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The Key’s To Success in The Physics of the 21 st Century. You will observe that a ll of the policies, rules, and procedures have one goal: Your ultimate success in mastering the material. Engage and Explore. Develop Your Tools. S u c c e s s. Use the Resources Provided. Practice!
The Key’s To Success in The Physics of the 21st Century You will observe that all of the policies, rules, and procedures have one goal: Your ultimate success in mastering the material. Engage and Explore Develop Your Tools Success Use the Resources Provided Practice! Practice! Practice! Help Each Other
Classroom ExpectationsPhysics of the 21st Century 2013-2014 Rules Rules Procedures Additional Resources Notebooks Grading Policies
4 Classroom Rules Rules • Obey school rules • Follow directions first time given • Raise hand and wait for permission to speak • During class discussions and lectures • Show respect for other students and teacher • Help make this a safe place to ask and answer questions • Pay attention to the person speaking • No side conversations • Do not participate in distracting behaviors
Classroom Expectations Procedures Rules Procedures Additional Resources Notebooks Grading Policies
4 Classroom Procedures Procedures • How we start the class • How I get your attention • How you get my attention • How we end the class
1. How we start the class Procedures • Come prepared with notebook, writing tool, and assignments that are due in the notebook. • Textbook stays home. • Sit in assigned seats. • Look for Do Now and begin working it. • When the class bell rings all conversations should have ended and students should already be working individually. • School rule – late if not in by bell • My rule – late if not working by bell
2. How I get your attention Procedures • I raise my hand • Stop where you are. • Stop all talking. • Turn and face me. • Be ready for instruction.
3. (Only pertains during class discussions)How you get my attention to… Procedures • Ask a question, Answer a question – • Raise your hand and wait to be called on • Leave the room • Point to the door. When I nod to you come to the front of the room and fill out a hall slip. After I sign it, you must return in 5 minutes. • MoVe around the room • Raise hand with a V signal. When you get my attention, show me non-verbally what you need to do. I will signal you with a nod.
4. Dismissing the Class Procedures • Wait in your seats for me to dismiss you. • (The bell is a reminder for me to dismiss you.) • After the bell rings, when everyone is seated, I will dismiss the class – then you may leave.
Classroom Expectations Rules Procedures Additional Resources Notebooks Grading Policies Additional Resources
Additional Resources For Success in Physics Class Additional Resources • In addition to • participating in class discussions • learning through hands on labs • challenging yourself with the assignments • I provide you with • a website packed with materials • a daily after school tutorial
Edmodo Additional Resources • We will use Edmodo in our classroom • Part of tonight’s homework assignment is to join the Academy Physics Edmodo group and response to the prompt • The Edmodo group ID is: r63iet
School Website Additional Resources
School Website Additional Resources Bookmark My Page!!
You need a password • A lot of material on the website is password protected. • The password is:
Outline of Concepts and Equations Check that your notes are complete and accurate
Classroom Expectations Additional Resources
Lots of useful materials Additional Resources
Drilling down for more information Additional Resources
Drilling down for more information Additional Resources More information later
Drilling down for more information Additional Resources Unit Power Point – A pdf file---6 Slides Per Page Print this out and include in your notebook
Drilling down for more information Additional Resources
Drilling down for more information Additional Resources The specifics of the review materials will depend on the unit!
Drilling down for more information Additional Resources Materials used in class can usually be found on the website.
Getting extra help or making up work Additional Resources • I am available almost every day after school. I usually stay until 3:30 PM. • Only exceptions are faculty meetings and club meetings. • Even if I have a club meeting, I might be able to work with you for a short while. • You do not need to make a reservation, but if you know you want to see me it would be a good idea to let me know. If there is no one there for help, I might leave.
Classroom Expectations Rules Procedures Additional Resources Notebooks Grading Policies Notebooks
Notebooks Notebooks • Notebooks will be graded. • Bonus: If your notebook grade exceeds a cutoff level then you will earn a marking period bonus. • More details later when we get to grading. • Best practices • Many of my former students use these techniques throughout college.
Standardized Notebook Formats Notebooks Why? • Why must it be a narrow 3-ring binder? • I will provide a lot of pre-punched notes, worksheets, and lab handouts that you will want to keep safe. • Immediately place these papers in the appropriate place in your notebook. • 3-ring binders are the recommended format for success in college (see the Cornell method) • Why must everyone use the same format? • It will enable me to check your notebooks, homework, and some labs. • While you are taking your unit test I will be busily checking your notebook and giving you a grade for notebooks, in-class participation, homework participation, and lab participation. • I will not have time to find material that is not in the correct location in your notebook.
Quick Cards Notebooks 8” 5” Nanotechnology Physics Review Magnetism Side View Angular Momentum History of Big Bang Theory I Conservation Laws and Symmetry History of BB Theory II, E=mc2 Special Relativity General Relativity History of BB Theory III Quantum I Quantum II History of BB Theory IV Nuclear Physics Fission Reactors
I will provide you with heavy stock paper for this purpose and the 5x8 cards. • You may include notes, equations, drawings as you see fit. • You will be allowed to use this on quizzes, tests, quarterlies, midterms, and finals. • You will make the card the day before the exams. • The material for each unit must be limited to both sides of one5x8 card. • It must be hand written. • The Quick Cards must be kept in the front of your loose-leaf - except during a quiz or test • The index cards must be taped onto the quick card to allow for a fan fold liftup. • You will add 5x8 cards to this as the year progresses • Each student must have his/her own quick cards • If you do not bring the Quick Cards to the exam, you still must take the exam. Quick Cards1st page of notebook Notebooks
5 Tabs 1) In Class Work 2) Notes 3) Labs 4) Homework 5) Previous Units and General Reference The Layout Notebooks Labs Previous HW Notes Other In Class Do Now In Class Work
Unit Summarization Sheet Notebooks Unit Name Concepts, Laws, Principles, Graphical Tools Measurable Quantities, other Vocabulary, important scientists Equations You can use these sheets on quizzes, but only if they are hand written! Additional key notes and diagrams
5 Tabs 1) In Class Work 2) Notes 3) Labs 4) Homework 5) Previous Units and General Reference The Layout Notebooks Labs Previous HW Notes UNIT SUMMARIZE Other In Class Do Now In Class Work
Notebooks Unit Title Upcoming tests and quizzes Homework Assignment By Due Date Unit Planning Report Lesson Title Lesson Purpose Reading Assignment Available on line If you are absent download to see what work you missed.
5 Tabs 1) In Class Work 2) Notes 3) Labs 4) Homework 5) Previous Units and General Reference The Layout Notebooks Labs Previous HW Unit Planning Notes UNIT SUMMARIZE Other In Class Do Now In Class Work
The Layout Notebooks HW Labs Labs Previous HW Unit Planning Notes Notes Downloads UNIT SUMMARIZE Other In Class Do Now 5 Tabs 1) In Class Work 2) Notes 3) Labs 4) Homework 5) Previous Units and General Reference In Class Work
Slimming Down Your Notebook Notebooks • After the notebook check, you will remove and store all of the materials from the first 3 sections of your notebook except for the • Unit Summarization form • You may keep them in another section of your notebook- or better - leave them at home in a folder for quarterlies, midterms, and finals • The summarization form must be moved to the back of the “previous units tab”.
The Layout Notebooks HW Labs Labs Previous HW Unit Planning Notes Downloads UNIT SUMMARIZE Notes Other In Class Do Now After unit test most material moved to notebook at home. In Class Work
Combining Multiple Subunits Notebooks • In this class there are a total of 32 sub-units • So some units are too small to be treated as a separate entity for testing. • Each subunit may have its own unit summarization sheet and its own quick card. • However, we will not rearrange the notebooks until we have unit tests. • I will give you guidance about this as we proceed through the school year.
In-class work section Notebooks • All do now’s, class worksheets, will be included in this section (but not labs). • All work must be dated • Recorded Do Now’s and worked problems shows proof of participation. • When I check your notebook, if I do not see this evidence, I will reduce your participation grade.
Notes Section Requirements Notebooks Notes/Handouts • The goal – record the notes that you will need for this unit. • All notes and handouts must be dated. • If you are absent – fill in the date and then print absent next to the date • There should at least be an entry each day describing what you did • You do not have to have a separate page each day, but it must be in chronological order.
Teacher’s Unit Notes Notebooks • Unit notes are available on-line for each unit. • Great idea – especially good practice for college – download notes in advance of class and write notes in margins • You still will need to take notes, but you will spend less time just trying to keep up with class presentation
Information ConsolidationIn your notebook and your brain! HW Labs Notes, Do Now’s, Handouts, In-class Unit summarization Quick Cards Unit Notes Review Test Midterm End of Quarter Quiz Final
Classroom Expectations Rules Procedures Additional Resources Notebooks Grading Policies Grading Policies
Projects and Labs (30%) Grading Policies Labs/Proj Three subcategories • 10% -collected fully graded worksheet labs • 10% - marking period project • 10% - participation labs. • Late projects and worksheet labs reduce the maximum grade by 25%/day. • (There is no makeup for participation labs.)
Projects and Labs (30%)-Projects Grading Policies Labs/Proj • There will be one project per marking period. • The format will vary: Power Point, Poster, Written report • You will be provided a grading rubric. • The general goals are to delve into details, learn something in depth, and to provide a well researched, interesting, coherent learning vehicle for the other students.
Projects and Labs – Grading (30%) Grading Policies Labs/Proj Collected Labs • I will randomly select some labs for detailed grading. These will be collected on the due date. • For collected labs, usually the filled in worksheet will be due the day after the lab work in class. Participation Labs • Other labs will be given a “lab participation grade” during the notebook check. I will check for completeness and spot check these labs. • To get a full lab participation grade, all of the labs must have been made up by the day of the test and they must be in the appropriate section of your notebook.
Grading Policies Homework