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Plano Public Library System Computers for Beginners presents Computers for Beginners Polaris/Envisionware Internet Browsers-Internet Explorer Internet search options Basic navigation with Internet Explorer Internet address extensions Evaluating search results
Plano Public Library System Computers for Beginners presents
Computers for Beginners • Polaris/Envisionware • Internet Browsers-Internet Explorer • Internet search options • Basic navigation with Internet Explorer • Internet address extensions • Evaluating search results • Privacy & credit card security cautions • Questions; practice; wrap-up; evaluations
Polaris/Envisionware • Login to use the PPLS computers Enter your Library Card Number and PIN (the last four numbers of your phone number) • Print Management You can pay after you send a print job to the printer by releasing the print job at the Print Release computer. You can also add money to your account for future printing. If you have money on your account the print job will automatically print. • Time usage control You are given 60 minutes to time initially and additional time can be added. You can also request additional time if there are available computers.
PPLS Internet Links www.plano.gov/Departments/Libraries/Internet+Links/
Online Tutorials • Computer basics, MS Windows, MS Office, email, Internet basics and safety (GCF LearnFree): http://www.gcflearnfree.org/ • MS Office, web development, etc.(Edumax): http://www.edumax.com/ • New Users (The Library Network): http://tech.tln.lib.mi.us/tutor/welcome.htm • Internet (AARP): http://www.aarp.org/learntech/computers/basic_web/ • Finding information on the Internet (UC Berkeley): http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/TeachingLib/Guides/Internet/FindInfo.html • Mouse Practice (Mouserobics): www.ckls.org/~crippel/computerlab/tutorials/mouse/page1.html • Keyboard Practice (Central Kansas Library System's Chris Rippel): www.ckls.org/~crippel/computerlab/tutorials/keyboard/page1.html
Interactive Tutorial New Users (The Library Network): http://tech.tln.lib.mi.us/tutor/welcome.htm This site has an Interactive tutorial that will take you through the basics of using the computer keyboard, mouse and other basic computer skills. The Library Network has graciously allowed us to use their tutorial for this class. We encourage you to use this tutorial on your own to improve your computer skills.
Let’s Mousercize!! • http://www.pbclibrary.org/mousing/mousercise.htm This interactive tutorial will help you to improve your mouse skills. At the end of the tutorial there are games that will make practicing your mouse skills fun.
The Desktop The Desktop is where Windows puts icons for standard applications that are frequently used, for example: :My Computer :My Documents :Recycle Bin You can also add other icons to your desktop. These icons are often called Shortcuts. Some shortcuts will have a small curved arrow on the left
The Taskbar The Taskbar is along the bottom of the computer screen and is almost always in view. It is possible to lock the taskbar on your personal computer, by right clicking the mouse when the cursor is on the bar. You can also add the Quick Launch option which allows you to place shortcuts on the taskbar so that you don’t have to return to the Desktop to open the application
The Tool Bar The Tool Bar is at the top of the screen on many applications. There are many toolbars that can be added to the standard one you see when you open most MS Office applications.
Evaluation • Date_______________ • How much did you feel you knew about the Internet before this class? A lot ____ Some _____ None ____ • What were you expecting to learn? Were your expectations met? • How helpful do you feel the Internet for Beginners class has been? • How do you feel the class could be improved?