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5 Components of Wellness

Explore the components of wellness - Physical, Mental, Emotional, Social, Spiritual - for optimal health. Understand the Wellness Continuum and how to make responsible lifestyle choices. Learn about Lifestyle Diseases, Genetic/Hereditary influences, and Environmental factors on overall health. Discover the Decision Making Process to improve and move closer to wellness. Evaluate your decisions and strive for a balanced well-being.

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5 Components of Wellness

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  1. 5 Components of Wellness Physical Mental Emotional Social Spiritual

  2. HEALTH / WELLNESS- DEFINED Wellness- Optimal health based on making responsible decisions and lifestyle choices Health – A good balance of all 5 components of wellness. (PHYSICAL, MENTAL, EMOTIONAL, SOCIAL & SPIRTUAL)

  3. Wellness Continuum Wellness is a process, never a static state

  4. The Wellness Continuum • Moving from the center to the left shows a progressively worsening state of health. Moving to the right of center indicates increasing levels of health and wellbeing.

  5. 5 Components of Wellness

  6. Physical Wellness PHYSICAL WELLNESS • The physical component of wellness involves the ability to carry out daily tasks, develop cardio respiratory and muscular fitness, maintain adequate nutrition and a healthy body fat level, get adequate sleep, and avoid abusing alcohol and other drugs or using tobacco products.

  7. Mental Wellness • Mental Wellness involves the ability to learn and use information effectively for personal, family, and career development Learning Information Personal Family Career Development

  8. Emotional Wellness Emotional Wellness is the ability to control stress and to express emotions appropriately and comfortably.

  9. Social Wellness • The social component of wellness means having the ability to interact successfully with people and one's personal environment.

  10. Spiritual Wellness • The spiritual component of wellness provides meaning and direction in life and enables you to grow, learn, and meet new challenges. Religions Prayer Meditation Yoga Morals Values

  11. *Draw a Wellness continuum- Mark where you feel you currently fall. *In 3-4 sentences describe why you chose that current location & *List 2-3 ways you can improve & move closer to Wellness (Optimal Health)

  12. There are:3 factors affecting overall health

  13. 1. Lifestyle Disease What is it?

  14. 1. Lifestyle Disease= Any disease that you get due to your daily choices EXAMPLES: If you___________ then you will be “at risk” of_____________

  15. 2.Genetic/Hereditary Examples:

  16. 3.Environmental Examples:

  17. Steps to the Decision Making Process Don’t Laugh While Drowning Elephants

  18. Step #1 Define the Problem -Examine the situation. -What decisions need to be made? -Consider Everything involved

  19. Step #2 List the Options -What are the possible choices you could make? -Share your options with others. -Ask for advice.

  20. Step #3 Weigh the options/outcomes -Apply criteria to eliminate any solutions -Does it follow values? -Is it safe, legal, healthy etc…

  21. Step #4 Make a Decision and act on it -Use everything you know to make a responsible decision. -Feel good about your decision if you really thought it through.

  22. Step #5 Evaluate your decision -Reflect on what happened. -Did it turn out the way you thought it would? -Would you do the same thing if faced with this situation again?

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