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By: Eugene Park. ALCOHOL.

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  1. By: Eugene Park ALCOHOL

  2. Alcohol is liquor that is used commonly around the world. Alcohol comes only in fermented or distilled drinks. This is known as Ethyl alcohol. Fermented drinks (beer and wine) have 2-20 percent of alcohol, and distilled drinks (rum and gin) have 40-50 percent of alcohol. Alcohol and WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE

  3. Here are some types of liquors that alcohol comes in.

  4. Alcohol is consumed by simply drinking alcohol products. It sounds easy to consume, but for teens, it will addict them. Adults getting addicted are also common. The level of addiction for alcohol should be enough to addict a teen in one or two drinks. How is alcohol used?

  5. LONG-TERM EFFECTS and Short-term effects • Long-term effects • Alcohol will cause liver diseases, alcohol poisoning, nerve system damage, damaged brain, heart diseases (stroke). • time length: lifetime (some effects can be cured) • Short-term effects • Alcohol will cause tiredness, unconsciousness, headaches, difficulty seeing, difficulty hearing, difficulty speaking, coma, blackouts, hard breathing. • time length: a few hours to a few days

  6. Alcoholism is the stage where you are addicted to alcohol and you can’t stop drinking. There are four signs that you are addicted: • Craving(to keep drinking) • Loss of control (cannot hold back the urge to drink) • Physical dependence (withdrawal changes after strong drinking) • Tolerance (the urge to drink more to get drunk) What is alcoholism?

  7. Once you get addicted to alcohol, the people around you are affected by your addiction. This includes your social relationships, such as your friends, family, and other kinds of relationships. Alcohol affecting others

  8. Access to alcohol You can get access to alcohol by going to liquor stores and showing an alcohol ID to get alcohol. You can find liquor stores in Canada, America, and other countries. In some countries, alcohol is considered illegal for all ages. Here in Canada, it is only illegal if: You are not an adult You are drinking and driving You can’t control yourself after drinking alcohol You steal it from a liquor store with no ID You use it abusively

  9. Usage of alcohol in 2012

  10. About 15 million Americans drink alcohol, when about 4 to 5 million people drink alcohol in Canada. Alcohol affects the stream of blood cells in circulating breathing (harder to breathe) People from grade 8 to grade 12 are most likely to get addicted from alcohol (high school age) Interesting facts

  11. Fermented- to make the chemistry of something change (when sugar changes into alcohol) Distilled- to make a liquid pure by heating it until it becomes a gas, then getting the liquid that forms when gas cools Ethyl alcohol-alcohol used in drinks. Created by the process of fermenting of grains and fruits. Alcoholism- the stage where a person is addicted to alcohol and cannot stop drinking. Word bank

  12. "Alcohol." National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. "Common Menu Bar Links." Alcohol. N.p., 13 Mar. 2012. Web. 18 Jan. 2014. "What Is Alcohol? Alcohol Facts, Binge Drinking and Alcohol Abuse." What Is Alcohol? Alcohol Facts, Binge Drinking and Alcohol Abuse. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jan. 2014. Pictures by Google Works consulted

  13. Thanks for watching

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