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MVC: Modified VIKOR Model based Clustering Protocol for WSNs. By: Tauseef Shah Reg. No. FA11-REE-049 Supervisor Dr. Safdar H. Bouk Co-Supervisor Dr. Nadeem Javaid. Publications .
MVC: Modified VIKOR Model based Clustering Protocol for WSNs By: Tauseef Shah Reg. No. FA11-REE-049 Supervisor Dr. Safdar H. Bouk Co-Supervisor Dr. NadeemJavaid
Publications • Aslam, M., T. Shah, N. Javaid, A. Rahim, Z. Rahman, and Z. A. Khan. "CEEC: Centralized energy efficient clustering a new routing protocol for WSNs." InSensor, Mesh and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON), 2012 9th Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on, pp. 103-105. IEEE, 2012. • T. Shah., N. Javaid, and T. N. Qureshi. "Energy Efficient Sleep Awake Aware (EESAA) Intelligent Sensor Network Routing Protocol." arXiv preprint arXiv:1212.4106 (2012). • M. Mustafa, T. Shah, Safdar H. Bouk, Syed H. Ahmed and N. Javaid, “Distributed Multiple Criteria based Clustering Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks”, accepted in IEEE Vehicular Technology Society Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium 2013
Outline Wireless Sensors Networks (WSNs) Applications of WSNs Routing in WSNs and types of routing Previous Work Problem Statement Proposed Scheme Research Methodology Simulation and Results Conclusion
Wireless Sensors Networks (WSNs) • Large number of sensor nodes, deployed in a certain are for a specific purpose, bring themselves together to form a WSN. • WSNs deployed in remote inaccessible locations without human interference. • WSNs usually monitor two type of events • Static Events • Dynamic Events • The monitored Data is send to central controlled devise called Sink node or Base Station (BS)
Applications of WSNs • Military Applications • Communications • Surveillance and spying • Detection of biological and nuclear attacks • Location detection of Enemy • Environmental Applications • Track and detect various environmental conditions such as conditions that can affect the crop and livestock • track animals • Fire detection in forests • Volcano eruption • Flood detection
Application of WSNs cont…. • Health-care Applications • Body Area sensor network (BAN), an application of WSN, used to collect physiological data from a human body. • Provide ease to monitor patients without the presence of Doctors. • Allows doctors to read the symptoms of a problem before it occur
Application of WSNs cont…. • Traffic control • building new roads is not a feasible solution for many cities • lack of free space • high cost of demolition of old roads • one approach: put in place distributed systems that reduce congestions • gather information about the density, sizes, and speed of vehicles on roads • infer congestions • Suggest alternate routes
Routing in WSNs Low processing power, low memory storage, Limited bandwidth and energy supply creates many challenges in WSNs Routing in WSNs offers a better means through which reliable delivery of data and energy-efficient route can be setup. Efficient routing technique increase overall lifetime of the network
Types of routing in WSNs • Routing in WSNs can be classified into three types • location-based • data-centric • hierarchical
Previous Work • LEACH: which was the very first clustering protocol for WSN. • In LEACH, homogeneous sensor nodes (i.e. having same initial energy) are considered • In each round, CH responsibility is rotated among high energy nodes in order to balance the communication load among all nodes • LEACH operates in two phases: • Advertising phase • Data transmission phase
Previous work cont…… CEEC: it is centralized clustering routing protocol, For CEEC execution, whole network is divided into three regions, Nodes are divided into following catagories, normal advance, and super advance In this, CHs are selected by BS on the basis of residual energy and position of the nodes
Problem Statement • Problems with single criteria: • Mostly based on residual energy. • Don’t consider other information, like location of nodes, number of neighbor nodes etc • So normal nodes consumes more energy to send their data to CHs. • Problems with Centralized: • Increased processing over head. Results in shorter lifetime of nodes • Problems with single hop communication: • Data from nodes away form CHs/base station have to travel longer distance as compared to nearer nodes, hence they die earlier.
Proposed Scheme A major challenge in WSNs is selection of appropriate cluster head Selection of CH largely affects WSNs lifetime. Ideal cluster head is one which is selected on multiple criteria. We propose a distributed CH selection technique based on Modified VIKOR model VIKOR: VIeKriterijumskaOptimizacija I KompromisnoResenje, Multicriteria optimization and compromise solution. We consider four criteria: residual energy, number of neighbors, distance form BS and average distance form neighbors.
Research Methodology Our proposed protocol is divided into following phases: Phase 1: Neighbor Discovery: Every node broadcast its ID in HELLO message in intra-communication range Every node listen to the medium for short period of time for HELLO messages Creates and updates its neighbor table on every reception of HELLO message After completing neighbor table every node calculates its distance from BS, average distance form its neighbors , node density and residual energy
Then it broadcast this information to its neighbors in an information packet. Neighbor table update is performed after few communication cycles, because nodes are static Neighbor table update is performed in order to check dead nodes This reduces HELLO overhead
Phase 2: Cluster Head Selection • Based on information packet received, sensor node calculates its CH value (CH_Val) and share this value with all of its neighbors. • Steps in Calculating CH_Val • Step 1:Every sensor node compares its each criterion value ‘V’ with every neighbor and determines the node with maximum value and the node with minimum value for that criteria.
Step 2: Weights are assigned to all criteria according to relative importance:
Step 3: each sensor node calculates the distance of each criterion to the ideal solution (MAX/MIN)
Regret measure After computing these Distance and Regret measure values, node broadcast this information to its neighbors and listens to channel for similar information.
Step 4: Each nodes calculates CH_Val of its own and its neighbors
Step 5: After calculating CH_val, node will then compare its CH_val with its neighbors. If the node CH_val is greater then at least one of its neighbors, it will wait for advertisement packet from its neighbor node which has lowest CH val. If CH val of the nodes is less then its any neighbor, it elect itself as CH and broadcast advertisement packet to all of its neighbors. Nodes which are not elected as CHs send join request to CH CHs in response assign TDMA slots for node communication
Phase 3: Communication: Nodes send their sensed data to their associated CHs in assigned TDMA slots. Two types of communication operations are used. In single-hop intra cluster communication CH receive and aggregate data for associated nodes In Multi-hop inter-cluster communication when distance between CH and BS is larger than 10 meter then CH use intermediate cluster-head to communicate to BS
Simulation and Results • Simulation Parameters: • Assumptions: • Nodes are static • Nodes always have data to send • Wireless channel is free of collision and interference
Conclusion Simulation results show that multiple normalized criteria for CH selection improves throughput, consumes less energy, minimum variations in CH re-elections (cluster stability), network lifetime, and very less control overhead, compared to the previous clustering schemes.