS) polarization in the HX frame, 0.6 < |y| < 1.2

  31. Υ(nS) polarization in the PX frame, |y| < 0.6

  32. Υ(nS) polarization in the PX frame, 0.6 < |y| < 1.2

  33. Υ(nS) polarization in the CS frame, |y| < 0.6

  34. Υ(nS) polarization in the CS frame, 0.6 < |y| < 1.2

  35. Prompt Ψ(nS) polarization in the PX frame Error bars show total uncertainties at 68.3% CL

  36. Prompt Ψ(nS) polarization in the CS frame Error bars show total uncertainties at 68.3% CL

  37. J/Ψ: Comparison to NLO NRQCD

  38. Ψ(2S): Comparison to NLO NRQCD

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