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Topic: Maaih En-Zingh Nyei Giduc Mienh (Christian Gratitude) Text: E^fe^so 1:3-10 (Ephesians 1:3-10) Introduction Haaix zanc mienh maaih en-zingh nor, ninh mbuo oix biux mengh yiem ninh mbuo zoux nyei sic. When people are grateful, they will show it by attitudes and actions.
Topic: Maaih En-Zingh Nyei Giduc Mienh (Christian Gratitude) Text: E^fe^so 1:3-10(Ephesians 1:3-10) Introduction Haaix zanc mienh maaih en-zingh nor, ninh mbuo oix biux mengh yiem ninh mbuo zoux nyei sic. When people are grateful, they will show it by attitudes and actions. October 30, 2005 - Please Turn off Your Cell Phone Thanks
I. Attitudes and Action Toward Other People (Fiem-fingx caux zoux nyei sic bun taux mienh) A. Jesus spoke of the judgment (Matthew 25:34-46) Yesu dingc mienh zoux dorngc nyei sic (Matv^taai 25:34-46). 1. It will not be based on how religious we are. Se maiv zeiv gorngv taux mbuo sienx duqv ndongc haaix longx nyei jauv. 2. It will be based on how we treat other people. Se gorngv taux Mbuo hnangv haaix nor zoux bun ganh dauh mienh nyei jauv.
B. Jesus spoke of two creditors (Matthew 18:23-35)Yesu gorngv taux i dauh qiemx zaeqv nyei mienh 1. The master expected the servant to forgive also. Ziouv sienx gorngv ninh nyei bou yaac oix guangc bun mienh. a. Freely you have received, freely give (Matthew 10:8). Meih baeqc-baeqc duqv zipv, yaac oix zuqc baeqc-baeqc bun. b. Much will be required (Luke 12:48). Haaix dauh duqv camv ziouc oix zuqc zoux gauh camv. 2. This calls us to compassion and forgiveness. Naaiv se heuc mbuo oix zuqc maaih hnyouv korh lienh mienh caux guangc mienh zoux dorngc nyei sic.
II. Attitudes and Action Toward the Church Fiem-fingx caux zoux nyei sic bun taux Jiu Baang. • To love Jesus is to love the church. Hnamv Yesu se oix zuqc hnamv jiu baang 1. The church is the body of Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23). Jiu baang se Giduc nyei sin (E^fe^so 1:22-23). 2. Jesus loved the church (Ephesians 5:25). Yesu hnamv Ninh nyei jiu baang(E^fe^so 5:25)
B. Who would believe a father loved his family if he came home only on Easter and Christmas? Maaih haaix dauh sienx yietc dauh die hnamv ninh nyei hmuangv doic, mv baac se gorngv ninh kungx nzuonx biauv yiem Yesu panh nangh nyei hnoi caux Yesu cuotv seix nyei hnangv?
C. Our attitude toward the church should be the same as our attitude toward Jesus. Mbuo nyei fiem-fingx bun jiu baang horpc zuqc fih hnangv nyei hnangv bun Yesu nor. 1. We should be willing to serve it.Mbuo horpc zuqc maaih hnyouv fuh sux jiu baang. 2. We should be willing to give to it.Mbuo horpc zuqc maaih hnyouv maaih ziangh hoc bun jiu baang. 3. We should be willing to listen to it.Mbuo horpc Zuqc muangx jiu baang.
III. Attitudes and Actions Toward Life. Mienh nyei fiem-fingx caux zoux nyei sic bun taux maengc nyei jauv. A. Paul spoke of man’s problem (Romans 1:20-21). Baulo gorngv taux mienh nyei la’nyauv sic (Lomaa 1:20-21). 1. It is not the mystery of God’s existence. Maiv zeiz Tin-Hungh nyei yietc liuz gem jienv nyei sic. 2. It is man’s ingratitude to God. Maiv maaih en-zingh nyei mienh, wuom ziemx-juv.
B. The signs of man’s ingratitude. Baamh mienh maiv maaih en-zingh nyei nyungc zeiv jauv. 1. His rejection of Jesus as Savior. Ninh maiv laengz zipv Yesu zoux ninh nyei njoux Ziouv. 2. His refusal to be reconciled to God. Ninh ngaec zingh maiv laengz caux Tin-Hungh zoux horpc hnyouv.
Conclusion 1. We ought to worship God only (Matthew 4:10). Mbuo horpc zuqc baaix Ziouv Tin-Hungh nduqc dauh hnangv. 2. We ought always to give thanks to God the Father for everything Mbuo horpc zuqc zanc-zanc weic maanc sic laengz zingh Zangc Diex Tin-Hungh (E^fe^so 5:20 – Ephesians 5:20) 3. We ought to love God with all our heart (Matthew 22:37). Mbuo horpc zuqc longc nzengc hnyouv hnamv Ziouv Tin-Hungh 4. We ought to love one another (John 13:34). Mbuo horpc zuqc laanh hnamv laanh (Yo^han 13:34)