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Tropical Rainforest

Tropical Rainforest. By: Rawan Soujaa Mai Phung. Our biome!. The map shows where tropical rainforests are located!. The green color places are the rainforests!. Animals living in the rainforest!. Birds Monkeys Jaguars Insects Snakes Etc . How do birds adapt to the rainforest?.

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Tropical Rainforest

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tropical Rainforest By: Rawan Soujaa Mai Phung

  2. Our biome!

  3. The map shows where tropical rainforests are located! • The green color places are the rainforests!

  4. Animals living in the rainforest! • Birds • Monkeys • Jaguars • Insects • Snakes • Etc 

  5. How do birds adapt to the rainforest? • Birds stay in canopy’s , this provides as a roof for them. The trees have fruit with seeds that birds, monkeys and other animals eat. Often the animals spread the seeds throughout the rain forest. There are also plenty of insects for birds to feed on.

  6. How do monkey’s adapt to the rainforest? • Rainforests tend to lay claim to most monkey species. Also the tree’s in the rainforest contain fruits and nuts that most monkey’s feed on. Although some monkey’s choose to be carnivores.

  7. How do Jaguars adapt to the rainforest? • Jaguars live on the rainforest floor and can be found in Amazon rainforests. The jaguar is endangered due to over hunting for its fur. Jaguars eat frogs, fish, turtles, deer, and caiman. Jaguars are great swimmers and like to fish and hunt at night.

  8. How do insects adapt to the rainforest? The canopy layer is the next layer of tall trees, but they are much denser. The Canopy layer trees shed water quickly and attract vines, insects, butterflies, monkeys and birds. The understory is beneath the canopy layer. This where some of the brightest insects are found, because camouflage is not required.

  9. How do snakes adapt to the rainforest? In tropical rainforest there are plenty of mice, bugs, and frogs which serve as a delicious mean for snakes. 

  10. Plants in the rainforest • Bamboo • Coconut trees • Mangroves Forest • Jambu • Etc 

  11. Bamboos • This plant grows in Southeast Asian forest. This bamboo can grow anywhere between 40 and 80 feet. This plant needs much water to survive. It is approximately 3 inches in diameter at maturity. Usually the blades fall off when the leaves have matured.

  12. Coconut Trees • Because the weather is hot and wet, trees do not need thick bark to slow down moisture loss and have instead thin, smooth bark.

  13. Mangrove Forest  • Mangroves can survive in the most busy areas, prop themselves above the water level with stilt roots and can then absorb air through pores in their bark

  14. Jambu tree • The trees are adaptive for a wide range of soil types.

  15. Abiotic factors and human activities • We will tell you about the abiotic factors and the human activities NOW !

  16. Abiotic Factors • The abiotic factors of the rainforest biome are-the amount of water and sunlight, climate, weather and precipitation. These are very important because without the right amount of water and sunlight the trees in the rainforest would not be able to grow and it would die. These factors also affect the types of plants and animals that can live in this area. A good example is that a lot of small bushes and shrubs would not be able to live here because all the really tall trees would block most of the sunlight causing a lack in sunlight to the bushes and shrubs below them. This would cause the shrubs to die.

  17. Human activities • Some of the many activities that happen in the rainforest are logging and oil drilling. These happen from companies, developing the forest for primary resources. These activities are made by national projects of road development, 80% of deforestation occurs within 50km of roads within this forest, without which the forest would remain unapproachable to all private beings.

  18. Bibliography http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tropical_rainforest http://i.ehow.com/images/a04/su/8o/rainforests-animal-800X800.jpg http://s4.hubimg.com/u/1906123_f260.jpg http://www.tropical-rainforest-animals.com/image-files/jaguar.jpg : http://www.duke.edu/web/nicholas/bio217/jmz28/rainforest-animals-redeyedfrog1.jpg

  19. Bibliography • http://www.esew.org/donate/photos/photos_images/leopards.jpg • http://www.sussex.ac.uk/press_office/bulletin/07sep07/images/blue%20bug.jpg • http://www.tropical-rainforest-animals.com/image-files/green-snake.jpg • http://www.panamacanal.com/images/tucan.jpg

  20. Bibliography • http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/rainforest.htm • http://virtual.yosemite.cc.ca.us/ghayes/images/DSC03820%20rainforest%20b.JPG • http://www.brucegwayne.com/catalog/images/bamboo_rainforest__costa_rica_new.JPG • http://cdn-www.trails.com/Cms/images/GlobalPhoto/Articles/1143/176333-main_Full.jpg

  21. Bibliography • http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3031/2682244018_31c0a3312c.jpg • http://www.ehow.com/facts_5365735_rainforest-layers.html • http://www.britannica.com/blogs/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/monkey-costa-rica.jpg • http://www.ehow.com/about_5455433_monkeys-natural-habitat.html

  22. Bibliography • http://www.vivalaselva.org/images_sound_files/jaguar.jpg • http://www.ehow.com/about_5132098_rainforest-floor-animals.html • http://www.mongabay.com/images/2006/0401insects.jpg • http://www.ehow.com/about_5410299_tropical-rainforest.html

  23. bibliography • http://static.panoramio.com/photos/original/19038912.jpg • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_does_the_snakes_in_the_tropical_rainforest_eat&alreadyAsked=1&rtitle=How_do_snakes_adapt_to_the_tropical_rainforest • http://chatwaw.com/images/97024-tropical-flowers-screen-saver.jpg

  24. Bibliography • http://www.yoyita.com/Flora_Nicaragua/red-flowers-02-01.jpg • http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_Tq1Bk9hOCHs/Ru-2pnGHT3I/AAAAAAAAABE/wmG9VzeSK0g/s320/rainforest.jpg • http://www.wallcoo.net/nature/bamboo_forest/images/%5Bwallcoo_com%5D_bamboos_GA112.jpg

  25. Bibliography • http://mabryonline.org/blogs/howard/archives/map_southeast_asia.jpg • http://www.kidcyber.com.au/topics/biomerainfor3.htm • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mangrove#Adaptations_to_low_oxygen • http://info.rforests.tripod.com/abiotic_factors.htm

  26. Thank you for watching 

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