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Prepárese para la Universidad en la Playa: Sesión 1 del 16-28 de Junio Sesión 2 del 30 de Junio al 12 de Julio 2014. Su HOGAR lejos de su CASA Presentado El P RAXIS G ROUP I NTERNATIONAL L ANGUAGE A KADEMEIA.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Prepárese para la Universidad en la Playa: Sesión 1 del 16-28 de Junio Sesión 2 del 30 de Junio al 12 de Julio2014 Su HOGAR lejos de su CASA Presentado El PRAXIS GROUP INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE AKADEMEIA

  2. Alojamiento con la Dra. Lizzie y el Profesor William! Dos personas de confianza que velan por los intereses de sus estudiantes. Programa de preparación holístico para el TOEFL o SAT incluye lo siguiente: • 2 semanas de alojamiento, comida y transporte local • El programa de preparación para los exámenes integra los siguientes elementos: • Enseñanza individualizada a través de: • Reconocimiento de estilos de aprendizaje y técnicas de estudio • Ingles académico con redacción de ensayos • Orientación vocacional • Asesoramiento universitario • Inmersión en ingles • Y por supuesto….Piscina, Playa, Deportes y Sol

  3. Modelo de Aprendizaje


  5. Budget Forma de Pago Deposito al Banco Mercantil Santa Cruz Nombre: María Elizabeth Gonzales Velasco CUENTA: en Dólares Banco Mercantil Santa Cruz S.A. No. 4027370044 No incluye tarifa aerea

  6. PGILAFort Lauderdale, FloridaCotas Net Phone: 3878338 or 3873754webpage:www.pgila.orgemails:drlizzie@pgila.orgwilliam@pgila.org

  7. Vea la opinión de nuestros alumnos y sus padres sobre los programas de PGILA

  8. TESTIMONIALS 1 Daniela Salvatierra Natalia Davila Hola miss! como esta? Miss queria disculparme por no haberme despedido! Trate de ir a su despedida con los seniors de ahurita y fui a la primera pero creo que usted no pudo y la cancelaron y ya a la segunda no pude ir. Bueno miss queria contarle que ya estoy casi decidida con el tema de mis universidades jaja ahora estoy entre Purdue y Penn State ya dentro de poco me decido a cual ir. Y bueno queria agradecerle por todo lo que hizo conmigo :), por toda su ayuda en mis applications, SAT, essays y por la paciencia que me tuvo jaja. Agradescerle al mister Bill de mi parte tambien :). Espero que ya se haya acomodado en USA y que le este yendo muy bien miss. Muchas gracias por todo. Nati • Dear Mr. William, I hope this email finds you well. I also hope you remember me, your Praxis student, Daniela Salvatierra. As you know, because you wrote me a recommendation letter, I am now on me second semester of my masters in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation at the University of Florida (UF). Once again, I would like to thank you for that great recommendation letter! I also wanted to comment about a project I am promoting regarding the conservation of the critically endangered Blue-Throated Macaw that only inhabits in a small area of Bolivia. This is a class project and at the same time is my thesis project. I write to you to ask for your support in this initiative, with your donations you will be helping me to develop this research back in Bolivia, to help this endangered specie, and to contribute to raising awareness in the communities where this species is distributed. I would really appreciate your support! Any contribution matters! By clicking on the following link, you will learn more about this project, and any donations can be made by clicking the red bottom ¨FUND THIS PROJECT¨. http://www.rockethub.com/projects/38426-saving-the-endangered-blue-throated-macaw-conservation-education Regards, Daniela Salvatierra

  9. TESTIMONIALS 2 QuiqueKempff Jorge Velasco Mrs Lizzie,We would like to thank you and your husband Bill for mentoring Juan Carlos inthe SAT test, excellent results were accomplished (see attached).I would also like to thanks Bill for teaching his students lessons to besuccessful in life.We are greatly happy that we have the blessed opportunity  to meet you, youhave a nice family!Juan Carlos, Rita and Jorge • I'm writing you to keep you guys updated on my college life, because it'sthanks to you that I'm here.As you know I changed my major to Retail Merchandising and ProductDevelopment (which is one of the most popular majors as well as it's one ofthe bests).The Collegiate Merchandising Association in a student group of my major andit's really great because they have their own fashion magazine, fashionshows, etc. I won the  election for Officer of Student Liasion for CMA thisweek! And I also worked with Clutch Magazine as a Assistant Stylist forMenswear, and I had an interview on Tuesday for Men's Fashion Director forthe magazine's Spring issue  and I GOT IT!!!This is everything I ever wanted from FSU, and all it's really funny to seehow all the hard work at TCC is finally paying off!Now that I've achieved this goals, I'm going to keep working to be VicePresident of the CMA and Editor-In-Chief of Clutch Magazine ;)I love you guys! I just wanted to share this with you so you can share myhappiness...which I know you will!!

  10. TESTIMONIALS 3 Mr. Voss Ana Maria Pereda-Velasco Contact her by email with any questions: kindermania@cotas.com.bo • Contact him by email any questions: • hvoss86@gmail.com.

  11. TESTIMONIALS 4 Jeanine Ledingham Andre Larsen Purdue University Inbox x Andre Larsen Jun 1, 2013 Estimada, Dra. Lizzy I just wanted to thank you for all your help with applying for all the universities. I have now began my university since the 13 of May andI honestly enjoy Purdue University. Sincerely, Andre Larsen • Bill we got exciting news I wanted to share with you as someone who helped him along the way- Greg was accepted by Stanford!!

  12. TESTIMONIALS 5 Hugo Vaca Pereira Rocha • 5.0 out of 5 stars • I wouldn't pass the TOEFL test without this course ( simple as this) January 13, 2014 • By Hugo Vaca Pereira Rocha • PRAXIS course was essential to me. The course provided me the best tips to work with all the sections( writing, reading, listening and speaking) of the test. Also, the course taught me how to read well quickly ( get the basic idea and answer so you don't loose time). Moreover, thanks to the PRAXIS TOEFL course, I was able to get the key words of long texts and answer correctly the questions on the Reading Section.Most importantly, before the course my main weakness was speaking without rambling and going straight to the point. Without the course, I wouldn't get a high score on this section.With respect to the writing and listening, the same thing holds trueNow, imagine all of the things I talked about bundled in one single book... I don't think how it could be better!

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