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Guide to Windows Desktop. Shortcuts Customize Display Lock Workstation Change Password. Desktop - Items of Interest:. To put a shortcut on the desktop On the desktop, double-click My Computer .
Shortcuts Customize Display Lock Workstation Change Password Desktop - Items of Interest:
To put a shortcut on the desktop On the desktop, double-click My Computer. Click the item, such as a file, program, folder, printer, or computer, that you want to create a shortcut for. If the item is located on a drive, double-click the drive, and then locate the item. On the File menu, click Create Shortcut. Drag the shortcut onto the desktop. Desktop – Adding a Shortcut:
Customize Display: • Jazz up your monitor with this: • In Start Menu, select Settings. • Click Control Panel. • Click Display.
Customize Display: • Experiment with your pattern and your wallpaper. You can center the wallpaper, which puts the wallpaper in one box in the middle of your screen. Or you can tile the wallpaper which effectively covers the entire screen. • You may also use pictures that have been scanned into the computer or found on the internet.
Customize Display: • Opt for a scrolling marquee to show off your witticism to co-workers and family members. Click the drop-down menu for screen saver choices. Choose whichever image strikes your fancy, then hit settings to adjust the frequency. If you decide to have a scrolling message, click settings to type it in.
Customize Display: • This tab gives you the ability to change the colors and fonts that are displayed on the monitor. • Note: be careful not to make the colors of the window and the font the same. This will cause you severe grief.
Customize Display: • The Settings tab gives you the ability to change the number of colors you monitor can display and the size of your screen. • In the screen area it is recommended that you use a minimum size of 800X600.
Lock Workstation: • The Windows NT operating system has a "Lock Workstation" facility that allows the user to temporarily block access to the computer. The only way to regain access is to enter the user's password. • To use the lock facility • Press Ctrl+Alt+Del while logged on • Select "Lock Workstation" from the dialog box that pops up. • To regain access • Press Ctrl+Alt+Del and enter the correct password.
Change Password: • Log onto the computer; • Press Ctrl-Alt-Del • A dialog box labeled “Windows NT Security” will appear. • Click 'Change Password'; • A dialog box labeled “Change Password” will appear • In the item labeled “Old Password”, type in you old password • Type a new, valid password for “New Password” • Retype the new password for “Confirm New Password” and click 'OK'; • A message will indicate successful completion.
Switching between Windows: • You can work in only one window at a time. The active window appears in front of all other windows and has a blue title bar. • To display the window you want, click on its title bar. • Another way to change windows is to hold down the alt key and then hit the tab key to cycle through the open programs. • The window will appear in front of all the other open windows.
Accessing Windows Explorer Menus Folders Moving Files Finding Files Delete Files Rename Windows Explorer- Items of Interest:
To access your Windows Explorer: Click on Start, Programs, Windows Explorer Size the window for your desired viewing. You can also size each of the vertical windows within the larger one to see all the information Accessing Windows Explorer
Create folders by performing these steps: Open Windows Explorer -- Start, Programs, Windows Explorer If your window is small you may need to enlarge it (maximize it or drag the right lower corner). To create a folder (directory) on C: click one time on C: (on left) to highlight/select it. Go up to the menu bar at the top and click on File, New, Folder. A folder box appears on the right. Type your desired folder name. and click Enter. On the menu bar at the top, click View, Refresh and now you will see your new folder on the left. How to Create Folders
The process of moving files from one place to another is essentially the same. When right clicking, or choosing Edit from the menu, Select your file. Choose Cut instead of copy Then go to the drive or directory where you want to move the file and select paste. TIP: You can move several files at a time by Left clicking on 1 file, hold down the 'Ctrl' key while you select the other files Release the Ctrl key and on any one of the selected files drag to desired location. Moving Files
If you save a file and then can't remember what you named it or where it was saved, you can search for the file using the Windows Find feature. Windows allows you to locate files based on file name, a portion of a name, date, and/or the text included in a file. To conduct a search, you can Use your START menu and choose FIND, Files and Folders, or click on Tools on the menu bar and choose Find, Files or Folders, or right click My Computer, and choose FIND. Finding Files
The Find dialogue box comes up which looks like the image below. Using a basic search, you indicate the file name or a portion of the file name (if you don't know it all) and search either your entire computer, or any drives or directories that you choose. Finding Files
Deleting files and folders is easy - almost too easy. Here again, you have several options: Select the file or folder and click the delete icon on your toolbar Select the file or folder and press the Delete key (del) Right click the file or folder and choose Delete. Drag the file and drop it in the recycling bin on your desktop Note: Not permanently deleted until the recycle bin has been emptied. Deleting Files
With Windows Explorer, you can also change the name of a folder or file. First select the item. Renaming can be started in one of three ways. The first way is from the menu, by selecting File and then Rename. This applies to folders as well. Second, you can press the F2 function key. As a third option, you can click on the highlighted item name. Windows Explorer puts the current name in a text input box where you can edit it as needed. Press the Enter key when you are finished. To cancel the renaming procedure, press the Escape (Esc) key. Renaming Files
Help • If you don’t know how to do something, you can look it up in Help. Just click the Start button, and then click Help. • You can get Help on each item in a dialog box by clicking the question mark button on the title bar and then clicking the item. • To learn what any toolbar button is for, you can rest your mouse pointer on the button for a few seconds to display the button name.
Shortcut to Desktop • Click the item, such as a file, program, folder, printer, or computer that you want to create a shortcut to. • On the File menu, click Create Shortcut. • Drag the shortcut icon on the desktop.
Delete a File or Folder • In My Computer or Windows NT Explorer, locate the file or folder you want to delete. • Click the file or folder. • On the File menu, click Delete.
Drag & Drop Instead of Menus • In My Computer or Windows NT Explorer, find the file or folder you want to work with. • Make sure the place you want to drag the file or folder to is visible. • Drag the file or folder to the destination. The result depends on the type of file you selected and the destination. For example, to print a file, drag it to the printer icon.
Change Appearance of Items in a Folder • In My Computer or Windows NT Explorer, click the View menu, and then click one of the following commands: Large Icons, Small Icons, List or Details. Experiment to find the view you prefer. You can also sort the items by name, size, date and type, depending on the view. Experiment with the Arrange Icons command on the View menu.
Create a New Folder • In My Computer or Windows NT Explorer, open the folder in which you want to create a new folder. • On the File menu, point to New, and then click Folder. The new folder appears with a temporary name. • Type a name for the new folder, and then press ENTER.
Add a Program to the Start or Programs Menu • Click Start, and then point to Settings. • Click Taskbar, and then click the Start Menu Programs tab. • Click Add, and then click Browse. • Locate the program you want to add, and then double-click it. • Click Next, and then double-click the menu on which you want the program to appear. • Type the name that you want to see on the menu, and then click Finish. • If Windows NT prompts you to choose an icon, click one, and then click Finish.
Find a File or Folder • Click Start, and then point to Find. • Click Files or Folders. • In the Named box, type all or part of the file’s name. If you do not know the name of a file or want to refine the search, click the Date Modified or Advanced tabs. If you want to specify the location to start the search, click Browse. • Click Find Now.
Restart Your Computer • Click the Start button, click Shut Down, and then click Restart The Computer.
Copy a File or Folder • In My Computer or Windows NT Explorer, click the file or folder you want to copy. • On the Edit menu, click Copy. • Open the folder or disk where you want to put the copy. • On the Edit menu, click Paste.
Change the Name of a File or Folder • In My Computer or Windows NT Explorer, click the file or folder you want to rename. You do not need to open it. • On the File menu, click Rename. • Type the new name, and then press ENTER.
Move the Taskbar • Drag the taskbar to a different location.
See all Files and Filename Extensions • In My Computer or Windows NT Explorer, open the folder you want to look at. • On the View menu, click Options. • Click the View tab, and then click Show All Files. If you want to see all filename extensions, make sure the Hide MS-DOS File Extension box is not selected.
Using Windows Messaging to Exchange Messages With Windows Messaging, you can send and receive electronic mail messages. You send messages from and store all messages in Windows Messaging, so there’s one convenient place to look for all your messages. To start Windows Messaging • To open Windows Messaging to send or receive a message, double-click the Inbox Icon on your desktop. For information about how to use Windows Messaging, click the Help menu in Windows Messaging. Note If the Inbox Icon is not on your desktop, then Windows Messaging is not installed. To find out how to install it, click Related Topics below.
Shortcut Menus • Instead of using the standard menus to find the command you need, use the right mouse button to click a file or folder. The menu that appears shows the most frequently used commands for that file or folder.
Move a File or Folder • In My Computer or Windows NT Explorer, click the file or folder you want to move. • On the Edit menu, click Cut. • Open the folder where you want to put the file or folder. • On the Edit menu, click Paste.
Change Which Program Starts When You Open a File • In My Computer or Windows NT Explorer, click the View menu, and then click Options. • Click the File Types tab. • In the list of file types, click the one you want to change. The settings for that type are shown in the File Type Details box. • In the Actions box, click Open. • Click Edit, and then specify the program you want to use to open files that have this extension.
Adjust the Volume for Multimedia Devices • On Taskbar, locate Speaker Icon and click. • Under Playback or Recording, drag the Volume slider.
Cancel Printing of a Document • Click Start, Settings, Printer to open the Printers folder. • Double-click the printer you are using. • Select the document you want to cancel. • On the Document menu, click Cancel.
Change Your Computer’s Date • Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, Date/Time Icon to display Date/Time Properties. • In the Date area, select the correct month, year, and day.
Assign Sounds to Program Events • Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, Sounds & Multicolor to display Sounds Properties. • In the Events list, click the event you want to assign a sound to. • In the Name list, click the sound you want Windows NT to play whenever the selected event occurs. If the sound you want to use isn’t in the list, click Browse.
Change the Way the Items on Your Desktop Look • Click Start, Settings, Control Panel, Display to view Display Properties. • If you want to change the appearance of only one screen element, click that element in the Item list, and then change the appropriate settings.
CD Player to Play Compact Disk • You can use CD Player to play audio compact discs from a CD-ROM drive connected to your computer. When you put a CD into the CD-ROM drive and close it, Windows NT Explorer plays the CD automatically. • To start CD Player • Click Start, Programs, Accessories, Entertainment, CD Player.
Specify the Default Printer • Click Start, Settings, Printers to open the Printers folder. • Click the printer you want to use as the default printer. • On the File menu, click Set As Default. A check mark appears next to this command when the selected printer is the default printer.
Change the Appearance of Items in a Folder • In My Computer or Windows NT Explorer, click the View menu, and then click one of the following commands: Large Icons, Small Icons, List or Details. Experiment to find the view you prefer. You can also sort the items by name, size, date, and type, depending on the view. Experiment with the Arrange Icons command on the View command.
Restart Your Computer • Click the Start button, click Shut Down, and then click Restart The Computer.
Shortcut Menus • Instead of using the standard menus to find the command you need, use the right mouse button to click a file or folder. The menu that appears shows the most frequently used commands for that file or folder.
Log Out Process & Shutdown Procedures • Go to Start • Highlight Shutdown • Choose Restart the Computer or click Yes.