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10 DESCRIPTIVE SENTENCES. http://www.wikipaintings.org/en/claude-monet/the-seine-at-vetheuil  Look at the painting at the above website. Put sentences 2-9 in a logical order. 1 . Our teacher shows us a painting of a landscape. There is a big, dark tree on the right side of the lake.

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  1. 10 DESCRIPTIVE SENTENCES http://www.wikipaintings.org/en/claude-monet/the-seine-at-vetheuil  Look at the painting at the above website. Put sentences 2-9 in a logical order. 1. Our teacher shows us a painting of a landscape. There is a big, dark tree on the right side of the lake. There are purple, blue, and pink clouds in the sky. There is a bush on a small island in the water. There is a large lake in the center and front of the picture. There are dark trees behind the lake. There are small hills and buildings behind the trees. There are purple, blue, pink, and green reflections in the lake. There are green leaves in the big tree. I like the Impressionist painting by Claude Monet.

  2. Writing a Descriptive Paragraph • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:The_Scream.jpg • 1. Correct with editing symbols. • 2. Look at the painting at above website. Add descriptive adjectives. • 3. Put the sentences into a logical order. Our teacher shows us an painting of a man. There is two boats in a lake. There is an eyes on the man’s face. There’s two persons on a bridge. There is a red sky. There is a man in front. There is a bridge. There is a mouth in the man’s face. There’re two hands next the man’s face. I hate the painting of the scream.

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