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QCD and Hadronic Physics Beijing, June 16-20, 2005

QCD and Hadronic Physics Beijing, June 16-20, 2005. Jet Tomography of Strongly Interacting QGP. Xin-Nian Wang 王新年 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. QCD phase transition. scale anomaly (break scale invariance). Asymptotic freedom. Confinement. Lattice QCD results. F. Karsch ‘2001.

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QCD and Hadronic Physics Beijing, June 16-20, 2005

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  1. QCD and Hadronic PhysicsBeijing, June 16-20, 2005 Jet Tomography of Strongly Interacting QGP Xin-Nian Wang 王新年 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

  2. QCD phase transition scale anomaly (break scale invariance) Asymptotic freedom Confinement

  3. Lattice QCD results F. Karsch ‘2001

  4. Medium Response Dynamic System: Photon or dilepton emission (McLerran & Toimela’85) J/Y suppression (Matsui & Satz’86) QCD Response: Parton scattering (Gyulassy & XNW’92)

  5. Jet Quenching & Modified Fragmentation e- Guo & XNW’00

  6. Non-Abelian LPM Effect i j Formation time Two-parton correlation: Landau- Pomeranchuck-Migdal interference:

  7. Quadratic Nuclear Dependence

  8. HERMES data E. Wang & XNW 2000

  9. Parton Energy Loss BDPM Gyulassy Vitev Levai Wang & Wang Wiedemann; Zakharov Quark energy loss = energy carried by radiated gluon

  10. HERMES data E. Wang & XNW 2000 in Au nuclei

  11. Jet Quenching at RHIC

  12. Geometry of dense matter jet jet Azimuthal asymmetry Non-central collisions

  13. Dihadron Correlation Pedestal&flow subtracted Pedestal&flow subtracted trigger Df pTtrig=4-6 GeV pT=2-4 GeV

  14. Away-side suppression trigger Df

  15. Elliptic flow of a perfect fluid Pressure gradient anisotropy Hydrodynamic calculation with h=0

  16. Jet Remnants q Induced Bremsstrahlung: qM Pedestal&flow subtracted Cherenkov radiation

  17. 3-D Tomography Z.-T. Liang, XNW PRL 94 (2005)102301 Dx Global polarization w.r.t. Nuclear reaction plane

  18. Summary • Discovery of Jet Quenching at RHIC proves that a interacting dense matter is formed: Opaque to jets • Dense matter at RHIC is 30 times higher than cold nuclei, energy density is 100 times higher • Collective behavior: Hydrodyamic limit strongly interactive QGP • Jet tomography a useful and power tool for studying properties of dense matter • Heavy quarks, dihadron correlation, angular distribution, flavor dependence …

  19. Angular distribution of radiative gluons q Induced Bremsstrahlung: Radiation in vacuum Further interaction of the radiated gluons with the medium?

  20. Di-hadron fragmentation function h1 h2 jet Majumder & XNW

  21. Modification of the dihadron distribution STAR preliminary Pedestal&flow subtracted z Effect of longitudinal flow C. Salgado

  22. Sonic Boom Casalderrey-Solana, Shuryak and Teaney Linearize disturbance qM Trigger

  23. Future of Jet quenching STAR preliminary STAR preliminary g+jet correlation in Au+Au in run4? More accurate determination of initial Et

  24. Modification for Heavy Quarks (1) Slow clock for formation time (2) Color factor (3) Dead cone effect DEQ<DEg, DEq Djordjevic & Gyulassy Zhang & XNW Armesto,Dainese, Salgado & Wiedemann Zhang & XNW

  25. Energy Dependence of quenching D. d’Enterria, Hard Probes 2004

  26. Effect of non-Abelian energy loss Eskola Honkanen Salgado Wiedemann Qun Wang & XNW nucl-th/0410079 Fixed pT=6 GeV DEg=DEq DEg=2DEq

  27. No suppression in d+Au STAR PHENIX

  28. High pt spectra in Au+Au H. Zhang,E. Wang J. Owens, XNW 2005

  29. High pt spectra in pp collisions H. Zhang J. Owens E. Wang XNW 2005

  30. Charm quark Large charm quark Suppression? Hadronic scattering?

  31. Parton recombination Hwa; Fries Particle or parton correlations are not trivial

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