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Explore the high cost of living in Tokyo, one of the world's most expensive cities, and the challenges residents face in affording their lifestyles. Discover the reasons behind Tokyo's high living expenses and how it impacts its inhabitants.
Introductions and Conclusions Mrs. Garcia English
Introduction Paragraph includes: • Teasing sentences = may be a question or statement that gets the readers’ attention. • Comments and background = history, definition, or general information regarding topic. • THESIS STATEMENT = last sentence; describes what the essay will be about.
Example:Can you imagine how much a single day can cost if you live in Shibuya, Tokyo? Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities in the world. The prices of things in Tokyo are much higher than in other parts of Japan. Because of this, many people living in Tokyo have a difficult time paying for their lifestyles. Tokyo definitely is one of the most expensive cities for many reasons.Red= teasing sentencesBlack = comments and backgroundpurple = thesis statement
A good thesis is limited Examples: Good Needs Work Good Teachers make The world is a fantastic Mountain City place to live. Elementary a Fantastic school.
A good thesis is concise Examples: Good Needs Work Some problems with Mountain City Elementary Mountain City Elementary needs several changes to its School is that is needs a facility to make it a better larger playground, an school. auditorium, and running water.
A good thesis is concise (specific) Examples: Good Needs Work Daily writing practice has led Mountain City Elementary is a To improved writing skills for good school. The students at Mountain City Elementary.
A good thesis is not a subject Examples: Good Needs Work The cost of living in Mountain SHOULD NOT BE A SUBJECT: City is lower than in most Cost of Living Other cities in the United States
A good thesis is not a title Examples: Good Needs Work Good teaching has led to an SHOULD NOT BE A TITLE: Increase in TCAP scores at Rising TCAP Scores at Mountain Mountain City Elementary. City Elementary
A good thesis is Not a Statement of Absolute fact Examples: Good Needs Work The Climate in Mountain City SHOULD NOT BE FACT: Is ideal for outdoor sports. The average temp. for Mountain City in winter is 34 and in summer is 75 degrees
Other bad examples of thesis statements: I am going to tell you about… My summary is about… The definition of Alaska is… Baseball’s offensive line-up is… How you build a sand castle is… The first thing you do to build a tree house is…
Conclusion Paragraph: Your conclusion paragraph is your chance to have the last word on the subject. Conclusion paragraphs should make your readers glad they read your paper. Conclusion Sentences should end the conclusion paragraph and should provide a satisfying sense of closure while summarizing the thesis statement.
Ideas for a conclusion paragraph: The cost of living in Tokyo may prohibit some from settling down in this wonderful city. Few people want to relinquish their creature comforts in order to live in an expensive city; therefore, Tokyo may be out of the question for inhabitants. Even though Tokyo may be cost prohibitive for living, it is still a fascinating city.
Let’s Compare… Introduction: Can you imagine how much a single day can cost if you live in Shibuya, Tokyo? Tokyo is one of the most expensive cities in the world. The prices of things in Tokyo are much higher than in other parts of Japan. Because of this, many people living in Tokyo have a difficult time paying for their lifestyles. Tokyo definitely is one of the most expensive cities for many reasons. Conclusion: The cost of living in Tokyo may prohibit some from settling down in this wonderful city. Few people want to relinquish their creature comforts in order to live in an expensive city; therefore, Tokyo may be out of the question for inhabitants. Even though Tokyo may be cost prohibitive for living, it is still a fascinating city.
Bad Conclusion Sentences: And as for the future, only time will tell. Researchers have so much more to discover in this area. Whatever we say now will be superseded in the near future. **Repeating the thesis statement word for word.
Miscellaneous Notes: ****Do NOT use the following to start ANY sentence: anyways, so, well, because, you ****Remember that you are writing EXPOSITORY essays; therefore, you should NOT make any opinionated sentences like… As you can see, skateboarding is the best sport around for obvious reasons.
Let’s practice: Sachar illustrates that forming trustworthy friendships is beneficial to the characters in Holes. Good? Needs work?
Practice question 2 Rex and Alan’s nicknames are X-Ray and Squid. Good? Needs Work?
Practice question 3 When Stanley asks Theodore where he can find water, Theodore grabs Stanley, throws him down, and says his name is Armpit. Good? Needs work?
Practice question 4 Brutality is all around Camp Green Lake, and its harmful results are often shown. Good? Needs work?
Practice 5 In Holes, Camp Green Lake is dry, hard, and hot which symbolize Stanley’s feelings of being trapped and sad while God’s Thumb is green and fertile which symbolize Stanley’s feelings of being free and happy. Good? Needs work?
Practice 6 In Holes, the physical environment is a symbol of Stanley’s feelings. Good? Needs work?
Practice question 7 Onions signify a healing power in the novel. Good? Needs work?
Practice question 8 Onions – A Food Rich in Sugar and Oil Good? Needs work?
Practice question 9 Over 3,000 species of lizards live throughout the world with the largest number living in warm climates. Good? Needs work?
Practice question 10 The Yellow Spotted Lizard in Holes represents death. Good? Needs work?
Now you try…Here’s an easy way to make a thesis statement: • Look at all of your main ideas and try to divide them into three categories. • Use those three category words/thoughts and weave them into a sentence which summarizes your WHOLE essay. • Presto! You now have a thesis statement!
To make a conclusion sentence: • Take a look at your thesis statement and rework it using different words and include a finalizing tone to the sentence. Example: Even though… Although…