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Learn how to link a student's control number (SCN) to their previous training using the Similar Names window in TMS 7.01.5.
TMS 7.01.5 Linking Student Control Number (SCN) and the Similar Names window.
Student Control Number (SCN) • Student Control Number (SCN) is a number that is assigned to a student and “should” remain with that student throughout their career. It is a way to identify a single student and all of the training which that student has attended throughout their career. The SCN is automatically assigned to a student when their information is uploaded to the SAN. • It is possible for the SCO to assign the same SCN number to a student who has been to training in the past and is returning for additional training. It is up to the SCO to determine if a student has been to training before and to reassign the same SCN number to the student. When this is done successfully, the student is and all of the Security Cooperation training has been linked via the SCN and a report can show all of the training a single student has received. • TMS 7.01.5 attempts to make this process easier by automatically displaying a “Similar Name” pop up form after a student’s name has been entered on the Student Information form in TMS. This form will show a list of students that have a “similar name” and will give the SCO the ability to reassign the original SCN as well as reuse the student’s information entered the last time they attended training.
Student Control Number (SCN) The following screenshots outline the process of assining a previous SCN number to a student who is returning for training. The following scenario is used as an example. Country = Iraq Student = First Name: HAMID MAHDI, Surname: ABDULAZEEZ Hamid went to training in 2008 under the following Case and WCN: IQ-P-08B001-8203 Hamid was automatically assigned the following SCN:IQ000306 Hamid is returning to training this year, in 2009, under the following Case and WCN: IQ-B-09I001-1010 When assigning Hamid to IQ-B-09I001-1010, we want to assign the same SCN number, IQ000306, that he had last timeto the new training, IQ-B-09I001-1010. Thus linking the student to the prior training. The following screenshots from TMS 7.01.5 explain how to do this.
Student Control Number (SCN) Open TMS 7.01.5 and pull up the Student Information form as usual to assign Hamid to the new training track, IQ-B-09I001-1010. Shown below is the empty Student form for IQ-B-09I001-1010.
Student Control Number (SCN) What is new in TMS 7.01.5 is that: Once you have both the First Name entered and the Surname entered, and then leave the field, TMS will: Look at the first 5 characters of the First Name and Look at the first 5 characters of the Last Name If it finds any matches it will display a pop up form showing students with “Similar Names” from your country who have been to training before. Based on the Similar Names form, if the returning student’s name appears, you can select the student thus assigning the same SCN number and reusing the student data for the new track. See following slides…
2. Enter Surname. 3. Tab out of Surnamefield. 1. Enter First Name SCN is currently blank.
Notice:Hamid Abdulhazeezis in the list from previous training. If the student does not exist in the list, (i.e. is not a “returning student” ) Click, Close/Cancel and continue as normal. Similar Names Pop up formdisplayed if any matches arefound. Notice:SCN: IQ000306
To verify if in fact this is the same person (i.e. Hamid Abdulhazeez) from previous training,Click, View or Double Click the Name.
Student Data form, displaying information gathered from previous training, is displayed for the student that you selected. Name and SCN number. Unit, Service Number, Place of Birth etc. Passport Number. Dependents. Previous Training
If this is the same person and you want to link the student,Click this button to Apply the SCN and Student Data Below to the current Student Information form.
You will be returned to the Student Form and all information from the previous windowis automatically filled in. Including the same SCN number from before: IQ000306. SCN: IQ000306 Update Student Form as needed to correct any info that has changed. IMSI Bio information will be filled in as well, if existed for previous training.