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Monsoon Behaviour,SWM(2009)

Monsoon Behaviour,SWM(2009). Eratic and deficient rainfall. Rainfall (mm)during 1 June to 30 September, 2009. RAINFALL STATUS during critical Kharif season,2009 (SW Monsoon 2009). June Rainfall:-51% July Rainfall: -5% 1 st June to 30 th Sept: -23%.

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Monsoon Behaviour,SWM(2009)

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  1. Monsoon Behaviour,SWM(2009) • Eratic and deficient rainfall

  2. Rainfall (mm)during 1 June to 30 September, 2009

  3. RAINFALL STATUSduring critical Kharif season,2009(SW Monsoon 2009) June Rainfall:-51% July Rainfall: -5% 1st June to 30th Sept: -23%

  4. Cumulative Rainfall (mm)Since 1st June ( Crucial for Rice crop)

  5. Status of Storage of Reservoirs The level of 90.476 BCM in 81 important reservoirs in the country, as on 1.10.2009, is less than the level of 113.737 BCM of last year i.e. 75% of storage at FRL and less than the level of 100.947 BCM of average of last 10 years i.e. 67 % of storage at FRL. 5

  6. Region wise Storage Status North : Overall storage is less than Normal in H.P. by 30%, in Punjab by 48% and in Rajasthan by 18%. East : Overall storage is better than Normal in Jharkhand and in less than normal in Orissa by 17%, in Tripura by 37% and in West Bengal by 24%. West : Overall storage is less than Normal in Gujarat by 26% and in Maharashtra by 23%. Central : Overall storage is better than Normal in Madhya Pradesh, but less than normal in Uttarakhand by 9%, in Uttar Pradesh by 35% and in Chattisgarh by 21%. South : Overall storage is better than Normal in Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, but less than Normal in Tamil Nadu by 4%. 6

  7. Area coverage of Kharif Crops Area in lakh ha As on 30.10.2009 7

  8. State-wise Sowing of Paddy Area lakh ha

  9. Area Coverage of Pulses Area lakh ha 9

  10. State-wise Sowing of Pulses Area lakh ha

  11. Area coverage of Oilseeds Area lakh ha 11

  12. State-wise Sowing of Groundnut Area Lakh ha

  13. Important Kharif Crops Cereals - Rice, Maize, Jowar, Bajra, different kinds of millets Pulses - Tur, Greengram, Blackgram, Mothbean, Cow Pea Oilseeds - Soybean, Groundnut, Til, Sunflower, Castor Other Crops – Cotton, Sugarcane, Jute 13

  14. State-wise Sowing of Soybean Area Lakh ha

  15. State-wise Sowing of Oilseeds Area Lakh ha

  16. State-wise Sowing of Sugarcane( As on 3-9-2009) Area Lakh ha

  17. Preparedness for Rabi 2009-10 • Rabi conference was held on 24-25, September,2009. In which Principal Agriculture Secretaries/Vice Chancellors/ Directors of Agriculture/Horticulture participated. • This meeting was addressed by Honorable Agriculture Minister himself, who emphasized higher area coverage during Rabi season to compensate for losses in production.

  18. The Cabinet Secretary, Government of India had a video conference with the major wheat growing states on 3.11.2009 and reviewed the preparedness for Rabi crops. • The Ministry is monitoring the situation on daily basis about input availability i.e. fertilizer, seed, pesticide to ensure that the input is made available to farmers well in time.

  19. Special Action Plan for Boro / Summer Rice Production

  20. Higher target for Rabi/Summer Rice Area for 2009-10 (Area in lakh ha)

  21. Higher Target for Rabi / Summer Rice Production 2009-10 (in lakh tonnes)

  22. Current Boro Rice Area, Production and Productivity and targeted Productivity for 2009-10 States : Assam, Bihar, Orissa, U.P., W.B.

  23. Boro / Summer Rice • Action Plan : • Promote improved varieties / more minikits : Special Seed plan for boro rice • Increase area of boro / summer rice in West Bengal, Bihar, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Chattisgarh, Orissa • Increase Productivity by use of higher doses of fertilizer, SRI Cultivation

  24. Seed Availability for Rabi 2009-10 Requirement is 130.87 lakh qtls Availability is 148.39 lakhs qtls Surplus of 17.52 lakhs qtls No shortfall in cereals, major pulses, oilseeds, fibre, fodder

  25. Rabi Maize and Jowar / Bajra • Increase area under rabi maize in Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Punjab, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh • Increase area under Rabi jowar in Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka • Improve productivity by promotion of hybrids, higher doses of fertilizers • Protection from shoot borer by appropriate use of pesticide and timely planting

  26. IMPACT ON CROPS • Crop sowing is affected particularly in Paddy and the crop health could be affected due to prolonged dry spell due to moisture stress; • 300 districts in 12 States declared drought and drought like conditions so far to provide relief in terms of provisioning drinking water, food, fodder and employment • Alternate crop plans were required to be pressed into action to take some crop in the remaining season to ease the hardship of farmers • Heavy demand for energy – electric and diesel from the farmers

  27. CRITICAL GROWTH STAGES OF RICE CROP • Vegetative (germination to panicle initiation); • Emergence- ( covering nursery to transplanting) [21 DAS] • Tillering [25-30 DAT] • Panicle initiation [ ABOUT 45 DAT] • Reproductive (panicle initiation to flowering); • Booting [ 60-65 DAT] • Heading[65-70 DAT] • Ripening/Maturity (flowering to matured grain)[30-35 DAYS DURATION i.e. 70-75 DAT ]

  28. MITIGATING MEASURES • For Standing crops, Diesel subsidy to farmers for protective irrigation to standing crops; Additional power. • Technical advisories - involvement of Extenstion machineries and ICAR/SAU • Growing Alternate crops( viz., Toria, Pulses like Greengram/Blackgram) alongwith Technical advisories • Supported with additional quantities of seeds • Inter Ministerial Central Assessment Teams • Financial allocation under CRF and NCCF • Positioning of fertilisers and other inputs.

  29. Plan for early and higher coverage • Awareness campaign for completing the sowing of wheat by 15th Nov with more stress in Eastern UP, Bihar, and West Bengal; Early wheat sowing with available soil moisture in Rainfed areas. Additional wheat minikits distributed. • Emphasis on more rust resistant varieties like DBW-17 and PBW-550 in Wheat Bowl of NWPZ.Minikits distributed for quick varietal replacement. • Promote traditional relay cropping system like utera and pyra for cultivating rice fallows with chick pea, lentils and other pulses crops contd…/-

  30. …contdPlan for early Rabi and higher coverage Plan for increasing the area and productivity under Boro/Summer/Rabi Rice in Assam, Bihar, West Bengal and Orissa; Minikits distributed. Plan for early Rabi Jowar and Mustard crops on the residual moisture after kharif harvest Actively promote crop development schemes to enhance Rabi crop productivity; enhanced subsidy on seeds. Converge NREGA and IWDP activities for ground water development employment and achieve higher production Increase

  31. Drought affected districts,2009 StateNumber of Districtsdeclared Drought affected 1. Andhra Pradesh - 22 (981 mandals) 2. Assam * - 27 3. Bihar - 26 4. Himachal Pradesh - 12 5. Jharkhand - 24 6. Karnataka - 20 (86 taluks) 7. Manipur - 09 8. Madhya Pradesh - 37 9. Maharashtra - 28 (221 talukas) 10. Nagaland * - 11 11. Rajasthan - 26 (32833 villages) 12. Uttar Pradesh - 58 Total - 300 * Declared having drought like condition

  32. Status of Drought relief to states Inter Ministerial Team visited the drought affected states and reports of 10 states have been considered by the High Level Committee headed by Honorable Finance Minister. The committee has already recommended the relief to 10 states. The reports of Assam and Andhra Pradesh are under preparation which will go to High Level Committee for its consideration. 32

  33. Statewise approval of CRF/NCCF Funds ( approvrd by HLC on 21 Oct,2009)

  34. Area affected due to recent flood, late kharif,2009

  35. First Advance Estimate of production during Kharif 2009-10 ( in million tons) released by ESA,DAC

  36. First Advance Estimate of production during Kharif 2009-10( in lakh tons/bales)

  37. Future Challenges : Policy In view of immenent climatic variations there is need to develop medium term/long term measures to face the challenges of drought/flood and rise in temperature : i.e. • Targetted rain water harvesting programmes and efficient recharge of ground water. • Increasing efficiency of available water through drips and sprinkler system of irrigation. • Strengthen the system of surface water supply through under ground pipes chanels to improve delivery of water at tail end. • Developing varieties/crops and cropping systems which can sustain rise in temperature.

  38. Other Policy measures required to face the challenges in future : • Creation of sufficient seed Reserve / seed Bank for both grain and fodder crops • Review the requirement of strategic reserve of food grains and norms of procurement • Preparedness for alternate crops/cropping system • Strengthen the fodder Bank


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