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Hybrid F luorescence M olecular T omography – X -ray C omputed T omography method and system. Administrative + Financial Aspects. Project Overview Reporting Deliverables & Milestones. Veronika Erben.
HybridFluorescence MolecularTomography– X-rayComputed Tomographymethod and system Administrative + Financial Aspects • Project Overview • Reporting • Deliverables & Milestones Veronika Erben
HybridFluorescenceMolecularTomography–X-rayComputedTomographymethod and system Acronym: FMT-XCT Collaborative project: Small or medium-scale focused research project Grant agreement No: 201792 Starting date: 1st March 08 Duration: 4 years Funding: European Commission- FP7 Funding rate: € 4.5 Mio
Partners/Beneficiaries FMT-XCT University College London Verfahren und Apparate der Medizinischen Physik Commissariat a L’Energie Atomique Technische Universität München Fudacion para la Investigacion Biomedica del Hospital Gregorio Marañon
European Commission Project officer: Dr. Torbjoern Ingemannson Management structure = Consortium Coordinator: HMGU Project leader: Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos Project manager: Dr. Veronika Erben Advisory Committee Prof. Markus Schwaiger – TUM Prof. Clemens Lowik – Leiden University Prof. Chrit Moonen – University Victor Segalen Bordeaux Management Support Teams Project management office Financial departments Legal departments Communication /press Executive Committee HMGU/TUM: Prof. Vasilis Ntziachristos (WP1,5,9) CEA-Leti: Prof. Philippe Rizo (WP2) Forth: Dr. Jorge Ripoll( WP3) UCL: Prof. Simon Arridge (WP4) CEA-Lime: Prof. Bertrand Tavitian (WP6) UZH: Prof. Markus Rudin (WP7) FIHGM: Dr. Juan Jose Vaquero (WP8) Vamp: Dr. Holger Brünner Reasearchers Dr. Ralf Schulz, Dr. Marta Zientowska, Anelique Ale, Dr. Giannis Zacharakis, Dr. Veronique Rebuffel, Dr. Alejandro Sisniega, Dr. Manuel Desco, Marco Brambilla, Dr. T. Rudge, Dr. V.Soloviev, Dr. J.Elisee,Dr. Juan Aguirre, Dr. Judith Chamorro, Dr. KaterinaDikaiou, Dr. Sandra Bürki, Dr. Florian Stuker, Dr. GarafolakisAnikotos and others
Reporting Schedule4 Year Collaborative Project with 4 Reporting Periods Work packages MANAGEMENT (Wp1) WP leader: HMGU IN-VIVO ALGORITHMIC TRAINING & PRE-CLINICAL IMAGING TECHNICAL DEVELOPMENT XCT Development (Wp2) WP leader: CEA-Leti Cancer imaging with focus on breast cancer imaging (Wp6) WP leader CEA-Lime FMT-XCT integration (Wp5) WP leader: HMGU Theory for 360 degree FMT (Wp3) WP leader: FORTH Imaging Cancer Therapy for enabling intervention (Wp7) WP leader: UZH FMT Inversion with priors (Wp4) WP leader: UCL FMT-XCT Imaging accurancy vs PET-XCT (Wp8) WP leader: FIHGM TRAINING, DISSEMINATION &TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER (Wp9) WP leader: HMGU
Reporting Schedule4 Year Collaborative Project with 4 Reporting Periods Reporting Schedule • Periodic report (WP and Management report) + financial report • 60 days after the end of each reporting period • No incomplete reports Report Report Report Report ReportingPeriod 1 ReportingPeriod 2 ReportingPeriod 3 ReportingPeriod 4 +60 days 12 months 12 months 12 months 12 months t February 2009 February 2010 February 2011 February 2012 Official starting date: March 01,2008
Activity report: Periodic reportbased on Annex I 1. Publishable summary 2. Project objectives for the reporting period 3. Work progress and achievements during the period: For each work package -- except project management 4. Deliverables and Milestones tables 5. Project Management 6. Explanation of the use of the resources
Reporting Schedule4 Year Collaborative Project with 4 Reporting Periods Periodic reportbased on Annex I 3. Work progress and achievements during the period/WP • Summary and Progress towards objectives • Technical appendix (can also include deliverables) 4. Deliverables and Milestones tables • Deliverables that are of a nature other than written "reports", such as "prototypes", "demonstrators" or "others", should also be accompanied by a short report, so that the European Commission has a record of their existence 6. Explanation of the use of the resources/Partner • More detailled as Form Cs
Financial ReportForm Cs Financial reporting Form Cs: Excel table Online reporting tool FORCE WEB BASED EDITOROF FORMS C FOR FP-6 AND FP-7
Financial report FORCE Online reporting tool FORCE WEB BASED EDITOROF FORMS C FOR FP-6 AND FP-7 • Coordinators can registering via SESAM • Only the coordinator should have access and submit Forms C to the Commission • Next version: individual access/Partner
Financial reportFORCE FORCEFORM C EDITOR register as a new user in SESAM/FORCE Description available how to register and use FORCE http://webgate.ec.europa.eu/sesam/index.do;jsessionid=V2XyJk0Ybcn8vLG803x1YPQJq1dPQSnhJLky6vWZ1dT3DG24MCLL!-1976463397!-1882849135
Payment Schedule 1st prefinancing 2nd prefinancing spent in year 1 (Form C)
Payment Schedule • Money can be transfered to next year • Transfer between activities (RTD, Management, Other) possible; • should be clarified EC • A certificate on the financial statements (certificate of the accounting system) is only required when the amount of financial contribution is equal to or superior to EUR 375 000
Audit audit • + 5 years after end of the project • time sheets
WP1 Management • Next consortium meeting mo 24 = Feb.2010 (Where? When?)
WP2 XCT Development-LETI • Milestone No 5 (mo 18= August 09):XCT dual energy vs. • contrast enhancement
WP3: Theory for 360 degree FMT • Milestone No. 4 (month 15 = May 09): Direct vs Conventional FMT performance * New Deliverable „Ultra- fast Inversion for FMT“ month 24=Feb. 10
WP4: FMT inversion with image priors • Milestone No 6 (month 21 = Nov 09): Optimal FMT inversion with priors
WP5: FMT –XCT integration • Milestone No 8 (mo 24 = Feb. `10) : FMT-XCT Shielding
WP9: Training & Dissemination , • CEA-LETI will house a training session on XCT on mo.12 • Veronique Rebuffel: May/June 09 • Crete will house a training session jointly with UCL on free-space FMT on mo. 24 (=Feb. 10)