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Controls Quals Review Presentation

Controls Quals Review Presentation -Sandipan, Carlos, Chun-Chih, Edgar, Kurt, Pannag Overview When to take the Quals Administrative requirements Courses, Committee Steps in preparation for Quals What to expect in the Quals When to take Quals No rules about that

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Controls Quals Review Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Controls Quals Review Presentation -Sandipan, Carlos, Chun-Chih, Edgar, Kurt, Pannag

  2. Overview • When to take the Quals • Administrative requirements • Courses, Committee • Steps in preparation for Quals • What to expect in the Quals

  3. When to take Quals • No rules about that • Typically the end of 3rd year or beginning of 4th year • Should have completed the required number of classes • Your and your committee’s convenience

  4. Administrative stuff • 4 Courses in Control • No S/U courses allowed • 2 Courses in each of the minors • Atleast one minor must be outside ME • Not sure about S/U. (Will ask Pat) • Committee: • 2 faculty members from Controls • 1 from each of the minors • Atleast one of the two outside ME

  5. Overall steps in Quals • Decide upon your committee • Decide upon the date of your Quals • Discuss with the faculty what to study • Meet them regularly • Study hard! • Good idea to take practice Quals

  6. Deciding your committee • Start doing this atleast 3 months in advance. Earlier would not hurt • Factors to consider: • Someone whom you have taken a class with is preferable • Someone you know well- common projects between Profs • Whether you would like to study the course material concerned with that Prof. • When did you take that course ? • Classes done recently should be easier to revise! • Professor’s reputation as a Quals committee member • Nice/ harsh/ expects a lot ? • Ask senior students • Pat can tell you who all took her/him in their Quals • Whether he/she is out of station for the whole semester • …. • Other members in the committee can add to this list!

  7. Scheduling • Meet the Profs • “I am planning to take my Quals somewhere around March. Would like to be on my Quals?” • Ask them for their schedules • Fix a date. Book a room! • Choose the head of the committee • The Quals committee should be approved by him! • Submit the form signed by him

  8. Over to the committee for more specific questions…..

  9. What to expect in the Quals • First a short presentation (20 mins talk time) on your research • Substantial research work not expected • Courses are the main emphasis • Each Prof will ask questions in his area • Stress on basic concepts • What to know about each concept/result: • what is it • why is it important • What assumptions/ when can you (not) use it • No gory proofs!!! • Can be one large question • Can be a series of short questions

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