1. Forest Monitoring Methods Shenandoah National Park
January 2007
Wendy B. Cass, Botanist
2. Basic Park Statistics 197,438 Acres
561 ft. - 4049 ft. Elevation Range
516 miles of Trails
236 miles of Roads
300 miles of Boundary
79,580 Acres of Wilderness
1300+ plant species
35 NVCS vegetation Associations
5. Forest Monitoring Plot Layout
6. Plot Measurements Trees - species, dbh, crown health, crown class, condition notes
Shrubs - species, diameter class, # of stems
Woody Seedlings - species, # of stems
Herbs cover class of five most abundant
Fire Fuels two 50 ft Browns transects (CWD, litter, duff)
Invasive Species - cover class of 12 target species
Ground Cover - cover class of litter, organic soil, mineral soil, rock, moss
7. Tree Measurements
8. Shrub Measurements
9. Herb / Non-native / Groundcover