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Explore the rapid growth and physical changes in infants during their first year. Learn about milestones, reflexes, nutrition, and the importance of a stimulating environment for optimal development.
“PIL ES” • Physical • Intellectual (Cognitive, Mental) • Language • Emotional • Social
“P I L E S”(Parenting) To “PLACES” (Early Childhood Education)
Unit 4… Understand development and care of the infant from birth through twelve months 4.01 Understand physical development and care of the infant Essential Question: How does one care for an infant’s physical development during the first 12 months?
Physical development: includes growth in size and weight; increasing ability to control and coordinate body movements; infancyperiod…most rapid growth/physical changes of a person’s life.
Patterns of Physical Development: Head tofoot-head/neck first; control of muscles move down baby and end with control of legs and feet Near tofar-begins at the trunk of body and moves outward to hands and feet Simple to complex-large muscles develop first leading to more fine muscles and complex abilities later
Categories of growth/development during the first year: Weightgain-one of the best signs of good health *Most babies lose about 10% of birth weight in the first five days of life *Afterward, they gain rapidly *Gain 1 to 2 pounds per month in first six months *Gain 1 pound per month in the next 6 months *Average weight of a one-year-old is 20-22 pounds.
Categories of growth/development during the first year, cont.: Length, instead of height because they are measured lying down *Average baby is 20 inches at birth *Boys are slightly longer than girls *Average baby at one year is 30 inches long
Categories of growth/development during the first year, cont.: Body shape *Hold themselves in a tightly secured position with fists clinched *Skinny arms and legs, large abdomen *Navel cord usually falls off in three wks *Body straightens out during the first 6 months
Categories of growth/development during the first year, cont.: Proportion: relates to the size relationship between different parts of the body *Baby’s head and abdomen are large; legs and arms are short and small *Skull has two fontanels
Categories of growth/development during the first year, cont.: Vision: improves rapidly during the first year *Is blurry at birth, but within a week or so, infant is aware of surroundings *By one month, can focus on objects as far as 3 feet away *By six months, eyesight reaches the sharpness of an adult *Can see two dimensionally first and then develops depth perception
Categories of growth/development during the first year, cont.: Hearing: develops before birth *Can tell the direction of sound *Language develops with hearing spoken words
Categories of growth/development during the first year, cont.: Touch: *baby relies on touch of others to teach them about the environment *Relies on touch for exploration *Touch becomes more important sense of learning as year progresses
Categories of growth/development during the first year, cont.: Smell and taste: develop after birth *Within ten days can distinguish their mother from any other person by smell *Two-week old babies can taste difference between water, sour, sugar, salt and milk
Categories of growth/development during the first year, cont.: Voice: shrill but softens as lungs mature *Change in voice results from physical growth of throat muscles, tongue, lips, teeth and vocal cords *Change in tongue and in shape and proportion of the “inside of the mouth” during the first months of life leads to speech development
Categories of growth/development during the first year, cont.: Motor skills: at birth babies have little control over muscles *Gross motor skills involve use of large muscles such as arms/legs *Fine motor skills involve use of small muscles such as hands/fingers *Touch becomes more important sense as year progresses *Milestones of gross and fine motor skills occur
Categories of growth/development during the first year, cont.: Reflexes: at birth have an automatic set of reflexes to help them survive *Grasp: makes a fist over object placed in hand *Rooting: when cheek is stroked, baby turns toward the side stroked with open mouth *Startle: when baby’s position changes quickly or a loud noise occurs, baby throws head back, arms out and arches back; cries *Babinski: occurs when baby’s foot is stroked and the toes fan out and foot twists in *Sucking: occurs when something is put in the baby’s mouth
Influences on Physical Development: Heredity- provides a unique combination of genes from parents Nutrition- *eating foods that contain essential nutrients the body needs to grow and develop is key to a child’s lifelong health *staying healthy is closely related to eating well and having energy to be active Exercise-an important key to development Stimulating Environment-a wide variety of things to see, hear, taste, smell and touch enhance development
Infant Physical care includes: Handling: support head/neck; swaddling Feeding: breast vs bottle; burping, introduction of solid foods; food allergies Teeth: teething and care Bathing: sponge bath; tub bath Dressing: comfort, climate appropriate Diapering: disposable and cloth diapers; changing steps Sleeping: routines and proper position Medical care: wellness checkups; immunizations www.immunizenc.com/ncrulesandlaws.htm
http://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/comparing-formula-and-breast-milk.htmlhttp://www.dummies.com/how-to/content/comparing-formula-and-breast-milk.html Breast Milk Formula Provides hydration for infant Yes Provides energy, building material and regulates normal body functions Yes Provides major food source for all living cells Yes Stores energy for future use Yes Helps bone and cell growth Yes Mother has to monitor everything she No eats
Breast Milk Formula Helps digest food NO Stimulates growth NO Regulates metabolism, possibly protecting against hypothyroidism NO Protects against infections NO Protects against viruses NO Protects against parasites NO Contains the proper fats/proteins for humans NO
Which statement is correct about breastfeeding a baby? • The mother may have to nurse from 15 to 20 times a day • The mother does not have to worry about calorie intake to produce breast milk • The mother does not need any training to learn to breast-feed • The mother has to monitor everything she eats because it affects the baby
Which statement is correct about breastfeeding a baby? • The mother may have to nurse from 15 to 20 times a day • The mother does not have to worry about calorie intake to produce breast milk • The mother does not need any training to learn to breast-feed • The mother has to monitor everything she eats because it affects the baby
A caregiver slammed the door and the baby threw an arm out and arched his/her back. What type of reflex is this? • Startle • Sucking • Babinski • Grasping
A caregiver slammed the door and the baby threw an arm out and arched his/her back. What type of reflex is this? • Startle • Sucking • Babinski • Grasping
The mother noticed that the two-week-old infant can tell who she is. What category of growth during the first year is this? • Hearing • Smell • Touch • Voice
The mother noticed that the two-week-old infant can tell who she is. What category of growth during the first year is this? • Hearing • Smell • Touch • Voice
Which illustrates the head-to-foot pattern of physical development for infants? • Creeping and crawling across the floor • Walking before picking up blocks with his/her fingers • Rolling across the floor and scooting on his/her bottom • Holding his/her head steady before learning to crawl
Which illustrates the head-to-foot pattern of physical development for infants? • Creeping and crawling across the floor • Walking before picking up blocks with his/her fingers • Rolling across the floor and scooting on his/her bottom • Holding his/her head steady before learning to crawl
Which is a correct way to dress an infant? • Avoid putting too many layers on a baby because babies tend to get warm • Dress a baby quickly so he/she won’t cry • Use only unscented disposable diapers to treat diaper rash • Keep a baby from being cold while dressing and undressing
Which is a correct way to dress an infant? • Avoid putting too many layers on a baby because babies tend to get warm • Dress a baby quickly so he/she won’t cry • Use only unscented disposable diapers to treat diaper rash • Keep a baby from being cold while dressing and undressing
After the caregiver put a bottle in two-month-old Jason’s mouth, he began moving his lips. What type of reflex is this? • Startle • Sucking • Babinski • Grasping
After the caregiver put a bottle in two-month-old Jason’s mouth, he began moving his lips. What type of reflex is this? • Startle • Sucking • Babinski • Grasping
The mother noticed that the infant was picking up and exploring the toys. What category of growth during the first year is this? • Hearing • Smell • Touch • Voice
The mother noticed that the infant was picking up and exploring the toys. What category of growth during the first year is this? • Hearing • Smell • Touch • Voice
Which illustrates the simple-to-complex pattern of physical development for infants? • Creeping across the floor before learning to walk • Lifting the head before learning to pull up • Rolling toward objects before picking up small objects • Reaching toward objects before picking small objects
Which illustrates the simple-to-complex pattern of physical development for infants? • Creeping across the floor before learning to walk • Lifting the head before learning to pull up • Rolling toward objects before picking up small objects • Reaching toward objects before picking small objects
Two-month-old Dale could not keep track of his mother as she walked through the room. What category of growth during the first year is this? • Body shape • Vision • Proportion • Weight
Two-month-old Dale could not keep track of his mother as she walked through the room. What category of growth during the first year is this? • Body shape • Vision • Proportion • Weight
A caregiver put a block in an infant boy’s hand and the infant closed his fingers around it. What type of reflex is this? • Startle • Sucking • Babinski • Grasping
A caregiver put a block in an infant boy’s hand and the infant closed his fingers around it. What type of reflex is this? • Startle • Sucking • Babinski • Grasping
Which is correct about infant physical development? • Growth is related to good eating habits and exercise • Parents give children a unique combination of genes • Select activities that are advanced for infants • The environment does not have any influence on an infant.
Which is correct about infant physical development? • Growth is related to good eating habits and exercise • Parents give children a unique combination of genes • Select activities that are advanced for infants • The environment does not have any influence on an infant.
Two-week-old Jeremy quickly closed his fingers around a rattle when his mother touched his hand. What category of growth during the first year is this? • Body shape • Reflexes • Weight • Proportion
Two-week-old Jeremy quickly closed his fingers around a rattle when his mother touched his hand. What category of growth during the first year is this? • Body shape • Reflexes • Weight • Proportion
Which is true about diaper rash? • Children with diaper rash need to wear rubber pants • Diaper rash is not related to how clean a baby is kept • A baby with diaper rash should be changed more often • Infants in cloth diapers are more likely to have diaper rash than those who wear disposables.
Which is true about diaper rash? • Children with diaper rash need to wear rubber pants • Diaper rash is not related to how clean a baby is kept • A baby with diaper rash should be changed more often • Infants in cloth diapers are more likely to have diaper rash than those who wear disposables.
Which statement illustrates the correct way to handle a baby? • An infant should be held only on one’s shoulder • An infant should be held only in one’s lap • An infant’s legs should be able to move freely • An infant’s back and head should be supported at all times.
Which statement illustrates the correct way to handle a baby? • An infant should be held only on one’s shoulder • An infant should be held only in one’s lap • An infant’s legs should be able to move freely • An infant’s back and head should be supported at all times.
4.02 Compare emotional and social development of the infant. Essential Questions: How are emotional and social developments of infants similar? How are emotional and social developments of infants different?