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Nazi Propaganda

Nazi Propaganda. Two Purposes. To create a positive image of Hitler and the Nazi Party ( saviors of Germany’s troubles; future ) To create a negative view of those considered to be enemies , particularly Jews. Hitler’s Propaganda Methods. Present simple themes in a repetitive manner

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Nazi Propaganda

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  1. Nazi Propaganda

  2. Two Purposes • To create a positive image of Hitler and the Nazi Party (saviors of Germany’s troubles; future) • To create a negative view of those considered to be enemies, particularly Jews

  3. Hitler’s Propaganda Methods • Present simple themes in a repetitive manner • Appeal to emotion rather than intellect • Have broad appeal to the masses • Focus mainly on one enemy - Claim that this enemy is at the root of all problems

  4. Propaganda: Pervasive in Nazi Germany • Images – Posters, Book and Newspaper Illustrations • Spoken Word – Nazi Speeches and Radio broadcasts; Songs and slogans • Printed Word – “Der Sturmer” ; Academic publications; School curricula • Dramatic - cinema (i.e. Triumph of the Will; The Eternal Jew; Jud Suss); Party Rallies

  5. Hitler as the Heroic Leader

  6. Hitler Youth Propaganda “He alone who owns the youth, gains the Future!”

  7. Today’s Boys and Girls are Tomorrow’s Soldiers … • 1930s: Adolf Hitler trained and turned the youth in Germany into “good Nazis” • Children marched through the street and terrorized townspeople • Learned how to fight and advocated for Hitler • “Tattle tales”: Turned their backs on those who did not uphold Nazi agenda (even their own parents!)

  8. Hitler knew the minds of children could be shaped like clay. "If an adult says 'I will not come over to your side' I will calmly answer 'your child belongs to us already.' What are you? You will pass on!"

  9. The “Big Father” • He took over their upbringing, education and leisure time • He warned parents that interference or failure to cooperate would result in imprisonment or having their children sent to other Nazi homes to be reared.

  10. He wrecked the German school system • He cared nothing about reading, writing or arithmetic “I do not want an intellectual education. I want young people who will grow up to frighten the world... arrogant, violent, unafraid, cruel youth who must be able to suffer pain. Nothing tender and weak must be left in them."

  11. Schools were turned into Nazi training centres; all courses were “Nazi-fied” • Jewish teachers and professors were fired • Some students were so brainwashed that they turned on their anti-Nazi parents Brainwashing…..

  12. A Typical School Scene in Nazi Germany - At the front of the class, a picture of Hitler. - Salute the picture at least 10 times a day - Lunch: Prayer to the “Fueher” thanking him for the food - Teachers had to swear to make students into Nazis (under oath). “MEIN KAMPF”

  13. Youth Groups Hitler Youth – boys 6 – 18 - After 1936, all boys had to be a part of the organization. - They attended military camps trained to be soldiers, studied the Nazi philosophy and swore an oath to Hitler. - "Blood and Honour" upon graduation and a diploma from the Hitler youth

  14. League of German Maidens - girls 10-18 - They wore uniforms, went backpacking on long marches and learned survival techniques. • “Proper Nazi mothers” “It is your duty to bear children for the fatherlands! The Fueher wills it! Marriage is unimportant'“ • As a result many young teenagers became mothers

  15. Power and Pageantry

  16. Goals of Anti-Jewish Propaganda • To connect Jews to every problem facing Germany and every other group seen as opponents • To reinforce traditional negative stereotypes about Jews • To create a climate of contempt toward Jews • To dehumanize the image of Jews (to facilitate discrimination, segregation, exile, and murder)

  17. The Jew as CommunistFrom the cover of the book The Eternal Jew

  18. The Jew as Capitalist Exploiter “The God of the Jews is Money.  And to gain money, he will commit the greatest crimes. He will not rest until he can sit on the largest sack of money, until he becomes the King of Money.”

  19. Nazi propaganda poster blaming Jews for the war

  20. All Enemies are Jews! Note the similarity between the portrayal of Churchill (who was not Jewish) and the antisemitic stereotype.

  21. Jews depicted as controlling the Allies

  22. Jews plotting to rule the world The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Front cover of a French edition)

  23. The “Blood Libel”

  24. The Jew as demonic From an advertising poster for a movie

  25. The Poison MushroomAChildren's Book

  26. Der Giftpilz (The Poisonous Mushroom) excerpt A devil goes through the land,It's the Jew, well-known to usas a murderer of peoples,a race defiler, a child's horror in all lands! Corrupting our youthstands him in good stead.He wants all peoples dead. Stay away from every Jew,and happiness will come to you!

  27. “Jews Get Out!”: A Children’s Game

  28. Dehumanizing Images: Jews portrayed as vermin

  29. Lessons for Today • Learn to recognize and interpret propaganda and to distinguish it from legitimate attempts to inform. • Recognize distortions embedded in public communication (i.e. - stereotypes, misuse of statistics, over-generalization, guilt by association, etc..) • Recognize that images and words are important because they create the social climate – which will tend either toward respect or contempt.

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