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Discover how Pôle Emploi, a public administrative institution, can help you find employment in France. Learn about their services and how they work to support job seekers.
Comenius Project Pôle Emploi
Summary • 1- What’s Pôle Emploi? • 2- Why Pôle Emploi? • 3- How does Pôle Emploi work?
Pôle Emploi is a public administrative institution (PAI) for employment in France. It was created in December 19, 2008 from the merger between the National Employment Agency and ASSEDIC.
We chose Pôle Emploi because we will be affected very soon. We will soon enter the world of work and we are going to have to find work. Unfortunately, the unemployment rate is very high in France.
1 - We must pre-register by phone or on the internet www.pole-emploi.fr site. • 2 - An appointment is given in a home of Pôle Emploi (determined by the municipality of residence). • 3 - The first interview allows both to proceed with the registration, mount the claim file and specify the contours of her application. • 4 - Monitoring is performed by a single referent advisor.